Damon x fem reader (no one knew i was a famous singer)

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Reader's pov:

I gaze out the window of the car as my childhood town got smaller and smaller in the distance.

I feel a little sad and excited.

I'll be going to a whole new city. And I'll get to see my best friend Damon.

I miss him...

Days pass and we have settled down. It took me a bit to get used to everything.

I made sure I woke up early and I grabbed breakfast after dressing up.

I insisted on walking to school when mom offered to drop me off. I kissed her goodbye and ran inside school.

The halls were long and I could tell people were staring. I got lost multiple times and all the while I never saw Damon.

I was dashing to my second period class, science when I tripped.

Embarrassed I kept my head low and hurriedly packed my stuff up when I saw someone offer me a hand.

Grateful I took it and looked up to see the most gorgeous person I've ever seen.

"Wait aren't you Sasha?!" "Omg u love your music!"

She giggled and it sounded like music to my ears. "Glad to meet a fan"

I smiled widely in response and froze when I saw who was beside her.

"Damon?" I whisper.

He glared at me with cold eyes. "Move away from her"

I flinched. "Damon I-It's me y/n"

To my dismay he never seemed to remember me even as I kept trying.


It hurts...

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