Chapter 9

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 Rowan's POV:

  (Y/n) was at the Rav'n Dance, it didnt appear like she had a date with her. She was so beautiful, and she was beaming...but not at me. My body felt tense and nervous, I tryed to walk towards her but my legs wouldn't let me. A weird sensation came over me, I felt like my feet where glued to the floor. I looked down and realized I didnt even have clothes on. My face burned, but no one at all was looking at me, as if I didnt exist. Suddenly Xavier came out from the crowd, looking all fancy and proper. He was walking towards (Y/n), holding his hand out to her. She took it, and they started dancing together. I tryed to call for (Y/n), but no sound came from my mouth. I've never felt so embarrassed and rejected before. Tears started streaming down my face.....

  I woke up startled, breathing hard. I fubbled around in the dark, trying to find my inhaler. I tried to push the bad dream from my mind. But no, this was going to bother me the rest of the night, and probably the whole week. I wiped the tears that leaked from my eyes while I was dreaming, hoping I didnt wake Xavier.

  Xavier. Was he going to end up with (Y/n)? I hoped my dream was simply just that, a dream. Nothing more.


  (Y/n)'s POV:

  I woke up groggily, still half asleep. What time was it? 


  I sat up, immediately grabbing my clothes and going to the womans washroom to freshen up. I seriously looked like a zombie. I shouldn't have went to bed so late last night, uugghhh.

  I rushed back to my dorm, grabbing a snack from my bag that I had for "emergencies". It would tide me over I hoped until later. Xavier was going to be here in less than 20 minutes now, and I had a weird feeling in my stomach. Was it butterflies?...or nervousness? I couldn't tell.

  I kept looking at myself in Bianca's tall mirror, making sure I looked alright. But honestly, why did I care so much all the sudden what Xavier thought of me? Minutes ticked by.

   *Knock knock knock*

  I jumped at the sound, then quickly got up to open the door. Xavier stood there with a half smile, "You look very nice today," he stepped aside so I can come out into the hall, "its raining a bit, so I brought an umbrella."

  "We're going outside?"

  He playfully smirked, "yep."

  I hardly said anything on the way outside, and when we felt the rain Xavier pulled his umbrella out. I was so curious to find out where he could be taking me, it was getting a little tiresome walking this far out. Should I be concerned? Surely not.

  Sharing the umbrella ment we had to walk fairly close together, and whenever my shoulder brushed his arm I felt my body tingle a bit. I hoped he couldn't see that my cheeks where turning pink.

  We came to a shed looking place,  it looked old but it wasn't really a shack. "What's in this place? Should we be going in there?"

  "You'll see, there is nothing to worry about."

  He opened the door, letting me in first. Once inside, I looked all over the room, fascinated by what I saw. There was so much artwork, it was all so beautiful. "Woohhh..." I slowly walked to each painting, studying them, "these are so creative, did you paint allllll of them?"

  Xavier walked slowly behind me, "I did," I could hear the smile in his voice, "this is my personal art studio."

  I stopped at one that looked like a portrait of a girl, she had (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. Her face shape and skin color was so similar to mine too. Is

  As if he read my mind he came up close behind me and said, "I tryed to capture your likeness in this piece, it's supposed to be you. Do you like it?"

  "I love it very much, it looks just like me." I studied it a few moments longer. I asked Xavier questions about each of his paintings, curious about the meaning or inspiration behind each one. He even insisted on giving me an art lesson, showing me the different types of paint and how each one is used. He showed me examples of other art mediums as well. We where both just beginning to start painting something when my belly growled really loud. I blushed a bit, "aa-ah sorry...I guess im kinda hungry."

  Xavier chuckled at me, "we could go get something to eat together, im pretty hungry too. It is only an hour til the school's dinner time anyway."

  We've been here that long?




    Rowan's POV:

  Ive been sitting in the library since 1:00pm. It was already almost 4:00pm, and (Y/n) still never showed up. I had even asked a few students if they've seen her, but neither said they did. I was beginning to worry, wondering if I should go and find her myself. The only thing with that is im concerned she will come while im gone and think I gave up on waiting for her. I paced along the aisles, trying to find another book to read. I finished an entire book already while waiting, so its not like I wasted my time here. Even if (Y/n) and I hadn't planned to hang out, I still would have been reading today anyway. 

  But I was really looking foward to this. And she never even showed up. I dont understand...

  I grabbed another book off the self, then went back to my seat. A couple students came in, they where holding hands and giggling, speaking in hushed tones. They suddenly saw me, then one of them frowned and pulled the other out of the room. I took my glasses off and rubbed my eyes, then sighed. I didnt feel like reading anymore, not without (Y/n) at least.

  I really missed her.

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