"Yes sir. I got everything covered. I'm sure she'll fall for me ."

Well... my curiosity made me ruin my own life at this point because... i nocked mom's vase to the ground, a piece of broken porcelain went flying to the light, the bulb stoped working and the best of them all I'm screwed.

Alexander looked at me then at the broken vase then at the broken bulb ten a t my mom yeh a back at me . My brother went silently to his room and Alexander to mine. Leaving me to confront my mother . She yelled at me and started saying how that vase meant alit to her and how  the kitchen will be in darkness until I buy a new bulb and how I embarrassed her in front of Alexander. She then gave me the broom and said I had to clean up the mess myself and like that she slammed the door to her room.

"Geez all this for a vase?"

I was almost done cleaning the broken pieces but I accidentally cut my finger with one. I open the kitchen's cupboards to find a simple little plaster but nope even that was not available. I went to the bathroom. Surprisingly the light was on and the door was slightly open so I decided to go in. BIG MISTAKE. Once I entered the bathroom I wished i hadn't. Alexander was busy with his shirt and he was only wearing his boxers on -completely shirtless- .

I swallowed hard and reversed. But he grabbed my arm and pulled me in the bathroom. I had a bad feeling about all this since the day he entered this house ! He let go of arm and asked me what I was doing in there . So I said ... "I just wanted a plaster  from the med-box." Then he said " you got hurt?" Then I carried on searching the bathroom for the box totally ignoring him. He took both my hands , searching for the cut and successfully found it. He then placed my finger under the cold water and sanitised it and put some ointments on the finger before wrapping it up with a plaster. He's touch felt so gentle and sweet yet he had cold hands.

After he was done he and I went to my room and he almost got a heart attack. "C...c...ca...cat...CAT!" He jumped behind me pulling my shirt in a way that my boobs was drawn on the shirt and my nipples were actually visible. "Enough! Let go! It's my pet okay!"
"You have a pet ? Out of all pets you chose a cat ?!" He turned me around to face him not even noticing how tight his making my shirt! I swear I was redder than a tomato!

He paused for a minute then realisation hit him that my chest was showing legit ! He then pushed me and I fell on my butt. Oh that jerk !

I ignored him and went to bed , placed my cat purposely on the ground next to him. Then again realisation hits me ! Mom said that he'd have a room by today what was he doing here still then ? I was about to ask when the loudest snore I ever heard played out through the night. It was Alex? Was he that exhausted?

I let him sleep with me for just tonight, I bet he'll move out tomorrow .


My mom shouted my name so loud that the portraits on the wall shook. "Come out that room this instant!" I was still trying to figure out if I was in Jude Bellingham's arms or I was on my bed when my mom stormed in my room with her hair standing up as if she got electrocuted. "I say you got a head there huh you got a head ! How dare you kiss a guy
at your age huh? Why you..!" She grabbed me by the arm and started hitting my head. Thank God dad pulled her away while Alexander pulled me from her. "You you! I'm not done with her let me go !" Mom was moving and shouting like a maniac. So I decided to just head out to school.

I changed my clothes real quick at Michael's house while Alexander waited at the bus stop. When I got the bus stop Alexander looked a bit down . Hurt if I could say. "Hey what's the matter ?" I took his hand and placed my hand on his forehead to check if he had a fever or something. "I'm alright, I'm the one that should be asking that. Are you alright?" I looked at him giving him a genuine smile. "You know I might only know you for three or maybe four days but I can tell when anyone is feeling down." He sighed and looked at me. "You know what ? Let's get some tacos from that stall over there." I can clearly see that he's dodging the question.

One year  Four boysWhere stories live. Discover now