Chapter 10

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People finally stopped talking. She wasn't in the middle of the gossip chain, and she could finally breath. Derek left her alone like she asked him to and now people were talking about the two kids who were caught having sex in the alley. And adding to that, she woke up feeling great. It was sunny outside; she didn't have exams today and now she wasn't in the middle of the gossip chain. Life was great.

She was walking down to the cafeteria to get some lunch. She was smiling, but this was Meredith. She didn't smile for no reason. She as dark and twisty. Today, she was smiling on her way down to the cafeteria. Something bad was going to happen. That must be it. The universe doesn't let Meredith be happy for no reason. Something is going to happen soon. But she's going to ignore this feeling. She's going to enjoy the happiness.

"What's wrong with you?" Cristina asked.

"Nothing," she smiled.

"You're smiling. Why are you smiling?" Cristina crossed her eyebrows.

"Because I'm happy."

"Why exactly?"

"Do I have to have a reason to be happy?"

"Yeah, you're Meredith. You're dark and twisty." Cristina took a tray.

"I know," Meredith sighed, "The universe is about to screw me over soon, but," Meredith looked at Cristina, smiling slightly, "We're ignoring that."

"Okay, you do you," Cristina said slowly and went to find a table.

"Do you have a problem with that?"

"No, not at all," Cristina shook her head and sat down next to Izzy and George.

"Hey guys," Izzy said in her chirpy voice.

"Ugh, you sound like how Meredith feels," Cristina rolled her eyes.

"Hey!" Meredith slapped her on her shoulders.

"It's true. Have you looked in the mirror?"

"There's nothing wrong with being happy. Right, Izzy?" Meredith looked at her blonde friend.

"Totally. I'm happy all the time," Izzy bit into her sandwich.

"Okay, now that's bullshit," Meredith pointed out, "You can't be happy all the time; that's not normal, that's crap," Meredith bit into her apple.

"Uhm, Meredith," came a male voice from behind her. She knew that voice. It was the voice that sucked all the happiness out of her. This was the universe screwing her over because she was happy.

"And here goes the universe taking away all the happiness," Meredith mumbled to her friends "What, Derek?" she asked without turning back.

"Can... can I talk to you in private, please?" he muttered.

"No, I'm quite alright here."


"Whatever you have to say you can say it in front of my friends," she turned around for the first time to look at him.

"Uhm, I... I really can't."

"Oh my god," Meredith rolled her eyes, "I'll be back. Don't eat my food," she looked at Cristina.

"You don't have to go, you know," Cristina whispered.

"I'll be fine." Meredith whispered back and then turned to Derek, "What?"

"Can we just...," he pointed to the direction of the door.

"Yeah," Meredith said softly. They both headed out the door then Derek turned in front of her.

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