Chapter 4

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(Y/n)'s POV:

  The next couple days that transpired simply got awkward. Xavier definitely did have some nice things to add to the project, but it made what Rowan and I had already done less personal. I also noted that Rowan got quiet when Xavier was talking to us, and that he didn't really look either of us in the eye. It was me and Xavier that where conversing most of the time, not me and Rowan. 

  Now when it was time to present what we worked on, Rowan told me he didnt want to do it. I suppose it was fine if just me and Xavier presented it, but Rowan put alot of work into this project. Even Xavier told him he should, but Rowan still refused.

  It was our turn to present to the class, and I suddenly got very nervous. As Xavier and I walked up in front of everyone, the thing I dreaded happened. 

  I instantly went invisiable.

  Fear gripped me, and I couldnt make myself seen no matter how hard I tried. Xavier looked around for me with an uneasy expression. Oh no, I was probably embarrassing him in front of everyone. 

  Still invisiable, I ran to the back of the crowd of students where I knew Rowan would be. I walked close to him so only he could hear me, "Rowan, I-i cant do this. Im so nervous."

  Even though he couldn't see me I knew he heard me, because his eyes darted around and appeared more alert.

  "Xavier shouldn't have to do it on his own. I need you to go up there instead of me. P-please?"

  Rowan gave a stiff nod, then took a breath from his inhaler before walking to the front next to Xavier. I could see that he was visibly shaking a bit, but othwise he held his head up and stood tall. Xavier seemed to understand what happened, so he started the presentation as if I had still been up there.

  I calmed myself and became visible. I noticed that a few students where whispering and looking at Rowan. 

  I didn't care what they thought, I was so thankful to him that he did that for me. I honestly didnt think he would at first. He was doing very well so far, some of his speech was unsteady, but I was still proud of him.

  After the presentation was over, both boys gave a handsome bow and everyone clapped, even Bianca. They walked down towards me. "You guys did so well! I dont have a doubt that we will get a good grade on it." 

  Xavier and Rowan both smiled. Bianca was striding towards us with a smile of her own. "Hey, that was pretty good. I was actually kind of impressed." 

  I wore a pleased expression, mostly because I was just proud of Rowan. "You and your group did well too Bianca."

  "Thanks (Y/n)." Before she turned away, she made eye contact with Xavier for longer than a moment.

  That was strange. Do they know eachother well?


    Rowan's POV:

  I couldnt believe I had done that, but knowing that (Y/n) thought I could had made me feel confident enough. That, and hearing how scared her voice sounded when she told me she couldnt do it.

  How could I not do it for her? How could I not do anything for her? She was the sweetest girl I have ever met, and I want to show her how much I appreciate her kindness. 

  I got out my inhaler and took a puff of air. Thank goodness tomorrow would be Friday, the last day of school for the more group projects for people to invite themselves into, and no more interactions with people who dont like me. I can just stay in my dorm and read this weekend, or even have plenty of time to hang out with (Y/n). Well, if she wanted to that is.

  But right now, I needed to pay attention to my schoolwork. "I need to finish up some paperwork for class, its due tomorrow night. I'll be at the dorm." 

  Xavier nodded. (Y/n) walked up to me, and to my surprise squeezed my hand. She whispered, "Thank you Rowan, you did amazing today." She let go but still stood close.

  "Of course." I looked at her lovely (e/c) eyes for a brief second, then turned to go.


   (Y/n)'s POV:

  I watched Rowan walk away, then I heard Xavier clear his throat behind me.

  "(Y/n), Im not sure if you knew, but tomorrow night is the Jericho carnival. Has anyone said anything to you about it?"

  Bianca has recently. 

  "Yes, im familier with it. But Ive never been."

  "I was just going to ask, I thought it'd be nice if we.." He shrugged his shoulders,"...went together. I could show you around so that you wont get lost. Ive been there a few times before."

  He had such a hopeful expression, what would it hurt to say yes? Besides, he didn't say it had to be just us...Although I think that's what he ment.

  "Oh, yes that would be fun! Can Rowan come with us?"

  Xavier looked disappointed now, "If that is what you want then, sure. I'll ask him if he'd like to join us."

  "Alright, thank you Xavier! I'll see you both tomorrow then. I n-need to go finish some schoolwork as well."

  I saw a ghost of a smile on his face before turning to leave the now empty room, besides a few students chatting in the corner.

  Arriving at my dorm, I was met by several questions from Bianca.

  "If you dont mind my asking (Y/n), why the heck was Xavier in your group? And what happened today when you went on stage? All of the sudden you disappeared, like, literally, then Rowan took your place. Where did he even get the confidence to do that?"

  I didnt feel like going into details on each answer, "First, I dont know. Second, I freaked out. Third, im not quite sure." 

  Bianca nodded, but she didn't look satisfied. Thankfully she didnt ask anything more.

  I went right to my homework, but it was hard to focus.

Hopefully tomorrow wouldn't go how my anxious brain envisioned it.

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