chapter 10

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The next morning they were in the car on the way to the doctors. Maya was scared, but excited to see Carina's baby on the ultrasound. She still wouldn't call it her own baby. But she was getting more and more used to the idea.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Carina asked.

"I'm nervous, but I need to be here." Maya answered. Carina smiled proudly and grabbed her hand.

Carina parked the car and Maya looked around confused, this was not the hospital. It looked more like an office building than anything else.

"I thought we were going to the hospital where you work?"

"I found a private clinic, I figured you'd want the privacy."

"I really don't care, that's up to you, Carina."

"Why would it be up to me?" She asked, seeming just as confused as Maya.

"Ehm, because..." She didn't want to say because it was her baby. She'd avoided saying that since she knew it upset the brunette.

"Listen, bambina I did my research, and this doctor is the best in the city. And you deserve the best." Maya shrugged, she guessed she wanted the best for Carina, but she still didn't understand why Carina directed the whole thing towards her. Carina was the one who was carrying the baby, she should want the best for herself, then again, Carina was a selfless person. Maybe she'd sensed Maya's nervousness and decided to accommodate her needs.

"Okay, then. Let's go." Carina smiled and they walked out of the car and into the building. When they came to the reception area, Carina pushed her forwards, and once again Maya didn't understand why it was her job to check them in, but she went along.

"Ehm, hi." She said to the woman smiling brightly. "DeLuca-Bishop."

"Yes, Dr. Aarons is running a little late, but just go sit down and she will be with you as soon as possible." Maya nodded politely and sat grabbed Carina's hand again, pulling her to the chairs lining the spacious hallway.

"The doctor is running late."

"Okay. Do you want me to wait out here, or come inside with you?"

"What?" Maya asked.

"I can stay out here, or I can come in with you."

"Why would I go in alone?" Maya clarified what she was confused about.

"I just thought you might want to, but I'll come, don't worry. I know it's scary."

"You have to come."

"Okay, bambina." She said soothingly and Maya pulled away when Carina tried to touch her face.

"No, I don't understand." Maya said again. "What's this appointment?"

"It's for you to talk about anything you have on your mind, but especially the food stuff." Maya got up from her seat.

"You tricked me!" She yelled, getting the attention of the receptionist, who stopped typing, holding up a walkie talkie.

"Don't." Carina smiled at her and the receptionist just shrugged and went back to work. "How did I trick you?"

"We were going to your pregnancy appointment, you didn't tell me I was going to see a shrink. Do you think I'm crazy?"

"Maya, take a breath." Maya didn't want to take a breath, she wanted Carina to explain herself. "Oh, Maya, I'm so sorry. I thought, I didn't think,"

"You didn't think to tell me. Because you wanted to trick me into coming here, you think I'm crazy!" She repeated. "Therapists are for nutjobs, I might not like to eat food, but I'm not depressed or schizophrenic, or anything like that." Carina crossed her arms, she seemed to be trying her best to control her anger.

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