"I know I just-" she pauses and looks down, "I just really wanted to go."

I grab her bicep and walk to my bed, sitting on the side. "You're in a world of trouble, young lady."

I pull her over my lap and wrap my arm around her waist.

I pull my arm back and smack down a lot harder than I usually do, gauging her reaction. She looks fine and I hit a little harder, she's still fine.

I go back to my normal strength and slap all over her backside and thighs.

Mia jerks her leg up and I cross my leg over the both of hers.

"You had better stay still, this is just a warm up." I warn as I feel tears on my leg.

"Dad it already hurts." She whines as she wiggles around.

I grab her arm and pull her up, standing up beside her.

She goes in for a hug but I stop her.

"You're not done yet." I sigh as I unbuckle my belt.

Her eyes go wide in fear as she watches me pull the belt out my khaki shorts.

"Dad what are you doing?" She asks quietly and I close my eyes before opening to look at her.

"Bend over the bed." I order and tears flood out her eyes.

"I will never sneak out again- Please." She pleads and I shake my head.

"Over the bed." I order again and she stands still.

I put the belt over my shoulder and pull her into my arms.

"I really need you to bend over the bed so we can get this over with." I whisper, kissing the top of her head.

She nods and breaks the hug, laying over the side of the bed.

I come behind her and double my belt over, placing a hand on her back. I pull my arm back and swing the belt down, catching her thighs.


As I keep going, she's becoming very vocal so I start aiming for her backside rather than thighs.

"You ever gonna sneak out again?" I ask, landing two down.

She viciously shakes her head as her sobs become louder and more incoherent.

"You ever sneak out again I'm doubling this, understood Mia?"

She nods and I land one final lick to her thighs before setting my belt on the night stand.

She pushes herself off the bed and the sight breaks my heart. She's got mascara running down her cheeks with eyeshadow everywhere.

I grab a tissue and wipe her face off, only for new tears to replace the old ones.

"You mad at me?" I ask softly and she shakes her head as she buries it in my chest.

"Can I just stay in here for a while?"

"Text Zoe to bring you clothes to change into, that dress is gonna be super uncomfortable."

She breaks the hug and grabs her phone, quickly typing.

Within 10 minutes Zoe's at the door.

I grab Mia's clothes and hand them to her to go change.

When she does, she comes back in leggings and a hoodie.

"If we weren't on vacation, I'd take your phone. Get into any more trouble and your by my side the remainder of the time were here." I warn and she nods.

I sit on the couch and she comes to sit beside me, laying her head on my shoulder.

Out of no where, a fresh wave of tears hits her and she starts sobbing again.

"Hey hey, what's wrong?" I ask and she looks up at me.

"I ruined our vacation-"

I don't let her say anything else and I pull her into my lap. Wrapping my arms around her.

"You didn't ruin anything. You'll be sore tomorrow but that's about it." I assure her, letting her lay on me.

I brush the tears from under her eyes and just hold her, watching as she starts to slowly fall asleep.

I just let her sleep, slowly reclining the seat back.

Someone knocks on the door and Alvaro walks in.

"I'm sorry, Dad." He apologizes and I beckon my finger for him to come to me.

He does and he kneels down beside me,   "Did you know I had told her no?"

He nods and I grab his chin, "You had better be lucky I'm not busting your backside. Understood?"

"Yes sir."

Mia moves a little and she opens her eyes, looking at Alvaro.

"I'm sorry I got you caught."

Mia gives him a small smile and readjusts before going back to sleep.

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