"Won Won wears long long john johns," Pavarti said, Maddie stumbled as she giggled catching her balance on the door, it opened and she exclaimed, Cho caught her, 

"Angel," Maddie said as Cho placed her on her feet again, "You've got, you've got wings,"

"I've just heard the most-" Cho cut herself off with excitement, it was nice to see her this way, "Weasley- girl Weasley is here, just down there and, and she is here with Dean Thomas, and she told me-" She cut herself off with laughter, 

"Won won going to be here soon?" Asked Padma, 

"Bite me."

"Forgive me, Lav, but I simply must know," Padma insisted, 

"Finnigan the little one with the anger and the sparks, he's got this really fit mum, and well a short dad who I'm sure has just an amazing personality, well- Finnigan's uncle Leo, also fit, took him and his fit mum to Romania and Finnigan, short one managed to see the dragon Weasley the hot one, and well Finnigan's mum's short husband has passed god rest his soul," She touched the Sirius Black wanted poster as they so often did while referencing God, "And the dragon Weasley shagged Finnigan's mum," 

"Dragon Weasley?" Padma breathed, 

"The white whale," 

"What I would've payed to see that,"

"What's so wrong with Ron?" Lavender asked, standing up her makeup freshly painted onto her face, 

"What's wrong wrong," Corrected Padma,

"What?" Cho asked, 

"Why is it so strange to you lot that I'm with him? Hmm? Why do you have to tease? He's, he's- I mean you lot fantasize about every other Weasley,"

"Never stick up the arse Weasley," Padma insisted, 

"Except for that one time. But that was after we spoke to Clearwater."

"Ron is a hero he's Potter's right hand, and, and- I didn't see any of you off at the ministry fighting death eaters," Lavender said, her cheeks warming rapidly, "Maddie is shagging one instead,"

"He's not a death eater, and we haven't-"

"Oh come off it. Potter's been driving Weasley mad with his theories about which Slytherins are death eaters. Malfoy. Nott. Flint. And when has Potter been wrong?" Lavender said, 

She was right of course. Justified in this. Theodore Nott was a death eater and Maddie did not know. Of every petty jealousy Lavender was capable of, she was right to do this. Even if her motivation was rotten she was right to tell Maddie the truth, try to make her see it, 

"I'm happy with Ron." Lavender lied through her teeth, eyes narrowed on Maddie, insisting it was true, 

She stormed from the dorm stomping down the steps into the common room, stopping three steps from the bottom as she searched the crowd of dancing teenagers for her boyfriend, 

She spotted Theodore Nott instead, he stood near the entrance, he held Daisies, and accepted a drag from Pucey's cigarette when it was offered,

Daisies were Maddie's favourite flower, the wrappings were pink and gold and he was searching the crowd for someone reluctant to venture into it, 

Lavender did not hesitate, she pushed through the crowd, passed Hawthorne, passed Lovegood spiral like dance, passed Macmillan and Parkinson, passed Davies and Rogers, passed Ronald Weasley, passed anyone and everyone until she stood just in front of Theodore Nott, 

He did not notice her for all of fifteen seconds. She was wearing half a heart around her neck. Theo recognized it as the twin of a necklace Maddie used to wear, 

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