Chapter 1.5 - Intersection and Intergration Trouble.

Start from the beginning

I shocked the man from the head a decent dose of electricity making him twitch a lot. What a loyal guy, unless it could be that his ability is disabled, and he too is being blackmailed. Wait, wouldn't that mean I'm no better? No, this is for my defense of me and my normalcy.

As I was about to shock the man into answering, the man mustered all his strength and swiftly took out a siringe of an unknown blue-chemical and tried to inject it into my neck. Key word being 'tried', I noticed and shocked his body to the point he was in pain and the siringe flew out of his hand and shattering onto the ground, the chemical leaking.

"Now I reckon you also know what that is? Don't y--"

I paused. Huh? Why do I feel bioelectrical signs coming to me? Who is it this time?

"Mr Rowan, hand him over.", I heard the powerful voice of a woman, mid forties, and they reckonised me. I turned my head around, two people stood, I could tell that both of them were Transcendents,  something about them felt serious - dead serious - , one being a blonde-haired woman with amber eyes and in thier mid-forties, the other one being a taller emerald-green-haired man with grey eyes, early thirties. Both of them wore black, leather trench coats fully buttoned and both wore a black and white insignia on the left side of their chest. It looks rather familiar... something I should know... Wait.

It's none other than the international police force, INTERPOL.

Crap; how annoying for me.

If Transcendent INTERPOL agents are after this guy, he must be a part of something that can affect the world among both Transcendents and non-Transcendents. What the hell did I and those at the school got involved in? Normally, INTERPOL never gets involved in Transcendents unless it affected many people, like on a huge scale and is classed as a threat to society.

How did I get entangled in this complex of powers and aims. So much for a normal life.

With a brash motion, I tossed the incapacitated body of my attacker onto the ground, ensuring he remained immobile. Rising to my feet, I turned my attention to the two INTERPOL agents.

"Nah," I declared.

The two agents looked at me blankly. Although I just want a normal life with as little involved with big organisations, I'm going for some profit out of this, so I continued, "However under 1 condition, I will hand him over."

The female agent sighed, "I'll do this beacuse conflict with you won't go well for INTERPOL," She replied, "What is it?".

"Tell me what is his affiliation is and explain it."

"I'll explain what you need to know, the terrorist organisation is Spectre. Their goal is complete restructuring of modern society. They have Dampaners which can reduce the level of non-Transcendents by half, or reduce the stamina needed to upkeep abilities by half for Transcendents," she explained before pointing to the liquid beside me, "That there is a chemical known as  'Aura Null' that can seal aura channels, disabling one's ability. Spectre is run by hidden executives under a completely unkown Chairman."

So these are the bastards that Seraphina got entangled in, this sounds like what John was talking about. If INTERPOL doesn't even know any of the higher ups then this is serious. Just why did things turn out like this when I seek normalcy? Is it too much to ask?

"Mr Rowan, I believe that is more than adequate; Hand him over." She demanded, eyes glowing with golden power.

"I'm satisfied,"I replied, feeling satisfied. The result worked well for me, especially since I had saved my last favor owed to me by Cypher, although he and his broker cartel will probrably have far more knowledge.

UnOrdinary: Kayden RowanWhere stories live. Discover now