I'm sorry..

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"Roc I need to have a word with you." A lady called from an office. Roc gets up and walks into the office. "Yes ma'am?" He says while taking a seat in front of her desk. "Roc I know you really want to be in this group and I want you to be in it to." The lady sighs. "But my family comes first and it seems that my daughter, August has taking interest in you." Roc frowns. "Okay, So what does that have to do with me begin in the group?" The lady sits back in her chair."Roc. You have to date August in order to be in my group." Rocs eyes widen. "Um Keisha, I- I cant I have a girlfriend at home waiting for me to come back tomorrow. I cant just break up with her to have a fake relationship with your daughter!" "I see.." Keisha sits forward. "Well. I'll make sure you make it back to to your girlfriend." "So I'm still in the group?" "No." "You can't do this Keisha! How can you make me do this?!?!" "I will give you until this afternoon to make up your mind." Keisha gets up and walks out of the room leaving Roc there crying.

I shoot straight up from my bed and look around my room. Great, It was just a dream but it seemed so real. I get up and walk down to the kitchen and pour myself a cup of orange juice. While I poured the juice I glanced at the oven clock. 3am. I took a sip of my OJ. What could a dream like that mean? Could it tie to what Roc and all my friend are trying to tell me? I shook my head. Gosh if I could just get the chance to talk to him without August begin there maybe I could find out what this all mean. "At night I think of you, I want to be your lady baby!" My phone rang. Which was really strange because the only person in my contact that had that song is....Roc. I unlock my phone and find a text message that read," Kayla Im sorry about what happened the other night and i really really need to talk to you. Meet me in the alley behind James 43." I almost immediately ran to the door but something stopped me. What if that wasnt Roc? What if August took his phone and was planning to jump me in this alley? I texted him back. "How do I know this is really you Roc?" I paced impatiently waiting for who ever had the phone to text back. "Im the only one who can tell you where your birth mark is..." I blushed. It was really him because he was defiantly the ONLY one who knew where it was. "Im on my way." I sent him the message as I walked out the door. - Roc P.O.V. - I looked at my phone and read the text message "Im on my way." and smiled partly because she was coming but mostly because I knew she had to be blushing when I told her I remembered where her birth mark is. About 10 minutes later I heard some noises come from the back part of the alley. I turned and saw Kayla approaching slowly. "Roc, Is that you? " She whispered. "Yeah." I replied as I began advancing toward her until we stood face to face. I looked deep into her eyes. I saw all the pain and hurt she was suffering through because of me. I'd taken all of her happiness from her when I brought August home. "Im so sorry Kayla. I really am.." I whispered. "Its okay." She put rubbed her hand on my arm. It's been forever since i've felt her soft touch. "No Kayla, Its not. My manager told me to choose between you and fame. I made the wrong choose." My eyes began to water as I touch Kayla's hand. She looked up and me and I could see she was crying. - Kayla P.O.V. - I started to cry as soon as Roc began to talk. I could hear in his voice how sorry he really was. He touched my hand and I looked up and saw his eyes watering. I opened my mouth to speaking but it seemed like I was lost for words. Everything was clear to me now. What Shante started talking about and Roc trying to explain why he didnt want to break up. It was all a forced arrangement. "R-Roc " My voice was shaky but I continued to talk. "I couldn't be mad at you for choosing fame over me. I understand why you made the choose, I just wish you would have told me." I looked into his eyes. "Kayla trust me if you can but I really wanted to tell you but August was always all over me and Keisha wanted it to be a secret." I shook my head. "How come everyone else knew?" "They wouldn't leave me alone about how big a jerk I was so I told them but I couldn't blame them for calling me a jerk but because I still after I told them." "Roc, You're not a jerk. I-I'm not mad at you anymore because the truth is I still love you with all my heart even though I can't have you right now." Roc smiled. "So-so you forgive me?" I shook my head. "Yes." He smiled so hard I thought he was going to be stuck. "Kayla there's one more thing." He blushed. "What?" I half smiled. " I still love you too." Roc bends picks me up and gives me the tightest bear hug ever while spinning me around. I knew we weren't dating anymore but I was still kinda hoping he would have gave me kiss... - Josh P.O.V. - I was walking down James 43rd when I heard some talking going on down an alley. I peaked my head around the corner and saw Roc and August and I was fulled with anger in under a second. How could she be with him when we just had moment? I was going to leave until I heard Roc say something that could have very well help me get Kayla. He was under a contract to be dating August so he could be in the group. Haha he may think he has her again but he has no idea what coming for him! I stayed and watched them talk, which only made me madder. I watched until I couldn't take it anymore. I walked into the alley while Roc was hugging Kayla stood there until one of them noticed me. "Um Josh? What are you doing here?" Kayla said as she slide of Roc arms. "I probably should be asking you the same question adding the fact that you're here with this low down dirty piece of crap that people call a man!" Roc eyes turned from a calm hazel to a dark red. Maybe I went to far with that one. I thought he was going to charge me but instead he just laughed. "Who is this kid?" He looked at Kayla. "Just a person I know." She said. "Just a person you know? How can you say that when we totally just had sex on the beach last night?" I lied but I couldnt help. I knew we had just talked but I needed something and it worked. "What?" Rocs eyes went to blood shot red. "He's lying! We just talked! I swear Roc!" Kayla's eyes became watery as she tried to explain to Roc. He was going to believe her so I needed something to make them both mad. "Oh and why should you care Roc? Im sure you've been ******* August every night!" I was really pushing my luck right now. Roc was 3 times my size but my plan was helping me. I started backing up as Kayla began to talk to Roc. "Wait, Roc have you? Did you break our promise? Unless you really love her?" Kayla began to cry and I took my chance and ran without looking back. - Roc P.O.V. - The kid almost got it but I couldn't leave Kayla here thinking I was messing up August like that or that I loved her. "No! I promise I didn't break our promise I don't love that girl!" I wiped away Kayla's tears in reassurance. "Okay, I trust you and you have believe me Josh is lying! I didn't have sex with him!" "I know. I could tell he was lying I just got really mad at the thought of it even though you should be the one really mad at me." I looked down. "Don't be mad at your self okay? For me?" I looked up and into her eyes. "Ight. How about I walk you back to your condo before it the sun comes up? " She smiled. "Lets go." I don't know why I did it but I was happy I did, I grabbed her hand and she just smiled. - Kayla P.O.V. - I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face. I was happy Roc talked to me and I forgave him I felt a lot better about coming on this trip. When I think about it Im happy Brittney lied to me. Last night I also learned that I really do hate Josh and the next time I see him im going to kick him in his balls. I walked down stairs into the living and found a note laying on the couch that read, "Went to lunch at Olive Garden, Gonna be back at 6. Sorry we left you but we were starving!" I frowned. Lunch? I went into the kitchen and it was already 4 p.m. Wow, I wonder what time I got in last night? I'm su- My thoughts were interrupted by someone coming in the door. Who could it be? My friends said they wouldn't be back til 6. "Um, Who is it?" I yelled from the living room. No answer. I walked slowly toward the door, when i turned the corner I saw Josh picking up an umbrella that he must have knocked over. Anger filled me after I got done analyzing the scene. "What the heck do you think you're doing here?" I said in an intense voice. He smiled " Came to talk to you of course." Josh began coming toward me and I started backing up.. "You need to leave Josh!" He pouted. "Aw come on Kayla, I think we should have some... fun together." Josh bit his lip and I knew exactly what "fun" meant to him. I shook my head and turned around and tried to run but I was to slow, Josh ran forward and grabbed my arm pulling me into him. He got right in my face and said," Now, I was planning on being nice about this but you've given me no choice to be hard you." I turned my head. I could smell the vodka on his breath, How could I forget the smell? I smelled it both times my dad raped me. I began to cry. "Roc! Help me!" I scream. Josh chuckled. "He can't hear you babe." "Dont.. Dont call me babe!" "You can't do anything about it. Can you? I can do anything to you right now." He bit his lip. "Like this" He stuck his hand down my shirt and I punch him in the face, Which only mad him madder. "You trynna be a bad *****? While lets see how you like this?" Josh started unbuckling his pants and took my chance and kicked him in the balls. He doubled over and I ran up the stairs to my room. My phone, Wheres my phone!?!? I searched rapidly. I founded it and typed in Rocs number but I wasnt sure if I was able to press the call button because Josh rammed me onto the floor and my phone went flying over my bed. "Ahh!" I cried out in pain as Josh's weight crushed me. "I gave you two chances!! But because I love you so much I won't make this really painful. Josh took off my shirt and examined my boobs. "mmm, Im going to have fun doing this.." "Josh! Stop get off of me!! Don't do this!" He slapped. "I can do what ever I want to do *****!" Josh started slipping off my pants and i cried. "Josh dont do this!" I screamed. "Stop! Somebody help me!! Roc!! Please somebody hes trying to rape me!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Josh mimicked me. "Somebody help her im try- oh wait not trying I am going to rape her! And im going to have so much fun doing it.!" - Rocs P.O.V. - I ran down the beach is fast as I could. Bat in one hand and my phone in the other. I keep putting the phone to my ear to hear what happening. The last thing I heard before I blasted out the condo was Kayla screaming for help. I wasnt going to let this dude so this to her. When I reached the house I slowly opened the door making sure not to make to much noise. I hung up my phone and moved up stairs. I heard some sobs coming from the room on the far left. I walked down there slowly with my bat ready. I walked into the room the room and saw Kayla on the floor with Josh on top of her. She only had on panties and her bra and josh was just about to slip off her panties when I swung my bat and knocked him off of her. I looked at him as he hit the floor with a "Thud" - Kayla P.O.V. - Put my hands over my eyes so I wouldn't have to look at Josh as he took off my clothes. I was waiting for him to slip off my panties when I heard a "Thud" I uncovered my eyes and saw Roc standing over Josh with a bat in his hand. I sat up. "You okay?" Roc asked as he bent down to be. "Yeah, Now I am." I kinda smiled. Roc wiped away my tears with his soft hands that I missed so badly. "Um maybe we should get your clothes back?" Roc said and I looked down remembering Josh almost raped me. Roc can do that to me sometimes, Make all the bad things go away. I caught myself staring into his eyes. I shook my head. "Ehh, Yeah we should."


I love you with my life. (Roc story sequel)Where stories live. Discover now