Mission to Prakith

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         -palace of Nineveh, Akkadia-

I was on my large bed surrounded by a respirator and medic droids. The absorption of the force power of the different dimensional plane has caused me great pain. My body felt like it was rotting away slowly and painfully and the a dark, black storm covered the entirety of the Assur star system. Darkness covered the Seswenna Sector of the galaxy as my power was nearly uncontrollable. My sith sorcerers suggested sharing parts of it to stop the pain. I used the gauntlets of Marka Ragnos to turn my wives and sister immortal but it was not the case. Death was conquered after I eliminated Snoke and absorbed the life essence of a system but I felt death approaching.

A spine chilling cold was in my room as doctors and sith healers tried to fix my body. My wives, sister, friends and military leaders beside me to know of my condition. I roared in pain as the doctors attempted to cure me but to no avail. A medic droid was crushed into a tin can because of my pain and a sith healer was pushed to the door. My sister cried as she feared losing the brother she discovered just days ago. My wives to cried in their fear of losing me. The healers tried their best but it was uselees. This was most likely going to develop into a wound in the force and I wouldn't want that.

''My emperor, there is nothing we can do to heal you. No such remedy for this exists.'' a sith healer told me.

''If we cannot turn to technology, then we turn to the force.'' I said.

''But my lord, you don't mean essence transfer. We could try clones but your power is so immense you would constantly need to move into fresh bodies.'' the healer replied.

''No. We turn to the ancient sith. I asked them for help but they rejected me. They even attempted to attack me but I proved powerful for them. The secrets of the immortal god-king of Prakith is my only hope now.''

''D-d-d-Darth Andeddu, my lord? Do you even have any marauders to spare right now?''

''I have one and she is most prepared. Roxanna!'' I called onto my second in command and she entered the royal bedroom. She walked past the guards, sith knights, military officials and stood before me. ''Do you still thirst for battle?''

''You know the answer to that, my lord. Always.'' Roxanna answered.

''Good. Take this holocron.'' I said, using telepathy to give Roxanna the holocron. ''This is the holocron of Darth Andeddu. It contains his consciousness. Go to Prakith and take his books. Beware the tomb for if his holocron is placed atop it, the tomb will drain you of your life and resurrect Andeddu. You are the strongest of Snoke's marauders. You fought jedi, dark jedi, Maul and Vader. You are more than enough for the likes of Andeddu.''

''Emperor Covraii, sir.'' Admiral Versio said, coming forward. ''If I may, I would like to send my daughter's strike team, Inferno Squad, to accompany lieutenant Roxanna to Prakith.''

''Granted. Go... and complete my order.'' I said and succumbed to my fatigue and fell asleep.

''It will be done, lord Salazar.'' Roxanna then left the royal bedroom to prepare a ship.

               -Prakith, Deep Core-

''We've reached Prakith, lieutenant Roxanna.'' Iden Versio, commander of Inferno Squad, said to the sith marauder. Iden found it ironic how even though Roxanna was referred to as 'lieutenant', the sith held authority greater than her father. Probably had something to do with second in commands being referred to as lieutenants in Akkadian history.

''Have the star destroyer scan the planet for orbital cannons. If found, eliminate them.'' Roxanna ordered and the ship technicians did as told.

''Darth Andeddu.'' remarked Iden. ''Do you know this person, ma'am?''

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