Open Season

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"So, why did you call me here?"

"I thought you deserved an explanation."

"There's really no need, I don't know why I reacted in quite that way, but I assure you, I am supportive of you and Scarlett-"


"-and I apologize for acting so cold towards you. You had just risked your life for me and I treated you terribly. There-"


"-was no excuse for that behavior, it was horrible to do that to you and I-"


Florence finally looked up at me.

"Can I say my piece, please?" I laughed slightly.

She nodded sheepishly and I took a deep breath.

"There is nothing going on between Scarlett and I. Emotions were running high and I had just told her some things about me that very few people know. It was heat of the moment, purely for comfort, I swear. I don't necessarily regret that it happened, but it won't be happening again."

Florence sat there for a moment, mulling over what I had just said. I allowed us both to take a moment and let everything that was said be processed, then continued.

"I was explaining to her that it wasn't the first time I had done the whole hero thing and she wanted to know what I meant. That meant taking off my shirt, which is why I didn't have it on when you walked up. It wasn't ever going to be anything other than a very random makeout session and I'm aware that that doesn't explain much, but hopefully someday I'll tell you the story in a less tense environment." Florence opened her mouth to deny it, but I gave her a knowing look and her lips pursed as she looked down again.

"I'm not saying I don't trust you because I do, but it's not the right time now. I will tell you at some point, I promise."

She nodded and sighed lightly. "I am sorry for how I reacted though. That wasn't my finest moment and, genuinely, I'm so sorry. I think everything just happened so fast and I didn't really get time to think things through."

I smiled and grabbed her hand, rubbing my thumb over her knuckles. "It's okay, Flo. I promise."

We both looked at each other for a moment, lost in different thoughts, until my stomach decided to announce its emptiness. I flushed bright red and Flo chuckled at me. I pulled my hand back and buried my face in embarrassment.

"I think that's our cue to get some food, ay?"

I grumbled to myself, annoyed at my body for involuntarily ruining the moment, but ultimately agreed. I felt better knowing that things were cleared up between us, however I needed to figure out where my head and heart were at. That required time alone in my room back at Lyric and I's apartment in Atlanta. I didn't want to go back, but all good things come to an end and I needed time away from the craziness that my life had become in the past couple of days. Luckily, before I started spiraling, our waiter came and broke me out of my stream of thoughts. I silently thanked him and decided to give him slightly more of a tip than I generally would have. He didn't know that he had helped, but I did.

Once Florence and I finished up our meals, we decided to take a walk through Central Park. It was a tad bit mundane, but sometimes that's exactly what you need after a hearty breakfast and an emotionally stressful conversation. We ended up sitting on a bench, admiring the sunlight filtering through the trees and watching the different people who were all around us. Everyone was in their own world. There were runners with earbuds in, some were pacing themselves and others seemed to be trying to set an Olympic record. Parents were walking their kids in strollers, ruffling each other's hair fondly. A woman was on the phone, not paying much attention.

Overwhelming - Florence Pugh (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now