"Eomma, why didn't Oppa come to pick me up from the airport?" The girl asks with slight annoyance. Her lips form a small pout, but she tries to hide her scowl.

"You know why, baby." Her mother takes her hands in hers, "He's busy. He probably has lots of patients to attend to. That's why he might not be able to make it."

"Appa is also a doctor. But he managed to come na!" The girl says again while pulling away and crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'm the director, love. Your Oppa is the doctor there," Her father replies this time to his grumpy daughter from the driving seat.

"Still," The girl mumbles.

On the other hand ~

At hospital~

"Patient is here!" The ambulance nurse yells.

All the hospital nurses come running with some doctors. They start checking the patients. A doctor rushes to a patient drenched in blood and asks about their condition from a resident doctor. After using a stethoscope to check their heartbeat, the doctor makes a decision.

"Take him to the emergency room - fast," the doctor orders.

Immediately, the ward-boys and nurses run, while pushing the patient toward the ER (Emergency Room).

Swinging open the doors of the ER, the doctor runs in with the patient close behind him. He shouts, "Dr. Kim, here's the patient."

And here comes, Dr. Kim.

He wears a big white doctor's coat over his light blue scrubs. His stethoscope hangs around his neck. He runs toward the entrance of the ER and checks the patient lying on the stretcher also now covered with their blood.

Moving the stethoscope away from the patient's chest, he said, "Take him to the hybrid room. Quickly."

And again, the nurses take him to the room with haste.

When they arrive, the head nurse starts to attach wires to the patient's chest. The monitor behind shows his heart rate and his BP (blood pressure). It abruptly makes a loud 'beep-beep' sound, indicating his heart rate is dropping.

Dr Kim climbs up onto the bed and gives CPR by creating pressure on the patient's chest. They try their best to make his heartbeat return to normal.

While doing this, he shouts: "Call Dr. Jeon and Dr. Namjoon. Now!"

He catches a glimpse of some nurses running out from the hybrid room to call the doctors.

Dr. Kim stops and says through heavy breaths, "Check the vitals."

Instantly, the doctor from before, Dr. Jung, measures the pulse rate. "It's stable now," he announces.

"But his BP is dropping, Dr. Kim. It's 70 by 45," the head nurse says.

Just then, two other doctors arrive in sprints - Dr. Namjoon and Dr. Jeon.

"What's happening?" One asks.

The head nurse replies, "A 44 year old man got into a car accident. His condition is getting worse."

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