charlie x fem reader (the devilish angels)

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Reader's pov:

"Charlie!" I called as I ran after him.

"What has gotten into you?!"

He stopped and glared at me. I flinched.

"What's wrong y/n is that the girls you were hanging out with ruined my life!" "I'm disappointed in you"

"I thought you were my friend!"

"I am!" I cried out. "How was I supposed to know?!"

"Charlie please" I whispered grabbing his arm. He shook me off and slapped me.

I fell to the ground shocked. "Charlie you just slapped me?!"

"I never changed, but you did!" I said sobbing as I ran.

I avoided him for days and as much as I knew he was feeling regret, I just couldn't forget what happened.

I really wish him the best in finding peace and happiness tho...

I did what any other person would and broke up my friendship with the girls. Devilish and manipulative they were.

It didn't take long before I moved again.

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