"Please, shh!" Eddie held out a finger, trying to quiet the girl down. Jack and Ivy watched as turned and left the dojo. "Can you hear me now?"

"At least he committed," Ivy looked at Jack who nodded in approval.

"Come on, guys, let's go," Rudy clapped as Jack made his way to be Milton's new partner.

"Hi, Jerry," a new voice entered the dojo making everyone stop before they even started training.

"Kelsey," Jerry spun around with a smile on his face, "what a surprise."

"So these are your student that fear and respect you?" Kelsey asked, crossing her arms, not believing it.

"Yes," Kim answered for him, "we are. I'm about to fear and respect the living grits out of him right now."

"Oh, no, not my grits," Jerry expression turned into one of panic. "I'm gonna need my grits."

Before Jerry could say another things, Kim took his wrist and flipped him onto the floor.

"Yeah," Jerry stood up, blinking hard. "I'd say you've got that move down pretty well. Oh, you guys take a five. Kelsey and I are gonna get a froyo. Come on, Kelsey."

The group watched as he walked passed Kelsey and wrapped his arm around Rudy, taking him with him.

"God, he's an idiot," Ivy laughed.


"Do you understand any of this?" Jack pushed his textbook in front of Ivy's face as she, Jack and Kim tried to study for their biology test.

"Well, if I could see it, maybe," Ivy readjusted the book so she could read it properly.

"Hey, thanks a lot, Kim," an upset Jerry walked up to the trio. "You cost me a date with the coolest girl in school."

Kim looked up at him and shrugged. "What are you gonna do, sensei, throw me out of the dojo?"

"Kim," Jack bit back a laugh, turning to the girl, "in the future, let's respect Jerry enough not to embarrass him in front of the girls he's lying to."

"Thank you, Jack," Jerry nodded, not catching the sarcasm from the boy. "It's called decency, Kim."

"Maybe just don't lie to girls," Ivy pointed out. "It might be better that way."

Before Jerry could respond, laughter erupted from the halls, causing the group to look toward the crowd. They didn't expect Milton to be walking down the hallway dressed as a king and playing the kazoo.

"All hail Miltonius," Milton held up his scepter in triumph, "the newly-crowned king of Narnia!"

"Narnia?" Ivy looked at Jack. "Is he talking about the books I read when I was in fourth grade?"

"I don't know," Jack sighed, standing up to talk to Milton. "See, Milton. This is the reason you had to go to the spring formal with the biolab skeleton."

"I'll have you know that Bonita is an excellent dancer," Milton stated.

"Hey, I know what's going on," Eddie walked over to the group, looking at Milton's outfit choice. "It's that time of year when all the dorks come out to play swords and magic in the park."

"Or if it rains, we use the bingo hall at the senior center," Milton added. "We tear it up."

"Why can't you guys just play it online and save everyone else from this?" Ivy asked, closing her textbook.

"Hey, Jerry," Kelsey nodded her head toward him as she passed by.

"Hey, Kelsey," Jerry pushed Milton out of the way to get to her. "I was just talking to this kid I've never seen before. I don't even know his name. Right, Milton? Really, Jerry?"

With You - Jack BrewerWhere stories live. Discover now