Aincrad Pt. 2: Illfang the Kobold Lord

Beginne am Anfang

Blacksmith NPC: Hello there friend. What can I do for you today?

"I want you to reinforce this sword for me," I said

"I want you to reinforce this sword for me," I said

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I handed him the sword and he looked it over. After examining it for a minute, he looked back at me.

Blacksmith NPC: Which areas would you like me to reinforce?

"Strength and durability," I said

Blacksmith NPC: That'll take a while and will cost you 1000 Col.

"that's not a problem," I said

I gave him the Col and watched him get to work. Around an hour later, he finished.

Blacksmith NPC: Alrighty. This weapon will cut through anything you may encounter out here. Use it well, friend.

"Thanks for the help," I said

I took the newly enhanced sword from him and tapped it, summoning the stat slide. it had been upgraded to max level and would take me to Floor 3 before it needed to be replaced. I discarded the default sword and headed out.

(1 month later)

It had been a month since SAO became a prison and in that time, 2000 people had died. I was leaning against a wall in the town of Tolbana with Kirito on my right. We had both upgraded our equipment drastically in the month since SAO became a death game. I now had a set of chainmail armor, a cloak to hide my face, and a +5 bastard sword. Kirito had a leather armor set with metal surrounding the joints. A random party had said they were preparing to fight the floor boss and we wanted to get the boss drop. When the time reached 3:00, I stretched and the two of us headed toward the amphitheater where the meeting would take place. When we reached it there were around 40 or so people. Kirito and I sat down on the far side while everyone else filed in. After five minutes, a guy with blue hair walked to the center of the amphitheater and cleared his throat.

Diavel: Hello everyone, my name is Diavel and the job I rolled in this game is a knight.

???: Dude, there's no job system in this game.

Everyone started laughing which seemed to piss Diavel off.

Diavel: Do you guys want to hear this or not?

Everyone went silent and let him continue. He went on to say that his party had found the boss room and spouted a bunch of morale talk about how it was time to show all the cowards hiding in the safe zones that it was possible to beat SAO.

???: Now hold on just a minute.

I looked behind me and saw a guy standing there looking very angry. He had ginger hair that was spiky all over and he also had a sword on his back. He made a show of jumping down the stairs before landing in front of Diavel.

???: Name's Kibaou, got that? before we continue, I got something I wanna get off my chest. Some of you need to apologize right now and give up your items.

SAO x Dark Souls Volume 1: Cinders of AincradWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt