Chapter 1

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This is Percy's sword

Time: Beginning of  Lightning Thief

POV Percy

"Get up," I heard Dad's voice say. I looked at him and groaned, "Let me sleep, Dad." He frowned at me. "You are asleep, though, Percy. That's the only time I can train you. Poseidon wouldn't let me near you, nor would Sally," He answered. Okay, so you probably know who I am, right? Read about all my exploits in other dimensions. Yeah, Dad told me I'm famous(big whoop). My father is the Greek god of the seas, Poseidon, but I've never met him, and my mother is Sally Jackson. I'm currently 12 years old.

You're probably wondering who I'm talking to right now, right? Well, he's pretty much my adoptive father as he's been visiting me since I can remember in my dreams. His name is Nikolaus, and he is a son of Chaos and Pontus. Due to his parents and accomplishments, he is primordial of elements, battle, hunting, weapons, and heroes. Anyway, he is a master of all weapons and has been training me daily for as long as I have been able. He also teaches me about all the monsters I might face one day and what they all look like. After a while, I started calling him Dad, and he just rolled with it.

"Hey," his voice cut through my thoughts, "I said, get up. We still have another 15 minutes before you wake up, so let's get back to it." I stood up and looked him over. He stood there in a black running hoodie, black jeans, and combat boots. He had two different rings on each of his hands, a bracelet with a dolphin tail on his left arm, and one with a wolf on his right. I took a deep breat and readied my blade, Kataklysmos. Dad readied his blade, Inferno, and charged me. Our blades clashed in a shower of sparks. I hate to say it, but I could tell he held back quite a lot. As our blades continued to clash, he started using more and more of his skills, and I got disarmed. He nodded approvingly, "You are at the skill level of several Olympians if they didn't use their powers. That is quite impressive; well done, my boy."

I smiled at him, and he sighed, "Well, as always, I'll see you tomorrow."  I woke up feeling refreshed but without remembering what I had dreamed about. (In case you were wondering, that's Nikolaus's doing; he made it so Percy won't remember anything until he is either fully revealed to the mythological world or asleep.)

------time skip to when Alecto attacks him sponsored by Iapetus, the titan of the underworld------

Mrs. Dodds turned into a shriveled hag with bat wings and claws and a mouth full of yellow fangs, and she lunged at me. Suddenly, time froze, and a whole lot of memories came flashing to me. On instinct, I grabbed my sword necklace, yanked it, and swung swiftly at the fury, cleaving her in half as she exploded into powder all over me. I looked at the sword. Its blade was a dark blue with the word κατακλυσμός, which I understood meant 'Flood,' with a bat-like guard and a black hilt. Again, I acted on instinct and said, "déraion," meaning necklace, and it turned back into my sword necklace on my neck. Then I wiped the dust off myself and tried to think about what just happened.

Before I could, Mr Brunner or Chiron entered the door and looked around. Seeing just me, he looked confused and asked, "What happened?" I shrugged, "Mrs. Dodds was talking to me about how I had been causing problems, and then she just vanished, poof." Chiron immediately snapped his fingers, and my world spun. "He's manipulating the mist to make me forget Mrs. Dodds or Alecto? Well, it won't work, but I'll pretend it did," I thought. I reappeared on the front steps and went back to Grover. I retreated into my mind while I let the normal me that people know to take over, a trick Dad taught me.

The normal me was acting, well, normal, as if I didn't remember anything unique, and Chiron's mist manipulation worked on me as well. At the same time, I mentally ran scenarios of what happened that Hades sent a fury after me, why the weather was so weird, and what would happen. While physically, I continued to behave normally, I continued to think and think.

------time skip to the fates and the bus incident sponsored by Ananke, the primordial of fate and mother of the three fates------

Regular me was looking around, and something caught my eye: three old ladies knitting a giant pair of socks. I realized they were the fates and immediately took control of my body. I watched them intently as they drew their scissors and snipped the string of life, signifying when that person would die, but I could tell it was not my life. Unfortunately, Grover was freaking out about them, and I retreated into my mind and took a nap.

------time skip to the beach at Montauk sponsored by Hypnos, the god of sleep------

I need to have a conversation with myself. While I was sleeping, the other me was living his best life. We went to our cabin at Montauk, like, come on, dude. Anyway, Grover showed up and said we had to go. My mom took us to Gabe's Camaro. "Definitely sending him to the fields of punishment when I get home," I thought. And she drove us to camp. We were almost there when things went wrong. Suddenly, all the hairs on my neck stood up, my eyes widened, and the smell of ozone intensified.

I felt the lightning strike coming at us, taking over my body, and cast a shield over us with water so that the blast wouldn't kill us, only knock us off the road. We went flying, and I slipped into unconsciousness for a second. While I was out, Dad appeared to me, "Hey Percy, I know I've been training you, but you need to keep it a secret. To do that, you will focus your battle skills like you did your consciousness. In gamer terms, it will split into different modes you can activate. You must use the mode labeled Greek demigod and only use the one labeled Primordial if necessary." He said all this, and I nodded and said, "Yes, sir."

So, I did as instructed. I'm not going to tell you how because it's a trade secret. Once I was successful, Dad clapped for me. "Well done. It took me a while to figure that out, and you got it in 5 minutes of dream time. Okay, so activate the Greek demigod one. See you at camp," he finished with a wink.

I woke up confused about what he meant but didn't worry too much as we had other problems. I scrambled out of the car, dragging Grover with my mom's help. Then we saw it, and well, it was a sight. "My god... is that?" I directed at my mom, and she nodded, "Yes, it is Pasiphae's son. We need to go now." We started scrambling towards Camp Half-Blood. We almost made it when things went wrong.

The minotaur charged us, and we sidestepped. He charged my mom, and she tried to do it again, but he reached out and grabbed her. "NO!" I yelled as he squeezed his hand around my mother, and she vanished. In the back of my mind, I registered that she didn't die and was only teleported somewhere, but I was too mad to think. I yanked on kataklysmos and charged. I didn't do as Dad said and used all my skills and powers. I chopped off both of the minotaur's horns before decapitating it, and then I registered what had happened. "She's not dead," I told myself over and over again.

I put my sword away and checked on Grover, who had been unconscious since the car. I started carrying him up the hill when suddenly I froze, looking at the guy at the top. He stood in his hoodie, jeans, and combat boots. Dad, but he looked younger. "Dad?" I question. He puts a finger to his lips, "It's just Nick here. I've had a cover identity here for a while. Only Chiron and a few others know who I am as well." He looked at Grover, "Take him to the big house. You're going to pass out once you get there, and I will find you there. Go, my boy," he said softly, disappearing into the shadows.

I dragged Grover to the big white house and realized why it's called the Big House; I thought he was using big as an adjective. As soon as I set him down, I started losing consciousness and collapsed. The last thing I saw was my dad leading Chiron to me.

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