Goodbye Bahamas

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-Kayla P.O.V. - I woke up on Rocs chest. I sat up slowly trying not to wake him up. I thought about last night, The way he kissed me and how he held me so tight as we fell backwards onto the bed. I smiled and got up to get my phone and went into the bathroom. I had 20 text messages and 50 missed calls, All from the girls. I called Shante's phone. "Ahhhhh! He got the goods didnt he!?!?" Somebody yelled in the phone as soon as they picked up. I laughed. "No he didnt guys!" Tiffany faked laughed in the background. "Mhmm Okay then why were you there all night?" I bit my lip. "Umm. We fell asleep.... After he kissed me." They all screamed into the phone. "OMG! Are you guys dating again?? Please say yes!" A rain of sadness washed over me. "I wish I could say Yes guys but No... Hes still dating August." Rashia started to say something but I heard Roc walking toward the bathroom door. "Uh. Guys I have to go Rocs up. Bye be back soon." I hung up the phone and walked over to the door. I opened the door and scanned the room for Roc. I looked over by the bed and saw him hunched over doing something. I frowned my eyebrows. "Roc.. What are you doing?" I asked and walked onto the carpeted floor. He stood straight up and stared at me before he said, "I thought you went home.." The question took me by surprise. Mostly because I didnt know how to take it but the other half was because I was having trouble concentrating. I imagine I was staring at Rocs body for a minute or two before Roc snapped me back, But if you could have seen him you would understand. His eyes were still heavy from sleeping and his voice. Wow, My knees buckled when he talked and he only had on some red boxers. I shook my head. "Did... You want me to go home?" I choked on my words. His eyes widened. "Oh no! I just didnt see you when I woke up and I thought you left. Im happy your still here." He smiled and I did the same. "Uh. So You ready to go home?" Roc asked me. I scrunched my nose up. "What?" "Today is October 31. We are all leaving today.." I gasped. "Oh My Gosh! I almost forgot. Ughh. I have so much packing to do." I pouted. Roc chuckled. "I don't have much packing to do. If you want I could come and help you?" I smiled. "That would be great and I also need a ride home..?" "Okay. I got you.." He bit his lip and looked into my eyes. Gah! I love when he does that. He seems to wipe a lot of trouble out of me. Roc smiled and looked away. "Ehh Um. You hungry?" "Yeah.Lets eat." - Roc P.O.V. - "Oh please. She couldnt cook or anything!" I said as I pulled up to Kayla's Condo. Kayla laughed. "You know what? I feel for you Roc but you know what they say right?" "No Kayla, What do they say?" "The first is always better!" We both smiled. "Well in my case. That is very true." i shook my head and Kayla laughed. "I know right!" "Oh Kayla. Dont flatter yourself." I smiled. "Im not! Im just stating facts boo. Now come on, We have work to do!" She laughed, Open the door and got out. I did the same. I took a deep breath and walked around the car. Kayla stood there and waited on me. The next thing she did shocked me. She put her hand in mine. I looked down at her and she looked up at me. We just smiled. "Come now! I flight leaves in 4 hours and I have a ton of cloths." She smiled and we walked up the side walk hand in hand. As soon as we walked into the door I heard high pitched screams. Im sure they all want details about what happened last night. Shante, Tiffany, Rashia and Brittney all came running over to the door. For a minute I thought they were going to tackle Kayla but they all stopped in there tracks and stared at something. It took me a minute to notice they were looking at us holding hands. Brittney had a huge grin on her face. "Oh Kayla! We need to talk! Like right now!" Shante yelled and ran over to take Kayla away from me. "But Rocs here to help me pack!" She said as Shante tried to drag her away. 'Oh the boys are in the back playing the game. You guys can pack when were done talking. Now come on!" Shante and the rest of the girls pulled Kayla away and up the stairs. All I could do was laugh and shake my head. I walked to the back room and saw Ray, Prod and Prince playing MW3 (Thats my game!) "Ayee!" I screamed and all three of them turned around. "Whats up Roc! We heard you and Kayla had a night together..." Prince gave me a devious look. "But our girls wont tell us what kind of night it was.." Prod added on and chuckled. "Of course we all know she let you get it in son!" Ray finished and they all laughed. "Nahh. We just hung out." I said. "Oh please! Yall didnt just hang out! Yall had to be doing something.." Prod said. "I swear. She just fell asleep on me after I kissed her.." I smiled. and all the boys yelled. "OHH!" I laughed. "You almost back in there man.." Prince added. I started to say something but then the door opened and Kayla peeked in. "You ready Roc?" She smiled. "Yeah. Ight boys yall good now!" I said to them and walked out. Kayla and I went to her room and started packing in silence. After about 20 minutes of non stop packing Kayla sat down and broke the silence. "Okay. I need to tell you something right now." I put down the gang of hangers I had in my hand and went to sit next to her. "Go ahead." Kayla turned and looked me in my eyes. "Roc, I thought this week was going to be hell out her with you and August but all this did was make me realize how much I love you. And I hate you because of that." I frowned my eyes brows. "What?" Her eyes got watery. " I love you with all my heart Roc but I cant have you! I dont know if you understand how much that hurts me.. I need you Roc!" Kayla started crying. I was speechless. All I could do was hold her and whisper. "I love you too. More than you could imagine." - August P.O.V. - I sat down in my Mom's office. "How was the week in the Bahamas?" She asked. "Horrible. Rocs old girlfriend showed up, I think hes going to break up with me now." My mom put down her laptop and looked at me. "He won-" Interrupted her. "Oh Mother! Hes not stupid. He'll figure out he can break up with me now since yall have started recording and shooting videos!" I rolled my eyes. "Its Whatever though. I dont want him anymore. Im afraid hes gonna be low on cash until next pay day." My Mom scowled me. "What did you do August?" "Nothing important. So ho-" I stopped talking as the door to my moms office slid open. A guy around my age walked in the door. I felt like I've seen him before though. "How may I assist you boy?" My mom asked. "You're the manager of Mindless Behavior right?" The guy asked. "Yes. Why?" "The guy Roc, He stole my girl and I know your daughter here is probably mad at him for sneaking around with her." He looked at. "I know you. You were in the Bahamas! Uh Josh right?" "Yes. That me." "So whats this thing about Roc?" "I have a wonderful plan to get back at him for what he has done to us both.." I smiled/"Go on."

I love you with my life. (Roc story sequel)Where stories live. Discover now