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Not long after we drove through Times Square, Lyric and I suggested we go back to the hotel to get ready for dinner. Scarlett knew New York like the back of her hand since she's lived here for a while and decided on Club A. It was our last day here and I didn't really want to leave. There's something to be said about escapism, but hanging out with Scarlett and Florence made me not want to go home. I knew Lyric felt the same way.

When we got to our room, I collapsed on the bed. As fun as today was, it was just as exhausting. Having social anxiety and being more introverted is a special combination of tired after being around three other people all day. I don't normally do well in groups, always thinking I'm leaving someone out and ending up being the one left out. This was different though. We all got along and completed each other.

I was the quiet one with the quick wit. I listened to the conversation, but didn't give my input unless I needed to. When someone sent shots at me, I automatically sent some back and we all knew it was in good nature.

Lyric was the social butterfly with no filter. She could talk endlessly to anyone for hours. Normally, I would secretly wish she didn't make our goodbyes so long, but in the group I appreciated it. She was usually the one to start the conversations and laugh loudly when I gave comebacks.

Scarlett was slightly quieter than Lyric, but also gave just as much as she got. She didn't really care if we put her in the spotlight. It was just us, we wouldn't judge her for anything. So when she jokingly started singing off-key to her own songs, we just laughed and joined in.

Florence was between Scarlett and I when it came to how much we talked. Her energy, however, was through the roof. I don't understand how she was still buzzing when we got out of the car, but it was adorable. Florence never stopped smiling throughout the drive and would play I Spy with me.

For some unknown reason, we all worked together, but I would never take it for granted. For the first time in my life, I finally felt like I found a group of people I could spend the rest of my life around. I fit in with this ragtag group of gorgeous and insanely weird people and I loved it.

I got stuck in my thoughts and didn't get out of my head until Lyric threw a pillow in my face, knocking me backwards.

"The fuck?"

She shrugged. "You were just sitting there, staring at nothing and smiling like a creep. Get ready!"

I rolled my eyes, but complied and got in the shower. As soon as I got out, Lyric rushed in. I always go first when we have to share a bathroom, as I take zero amount of time to get done and she takes an eternity. I have never envied people who spend a lot of time on themselves. Not that I think they are doing too much, but I don't think I could ever be patient enough.

Getting dressed, I checked the temperature to figure out just what kind of clothes I needed to wear and if I even brought them with me. It was cooler, about 65 degrees, so I decided on my dark grey jeans and a nicer light blue button up, paired with my leather boots.

Lyric finally got out and was fully dressed. She had on a short, but flowing light purple dress. She looked beautiful and I told her as much.

"Careful Freemont, or I'll start to think you're in love with me or something."

I scoffed and lightly pushed her shoulder. "Remind me to never compliment you ever again."

She laughed, "Nooooo, I'm sorry, keep them coming."

I grinned at her puppy eyes and gave in. "Lyric Pedonato, the color purple was made for you."

Lyric jokingly swooned, then seemed to remember that we actually had somewhere to be and started pushing me to the door. I twisted around her and grabbed a few of the rings I brought, not bothering to check and see what I picked up before putting them on. I ran in front of her and opened the door, bowing.

"M' lady."

Lyric tilted her chin up. "Thank you good sir," she said, trying terribly to imitate a British accent.

I couldn't hold in my laugh as I held out my elbow for her to take. "Oh, I'm so telling Flo about that."

"Oh, like you could do better!"

"I totally could!"

"Fine, but I bet you $20 that you won't do it in front of her."

I smirked, taking her hand. "Deal."

We walked out giggling and leaning against each other. However, that soon changed when the door to the car in front of the hotel opened.

My jaw promptly dropped.

Scarlett stepped out first, in a swooping, deep red dress. She saw my face and smiled winningly, giving us a twirl. It showed off her tattoos in the back, as well. She looked stunning.

I was about to tell her how good she looked when I heard a raspy British voice.

"Save some of that reaction for me, darling."

Scarlett stepped to the side and revealed Florence. She was in a sage green suit. The second thing I noticed was her short and dyed blonde hair. The third thing I noticed was that she didn't have a shirt on underneath. I was genuinely speechless and Florence basked in it, giving me some time to recover.

My eyes moved between Scarlett and Lyric, trying to make sure I wasn't the only one seeing things. I wasn't. Lyric was beaming and Scarlett was just smirking. I looked back to Florence and slowly stepped closer.

"You look... I mean you- I-"

She just chuckled quietly. "Thank you, love. You look good, too."

I just made a strangled noise in the back of my throat and helped her back into the car. Once I made sure she was settled, I helped Scarlett in. I turned to Lyric as soon as they were both in and made a 'what the fuck was that, but she was so hot, but what the fuck was that' face. I moved my hands around in front of me, gesturing vaguely. Lyric just laughed.

"Let's go, Romeo, you have an accent to do."

I groaned, nodding. "I would love that $20 to go buy her flowers."

I got in the car and Lyric immediately gave me a look. I sighed, getting ready to either have my ass beat or laughed at. I cleared my throat and sat up straighter, Lyric giggling at my antics and covering her mouth.

"Hey, Florence, do you maybe want to go for a cuppa the next time we're in the same city?" I winced, slightly turning around so that I could see everyone's reaction.

Lyric looked shocked that I did it, Scarlett looked confused and tried to figure out who it was that said it and Florence was grinning, her blush going completely unnoticed by me.


I scratched the back of my head. "I can kind of imitate people and accents."

"There's no way! Do me."

I laughed, "There's no way! Do me."

Scarlett and Lyric looked a bit freaked out, while Florence wasn't really paying attention. As the other two continued their conversation of amazement with each other, I looked at Flo to check on her. I furrowed my eyebrows and motioned to her slightly. Luckily she understood and nodded, smiling. I smiled back and turned around again.

Lyric reached forward and handed me $40.

"You only said $20 though?" I questioned.

"That's to make sure you never imitate me again."

We all laughed and I shook my head, giving a shit-eating grin. "I think I'll do it when you least expect me to, instead."

The rest of the drive was filled with complaints from Lyric and laughs from everyone else.


Overwhelming - Florence Pugh (ON HOLD)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon