good on you

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Chaeyoung's family of four people were her best support system in her whole 17 years of life. Every time she hit a milestone, they would congratulate her and give her presents no matter how small it is just to show her that they care for her as the daughter of the family. Even when it was her playing 'Happy Birthday' on her first piano successfully when she was 7, her parents gifted her a customised LED acrylic plaque with music notes and her name engraved to celebrate it.

Her brother was no exception when it comes to her. When their father was busy that night with his company dinner and their mother was still in her business trip, he was there to celebrate her for getting the number one in her class for the midterm examination. That Friday night, Jimin came home to surprise her with her favourite food and a cake for her.

"Chaengie, here. Look what I got for you.", he brought a paper bag inside after he excused himself for a while to get something in his car.

Chaeyoung pouted as she looked at the familiar turquoise blue paper bag in his hand.

"Come on, take it. It's yours.", he said as he handed her the paper bag after they had dinner together.

"Oppa, it looks expensive.", she said to him as she took the paper bag from him.

Jimin crossed his arms and smiled, "Don't worry. It's not from me alone. It's from dad, mom and me."

"I'm home!", the front door opened revealing their father coming inside. "Oh, Chaeyoung. You've seen your gift from us?", Mr Park asked as he put his shoes on the rack.

Chaeyoung ran to him and hugged him with the paper bag still in her hand.

Her father chuckled at her sudden action, "Chaeyoung, why?"

She shook her head, "Nothing, dad. I'm just...thankful for you and mom."

"Huh, just dad and mom?", Jimin interrupted while looking at her and their father with a frown.

Chaeyoung tsked.

"Of course you too, oppa. I'm thankful for you, mom and dad. Thank you..each one of you. Hmm..I wish mom is here too.", she said as she stepped back from her father.

"It's just midterm. She'll be here for your final exam result.", Jimin teased her with a smirk.

She sighed, "Don't mention final yet. Anything can happen. Please let me have a day not to think of being serious about my senior year, oppa."

Their father laughed at their chatter, "Jimin, you should give a break for Chaeyoung. Don't bully her like that, son."

Jimin smiled, "I just miss teasing my little sister. Oh, before I go, why don't you see what you got and try it, Chaengie?"

Chaeyoung nodded as she went to the sofa at the living room and began checking what was in the Tiffany & Co. paper bag that her family got for her.

"She hasn't seen it yet?"

"No, dad. She was busy pouting like a baby questioning where I got the money to buy her that stuff."

"She thought you paid for it all by yourself?"

"I will. In 2 or 3 years from now I guess."

Chaeyoung's surprised look and little gasp ended the two males' conversation as they turned to look at her.

"Dad, oppa...this is so pretty.", she said as she picked up the earrings to show it to them.

Jimin clapped his hands, "I knew it. She likes that one."

Mr Park made a defeated expression in return, "Your mom chose the two earrings though."

"Mom chose it for me?", Chaeyoung asked as she tried it on while turning around to see herself on their long mirror at the wall.

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