Chapter 1

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(Y/N)'s POV:

  Today is my first day at Nevermore Academy. Im pretty nervous, but im hoping it will go better than what my mind is playing out in my head. I have the ability to turn myself invisible, and that caused problems at my other school. I could easily skip classes that I hated because no one could find me. Eventually, the school gave up on looking for me when I went "missing" and told my parents about it, which is why I was enrolled in this new school. My power also tends to act up when I feel strong emotions. When I get scared, excited, or angry, I "glitch", quickly passing in and out of sight randomly. I was always teased about it and hardly had any friends.

  But at this new school I hope that will change. Ive already been introduced to my roomate Bianca, who seemed to be friendly enough. I did not appreciate how she talked about some of the other students, about them being strange or weird, but she was not exactly mean about it. Wasn't everyone here seen as strange? We are all outcasts, so I figured everyone here would at least all get along. But I guess not.


  I woke up the next morning with a nervous stomach. I was a little worried about how my first day of school would go. I was very slow when getting ready to go to my first class, Bianca noticed it quickly. "Girl, you dont look so good. Are you seriously sick on your first day?"

  "N-no no im fine. Just nervous." I say. 

  As we walk down to class, some other kids came up to Bianca and started talking to her. Soon it seemed as if she forgot I even existed, her friends didn't even give me a glance. Then I realized...

 Crap I made myself invisible again.

  Sometimes I dont even realize that ive gone invisible until people stop paying any mind to me. But really, even if I wasn't invisible people would still ignore me.

  I made myself seen again right when we got to the door of the classroom. Some of the students jumped back startled when I came into view, then just stared and walked faster to their seat. I had really hoped it wouldnt be like this here.

  I looked around for a seat. There where a couple spots I noticed where not taken, both on either side of a nerdy looking boy that had neat brown hair and unique frammed glasses. I looked at my feet as I walked to the spot on the left of him, away from the other students. I sat down, not even glancing his way. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him look at me with surprise, but then his attention turned to the teacher.

  Throughout the whole school day, I sat next to that boy durning classes, or at least stayed near him. I began to notice that no one hardly spoke to him or really acknowledged him, it made me think of how I was treated at my other school. He smiled at me a couple times, but in a shy sort of way. 

  At the end of the school day, Bianca pulled me aside with a strange look on her face. "(Y/n), why where you sitting with Rowan? You do know you could have asked if you wanted to sit with me and my friends. They wouldnt have minded." We started walking to our dorm. Rowan? That is such a cool name.

  "I-i kinda felt uncomfortable with them around. I dont know..I liked sitting with him. He didnt make me feel insecure or weird." 

  Bianca raised a brow, "Rowan is already a wacko kid, trust me (y/n). He's not going to be of any help to your insecurities. But if you hang out with me and my friends, people will totally grow to like you. Thats it works." She smiled sweetly.

  I see how it is. So Bianca and her siren friends are like the cool kids? Interesting.

  I tried to smile back,  then I remembered I left my book bag in one of the classrooms. "U-um I'll meet you in the dorm, I left something-" 

  I trailed off and sprinted to where I left it. I went invisible, not wishing to attract attention. I dodged almost everyone, except one person. 


  The person I ran into grunted and fell, making a moaning sound. 

  "O-oh no! Im so sorry! Here I'll help you up.." I put my hand out to help him. I just now noticed that is was Rowan, the boy I sat next to all day, and he had my book bag in his hand. He was still on the ground looking around, startled.

  Ops, right. He cant see me.

  I made myself seen, and he looked at me as if I was a ghost. UghhhhIm really messing this up.

  My face heated in embarrassment, I held my hand out again. "Let me h-help you."

  Still staring, he held out his shaky hand. I took it and pulled him up. His hand felt a bit clammy, but I couldn't help but notice that it was very soft.

  "Im sorry for bumping into you...I was not watching where I was going. I was just going to the classroom to get my, um, book bag." I gestured to my bag on the floor.

  He just stood there a second, then his memory seemed to kick in once he moved to get my bag off the floor. I could see that he was still pretty shook. "H-here. I was just going to find you to bring this too you. Im sorry."

  What was he apologizing for? Maybe for being so freaked out when it was just me. I feel so bad.

  "No! Dont be sorry for anything. Thank you for trying to bring me my bag, that was very nice of you." I took it from him, and his faced colored.

  " did you do that? Is turning invisible, your...ability?"

  I was unprepared for a question, I thought he would have just walked away from me by now. "Yes, I can make myself invisible. What is yours?"

  He looked down and started to fidget, "I have, telekinesis." He said the word quietly. He pushed his glasses up his nose.

  He is able to move things with his mind? That is so cool.

  We just stood there a few moments, then before he turned to go, he asked, "What is your name?"

 "(Y/n). What is your name?" Of course I already knew, but I wanted to hear his voice again.

  "Rowan. I guess...I'll see you tomorrow then (y/n)."

  I smiled and nodded, then turned to go back to my dorm. I felt much better now that we where better acquainted. I wonder if he'd mind me sitting with him in class again tomorrow. Would Bianca be annoyed?  She didnt seem to like him very much. Why did it matter? I think he just needs a friend, and I appreciated that he never gave distasteful glances that said "you'll never fit in"  or "your such a weirdo". 

  Back at my dorm, I finished up my some homework that needed done, then started reading a book from my favorite series, Lord of the Rings. Reading was one of my favorite things to do in free time. Bianca had shown me the schools library, so id have to check that out again sometime. I wonder what Rowan likes to do?

  I really wanted to get to know him better. Hopefully tomorrow would bring more opportunities.

(Note: I know this first chapter seems slow and uneventful at first, but trust me things get more interesting...)

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