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The only thing I could pay attention to on the way back to the hotel was my phone. I honestly wasn't even on it, I was just staring at it in my hands and looking at my reflection in the glass backing of the case. The last 4 hours were a complete blur and as detailed as the encounters were, it was also fuzzy. Everything from today felt like a dream that I had just woken up from. I didn't want to zone back into the world.

A hand waved in front of my face and I startled back to reality.

"We're here, Blake, let's go. We can get cleaned up and ready for tonight!"

Lyric was excited for our plans tonight. She's always been more of a clubbing person than me, but tonight would be different.

An hour earlier

My throat hurt from coughing. I glared at Lyric in dismay for a moment before I moved my sights to Scarlett.

"Wait, what? What do you mean? I haven't asked for anyone's number? Flo, you don't have to give me your number. Lyric, help me out here!"

I was getting slightly panicky because two of my celebrity crushes were in the same tiny ass room with me and I'm getting offered phone numbers. Out of all the scenarios that came to mind when I thought about today, this particular one didn't make the cut.

Flo looked at Scarlett, a bit surprised, and took a moment to huddle in the corner with her. I grabbed Lyric and pulled her to our own corner.

"Bro, what is going on, I'm so confused."

She grinned at me, which didn't help my nerves. "Okay so, you had a panic attack, Florence helped you while Scarlett came to get me, there's obviously some sort of chemistry between the two of you, you called her a cheeky little shit and to make up for it, Scarlett and I both agree that she should give you her number."

I opened and closed my mouth a couple times, just trying to comprehend what just spewed out of my best friend's mouth.

I sighed, "Okay, look. Florence doesn't have to do anything she isn't comfortable with. She has a boyfriend, so there's really no room for anything to happen between us anyways, even if there is chemistry. I don't believe you on that front, by the way. Let's just see how things go, okay? You gotta understand that they have to be extremely cautious about who they choose to interact with, especially when it comes to texting someone new. Don't get your hopes up, okay?"

Lyric nodded and was about to say something in response, but Scarlett interrupted.

"Okay, here's the plan. Blake, give Florence your Instagram. Florence, follow Blake and DM her. You will have a way to get in touch with each other and you know exactly who is who. Got it?" We both nodded sheepishly. "Alright. Blake and Lyric, phones. Unlock 'em for me, please."

We unlocked our phones and handed them to her, one by one. We watched as she typed something in on both phones and then she handed them back.

"You both have my number since I don't have social media. There's something about you that makes me want to trust you. It may be from how you were in our interactions. I respect someone who understands boundaries and such. That being said, I am trusting you both to not sell or give my number away. I want to be your friend and have fun while we're all in the same place. Can we do that?"

Lyric and I nodded.

"Good! Now, plans for later today. The cast of the MCU, who are here at the convention, are all going out to the club tonight and I think it would be fun if you guys joined. Would you be up to that?"

I exchanged a shocked look with Lyric. She nodded ecstatically and I smiled and set my hand on her shoulder. In my head, I didn't want to agree. I know what happens after an episode like the one I experienced today. People make me even more on edge and being in a club would just spike my anxiety over the edge. I didn't want to miss out or have Lyric miss out though, so when I met Florence's gaze, I have her a soft smile and nodded.


I stepped out of the car and helped Lyric down. We got back to our room and she immediately got into the shower. Even though we wouldn't be going out for a few more hours, she would take up that entire time just getting prepared to get ready.

I sat down on the bed and closed my eyes, taking a second for myself. My hands gripped the comforter on both sides of me tightly, my knuckles turning white. I flopped down onto my back and let my arms splay out to the sides. My anxiety was nearly gone when my phone buzzed. I opened my eyes and sat up, pulling it from my pocket.

Black Widow 🕷

Are you guys ready for
tonight? I think it'll be a
lot of fun. Let me know
when you guys are on
your way and we'll let
the bouncers know :)

I dropped my phone on the floor and put my hands over my face, leaning forward with my elbows on my knees. I heard a muffled buzz come from my abandoned phone and I groaned, laying against the bed again and hit my head against the mattress.

This was going to be bad.

Overwhelming - Florence Pugh (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now