Chapter 4 (updated version)

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Derek stormed home, pushing everything and everyone that was in his way. Who in the world did she think she was? Accusing him of being a manwhore. He was no manwhore. That was Mark. Mark is a manwhore. But him, Derek Shepherd was nowhere near a manwhore. He respected women. Treated them like they were royalty. Well, most of the times. There were some psycho cases where you couldn't not be an ass. Like Meredith. She's nuts. Calling him names, slapping him everywhere.

She was a hypocrite. That's the conclusion Derek came to. She walks around like her life is so sad and horrible. And then she goes and insults everyone. He didn't care if he hurt her. She deserved it. Every word of it.

He got back to the apartment, very unsatisfied with the fact that he didn't get any work done because that bitch of a woman interrupted him and called him a manwhore. The door slammed open, making Mark spill some of his cider on his lap.

"Dude!" Mark looked up at him wide eyed.

Derek ignored him and walked into his room and slamming the door behind him.

"What the hell is your problem!" Mark shouted as he went into the kitchen to get himself cleaned up. When he didn't get an answer, he decided to barge into his room without warning.

"Derek!" Mark stood there; arms crossed.

"What?" Derek snapped.

"You barge in here slamming everything!"

"Leave me alone Mark."

"I would but you're breaking everything in sight and we're not that rich."

Derek turned his computer on, ignoring Mark.

"Derek!" Mark shouted again.

"I said leave me alone!" he snapped again.

"No! What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about," Derek mumbled.

"Too bad."


"I hate it just as much as you but you're acting like a baby."

"I'm not acting like a baby."

"You're slamming everything and you're about the break into a huge hissy fit. So, talk. I don't want woman Derek with me at the club today."

Derek rolled his eyes and sighed, "Meredith's a bitch."

Mark furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "Mer... Me- Oh Mary!" Mark looked back up at him, "What she do?"

"Called me a manwhore."

"Seriously? That's the reason you have your panties in a bunch?" Mark had to hold back from laughing.

"I don't have my-. You know what, forget it. I told you I don't want to talk about it."

"No, come on Shep seriously, why are you so worked up about this?" he asked in a serious tone, "So she's a bitch. There's plenty of other fish in the sea. And it's not like she's the first one to call you that."

"I'm just sick and tired of everyone thinking I'm like you."

"Hey! You wish you were me," Mark put his finger up which earned an eye roll from Derek, "Why do you even care. You're not planning on getting together with anyone anyway and you'll definitely won't be in the same class either."

"I know," he got quiet, "It's just that I'm... and she's... and I-," Derek shook his head and looked at Mark, "You're right," he smiled and sighed, "I guess it just took me by surprise," he shut his computer and headed to the kitchen.

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