"Come on, make an effort" he smiles threateningly. "I am sure you know who I am referring to... (He unveils sharp canine teeth.) A tall woman with tanned skin... Black eyes... The first letter of her name is an 'f'..."

"No, really, I can't remember meeting anyone of that description in the tea-room."

I shiver. It's not warm around here and with the water I received a moment earlier, impossible not to feel the biting cold in this dreary shed.

"Oh, really?"

He moves closer and leans over me. He puts the scalpel on my face, I begin to breathe louder. The tip of the blade slides under my eyelid, slowly. Then it ventures towards my jaw. I'm scared. He puts the scalpel just behind my ear and holds it tight with his fingers. One hiccup and it would rip right off!

"Are you sure you haven't met any young woman?" he whispers smoothly.

"Er... Hum, I think I recall now! She was sitting at a table and she was drinking a cup of tea!"

"I know you've talked to her. About what?" he rushes me.

"Well, about this and that: the weather, coffee... (He tightens his grip on my ear.) Ah! Ouch-ouch-ouch! Stop! Please, stop hurting me, I'm telling the truth!"

"You saw what she's capable of, you didn't get out of here just by chance."

"Indeed, but Fernanda didn't tell anything about herself. She ordered me to forget her and to act normally."

He relaxes his grip a little, I let out a sigh of relief. He seems reflective. Finally, he removes the scalpel away from my skin and makes a step backwards, a grin playing on his lips.

"Fernanda, uh? Fine, I believe you. (He takes a pair of pincers.) Then... Did you see her again?"

"Er... Yes." I confess.


"La-last night."

"When she crept into your place and got rid of the Eastern Europe killer, right? (I nod miserably.) What did she want from you? To make you silent? Why didn't she kill you? That's usually her style."

"Didn't you listen to our conversation? I'm surprised" I retort ironically. "The FBI agents didn't really mind."

"Actually we were connected to their mikes, but as you know, they had been switched off by your dearest. (My face turns red with anger. He understood I find her attractive and he's mocking me! What a moron!) We noticed it before the police showed up –unlike the FBI– but impossible to intervene without making her flee. The simplest solution was to snatch you away before you got interrogated by these doofus federal agents."

"Yeah... You guys know how to make an entrance" I say, recalling the van charging at us. "By the way, were you wearing real bombs around the chest?"

He shrugs, smiling enigmatically. Ok, fine. Actually I think I'd rather not know!

He opens his mouth to ask me another question, but a "pop" like a champagne cork jumping off makes him turn round. He takes a pistol out and aims it towards the origin of the sound. The big hulk sways and falls down noisily on the ground.

He just got a bullet right in the head.

The silhouette of a woman comes closer and enters the circle of light inside of which I am tied up. She's wearing linen trousers and a leather jacket. This time she has red, curly hair and her makeup changes her features drastically. (She doesn't seem very happy.)

"Lower your gun" the blond guy orders harshly.

"You go first" she retorts ironically.

"You just killed one of my men... You know what the sentence is for shooting someone cold-blood, don't you?"

Mr and Mrs NobodyWhere stories live. Discover now