12. Self Sabotage

Start from the beginning

On the subject of Dave, I haven't seen if heard from him since we agreed to be friends at the guitar shop. Which was over a month ago, I don't really know what's going on with him.

He's never there when I go over to hangout with Liliana, which is extremely weird. I hope he's okay, I'd like to think that Liliana would tell me if something bad had happened. So I wasn't super worried.

My thoughts were interrupted by Kirk planting a sloppy dramatic kiss on my lips. He then turned and looked at the guys, mischievously smirking, knowing he grossed them out as he had intended.

"We're gonna head out!" He yelled at the guys, as he interlocked his fingers with mine, leading me up the stairs.


We finally made it to my apartment, Kirk rushed over to the TV stand. He threw open the cabinet doors in it, shuffling through the movies excitedly.

I smiled at him, then walking into the kitchen to make us popcorn.

I leaned against the counter, watching the bag of popcorn inflate inside the microwave.

"Got it!" Kirk exclaimed happily.

"You find one?" I said, peeking my head around the kitchen wall.

"Mhm," He hummed. "Exorcist." He held up the tape, smirking.

"Jesus." I mumbled, turning back to the microwave which had just beeped.

I took the hot bag of popcorn, and dumped it a bowl. As I was doing so, I felt two hand quickly grab my waist on either side.

I loudly squealed, turning around to see Kirk laughing hysterically. He was laughing so hard that his face was red, and he had tears streaming down his face.

"Dude, that wasn't funny! You scared the shit out of me!" I hugged as I crossed my arms.

"You're right it wasn't funny, it was fucking hilarious!" He said, still cackling to the point where he couldn't breathe.

I stood there staring at him, waiting for his giggles to subside. He finally stopped laughing after a few minutes, wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"I'm sorry baby, it was just too tempting." He said kissing me, still metros few giggles out.

I smiled and shook my head at him, kissing him back. I seriously can't stay mad at him for more than 5 minutes, it's impossible.

"C'mon let's go watch the movie." I said smiling at him again, taking his hand leading him to the couch.

We sat down and cuddle up next to each other. I set the popcorn bowl to my empty side, Kirk still being able to reach it.

Kirk started the movie, not taking his eyes away from the screen once the entire time. He was so invested in it, he was basically inside the TV.

Me on the other hand, I basically had my face buried in his neck the whole time. I like horror movies don't get me wrong, but I also get scared super easily. Weird combo I know.

Once the movie had finally ended, Kirk looked at me and kissed the top of my head.

"What? You didn't like the movie?" He giggled.

I laughed and shook my head to myself.

I picked up the blankets and carried them upstairs to my room, as Kirk got the popcorn bowl and washed it out in the sink.


I sat on my bed momentarily waiting for Kirk, eventually he came in and carefully shut the door behind him.

I just admired him as he walked in, he turned around, his gaze meeting mine. He flashed his sweet dorky smile at me.

I don't know what it was, but in that moment, I realized that I loved him. I don't care if it was "too early", I truly loved him from the bottom of my heart. I had never felt the way I do about Kirk, with any other guy. Not even Dave.

It just felt so strong, after everything these past few months, right now I just finally knew. Weather or not he felt the same way, I don't know. For all I know, I could just be a fling to him.

"What?" Kirk questioned, giggling slightly.

I thought about saying it, but I decided not to. I feel like I'd look stupid saying it, or maybe he'd be weirded out since we're fairly early into the relationship.

"Nothing." I smiled slightly.

Kirk took his shirt and jeans off, so that he was just in his boxers. Which is how he usually slept.

He crawled into my bed next to me, softly pressing his lips on mine, smiling against them after. He laid down, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me in closer to him.

"Goodnight baby." He mumbled into the crook of my neck, and with that he feel asleep.

I laid there awake for a while, just thinking. I really wondered what I meant to him, I very well could just be a fling in his eyes.

I shook my thoughts away, shutting my eyes, and falling asleep.

Fading to Black // Kirk Hammett Where stories live. Discover now