Rebel hunting

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                -Nineveh, Akkadia-

I had killed Snoke. I was now dark lord of the sith and after absorbing the life essence of the star system, was immortal. Like the sith emperor, Tenebrae/ Vitiate/ Valkorion over 2000 years ago. I oversaw the construction of the fleet and vehicles on Exegol and was pleased by the result. The deported Geonosian queen gave birth to a large brood of mindless slave workers that worked tiredlessy and without complaint for the sith eternal.  I saw the skeletons of what was to be the future apollyon class, sovereign class and the first steps in the construction of 'project endgame'. Progress was coming at a rapid rate.

I returned to my castle of Nineveh and continued the administrative work. After that, I decided to head out and looked from afar the two minutes hate rally that was being made on the most pro-imperial world. These planets had populations that were loyal to the empire and where the first steps of brainwashing were taken. Ironic that Akkadia was one of these planets given that it was skeptical regarding the empire. But I suppose my rising reputation in the imperial armed forces and the rise in economy and living standard helped change their minds.

I saw a video of Saw Gerrera speaking against the empire but his words could not be understand. In the 2 minutes hate, the masses poured out all their anger and they shouted at the extremist. Traitor, terrorist, murderer, rebel scum were just some words people threw at Saw Gerrera's image. For two minutes, they shouted and cursed without stopping then they stood still. Silent as a quiet night in the deserts of Akkadia. The imperial flag had appeared and the people stood up, arms upward and hands crossed as they were still and listened to the Galactic Empire's anthem.

'He who controls the past controls the future and he who controls the present controls the past' was what my aunt told me. I used her teaching to turn all of Akkadia and the worlds directly under my control into my kingdom. When a leader controlled the youth, there is no chance for a rebellion. Not until they realize everything had been a lie but then, their minds would be too shattered to admit it. The next target was language and conceptual ideas. If freedom or rebellion as a concept to these people did not exist, would they truly know? Now, for the new generations that are born into the empire, service to the empire is their only purpose in life. Individuality was most targeted and like the faceless storm troopers, they too become cogs in the bigger machine.

I walked away and to the torture chambers and saw Prisca interrogating a rebel. One of Saw Gerrera's partisans. I saw the rebel have his fingers cut off. His head had less hair, blood coming out his mouth as he had some teeth missing and his eyes were bulging out. Prisca was a sweet, kind woman to those she cared about to her subordinates and enemies, she was their worst nightmare. She only shows her kind, gentle persona to her family and friends but to others... she was a ruthless, cold hearted warrior and murderer who cared for little. She only cared about results when it came to her work and shr cared not for what happens to her victims.

I saw her talking to the rebel, pulling a tooth out of his bloodied mouth and then put on the man's face, an iron mask with a box filled with rats attached to it. The man clearly was terrified of the rats if his screams weren't any indicator. The man was truly broken now and he revealed Saw Gerrera's location. Prisca came out the room and was surprised to see me. ''Oh, Sal! I didn't know you were here.'' she said, a bit embarrased to know that her husband had saw her other side.

''The rebel talked, I assume?'' I asked.

''Yes. He said Pasaana.'' Prisca informed me and I smirked at the information.

''Good. The sooner the likes of Saw Gerrera are eliminated, the more stable the galaxy can get. Captain Conrad, prepare a task force to leave for Pasaana. Tell me, how are things going along with the State Security?''

Galactic Overlord ( A Star Wars self insert story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin