Chapter 2

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Bee was walking home from a tiring day at the carnival when her phone started ringing. She got it out and froze when she saw the I.D. Her dad was calling. He hadn't talked to her or her mom for three years. She cautiously answered and put her phone to her ear. "Hey Honey Bee. Just calling to see if you're doing alright." She sighed. "Dad, you haven't called, texted or emailed in over three years. What do you want?" She heard static then muffled noises. "I.... Just wanted to see if you're ok.... I miss you and your mom." Bee resisted the urge to groan and instead sighed again. "I'm sorry, but Mom has moved on. She has a girlfriend now and, to be completely honest, she rocks. She encourages me and Mom more than you ever did." More static. "I know. And I want to apologize. I was a total douche. I know I don't deserve you or your mom's forgiveness, but I will still ask for it." She was getting really annoyed with him and was about ready to hang up. "It seems you haven't changed." She hung up and walked the rest of the way home. When she got there her dog, Pumpkin, almost tackled her to the ground. She fell laughing. Being smothered in kisses. "Bee? Is that you?" Her mom looked up from the kitchen and smiled. "I knew I smelled funnel cake." Bee laughed. "Don't worry I only had four today." It was her mom's turn to laugh now. "Why don't you take a break from all the sugar and come eat your chicken tostadas." She smiled and sat down at their small four person table. "Is Heidi home yet?" Bee asked. "Not yet. Is there something you need to talk to her about?" Bee nodded. Her mom smiled understandingly. "How was the carnival today? Any more of that hotty Nivani Boyle?" Bee nearly choked as the tried to unhear what her mom just said. "Mom! You don't just say things like that! And to answer your question, no." Her mom raised her eyebrows suggestively and Bee shivered. "Mom just ew." The front door opened and shut as Heidi came through. "Heidi!" Bee shouted as her mom shouted "Love!" Heidi smiled as her family covered her in love. "Hey guys." She sat down her bags and keys then sat down between Bee and her mom. "Sid, I thought I told you not to overcook for the three of us." Her girlfriend smiled sheepishly. "I can't help it. It's one of my bad habits." Bee shook her head. "Not a bad habit necessarily." Everyone laughed and they chatted and ate the plentiful food. "Hey Heidi, can I talk to you in private?" She nodded and they went into the living room while her mom tidied up. "I got a call from my dad today. He was acting super weird and said he wanted me and mom back." Heidi was all surprise and seriousness. "What did you say?" 
"I said that she had moved on with you." Heidi smiled. "You didn't give any personal information, like our address right?" She shook her head and Heidi looked relived at this. "As long as he doesn't know where we are then we are alright." Bee nodded and smiled. She felt a little better knowing that she was safe with Heidi. She worked as a tattoo artist and piercings. She was as badass as she could get. "I'm gonna go take a shower before Mom dies of the 'unhealthy' smell of funnel cake." Heidi laughed and put her hand on Bee's shoulder. "Thank you for telling me." Bee nodded and went up to her room. She took a quick shower and got into her pajamas. She got out a good book and dissolved into it while listening to loud music, sitting on her beanbag with Pumpkin. 


She must have fallen asleep at some point because when she woke up it was morning. She didn't have to be at the carnival until ten so she had time. She pushed Pumpkin off of her and slowly went downstairs. She fed Pumpkin and herself before going back to her room to get into her clown apparel. She looked ridiculous but in a fun way. She had never had a fear of clowns like most of the kids in her old school. She painted her face sheet white and put the pink cheeks on. She put on the slits through her eyes and her drama mask earings. She loved this side of herself and loved entertaining people. She ran out the front door saying a quick goodbye. She had decided to take Pumpkin with her and was running in clown shoes with a giant orange floof. She was so happy at this point in time. Oh when will this be ruined? As she ran into the carnival she realized when that moment would be. She got to Bev's stand and was greeted to her and Callie making out behind the counter. "Ah behold, Pumpkin, the beauty of nature. Two wild lovebirds snogging." She took a picture right before they broke away. Bee was just about rolling on the ground laughing, Callie was blushing as red as Bee's nose and Bev was a mess in general. "I hope I get payed to keep that image out of your mom's scrapbook." Bev blushed and looked away. "Well, I hope you aren't being payed per hour." Drew said as he walked up. "You know we don't open for another thirty minutes right?" Bee smiled. "Yeah we know. I just like opening." He smiled and laughed. "I love how much you enjoy your job." Bee beamed. "Well how many clowns do you know?" Drew laughed again. "Just you!." A girl, about the same age as Bee came around from behind Bev's stand. "Hey Bro, can I go start the Ferris wheel?" He smiled and pulled her to his side. "Not yet Luna. It's too early." She frowned and sulked into her brother's shoulder. Bee blushed. "Umm Drew, who is this?" Drew looked up at Bee and narrowed his eyes at her. "This is my younger sister, Luna." Callie swarmed around her. "OMG!! You are just sooo cute! Hi I'm Callie. My pronouns are they/them." Luna looked as though she just got off of the scrambler. "Callie, dear, lay off the poor thing. I apologize for my partner here." Luna just blushed and scurried off. Drew sighed. "I'm sorry. She is just a tad bit shy. Well, time flies. It's time to open!" 

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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