My Prince

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The prince, almost king, sat on the edge of a mountain, bottle in his hand. He was young, but not too young for alcohol, and to add, he was an elf after all. His knight stood behind him, the prince couldn't help but glance at him. His hair was brown, it glistened in the setting sun as he stood. His hair was braided delicately, the sides of his hair, which stuck out, flowed freely. He wore royal armer, a purple tunic underneath. The knight returned the glance, the king was different than his knight. Although his hair was brown as well, it was not in a braid, it sat in a tie, which was tied tightly. The sides of his hair were braided tightly as well. He wore a collared shirt which tucked into his trousers sloppily, his legs dangled off the edge as he looked out into the sunset.

"Come sit Ailwi, you don't need to stand behind me." The young elf shifted his position so his gaze was set on his knight. They both were young, but somehow they were different. The knight hesitated as he sat beside the royal elf. There was some silence as the prince repositioned himself, facing the sunset once more as he sipped out of the bottle.

"Your father would not be happy with you, my prince." The prince shook his head, letting his gaze drift to the other elf.

"I told you, you can call me Ithil." The king frowned, his name was common in more female elves than male, but that didn't stop his father from picking that name for him. It meant moon, Ithil never understood why it was his name, but he was fond of the sound. There was more silence, Ithil held the glass bottle up to the sun, then lowering it, handing it to the knight besides him. As Ailwi took some sips as well, the prince stared out beyond the mountain. Every inch of land that stood beyond them, would be Ithil's soon enough. Except he didn't want that.

"What's on your mind my prince?" The princess lips curled into a smile as he heard his knight speak. His voice reminded him of flowers, their pedals were silky, and they were so beautiful, being gifted a flower was like a reward, the same was with Ailwi's voice. It was soft, smooth, and each time Ithil heard it, his stomach tingled, like it was being tied into a gentle knot. It was like a reward, or a gift. The princess snapped himself out of his head, remembering Ailwi had asked him a question.

"It's just...will it ever get better?" The higher elf began to fidget with his hands, rubbing his fingers together, and tightly interlocking his fingers together. He felt a cold but soft hand touch his, Ailwi's thumb gently rubbing his interlocked hands, making his nerves relax, and set.

"Of course it will, my prince, you are a very handsome elf, I'm sure you'll find just the right women tomorrow." Ithil gave him a small smile, letting one of his hands untangle, then holding his knights instead. Interlocking them instead.

"It's just...I don't want to find a queen, Ailwi." He but at the inside of his lip, his stare changing from his hands to his knight. He examined his face, his expression, his eyes, his clothes, his light scar that imprinted his cheek, his green eyes that glowed in the sun, his soft skin, his pink lips, everything about him, the prince stared at. The knight gave him a puzzled expression, seeming to figure out his prince.

"I don't think I know what you mean. Your father assigned you to find a queen tomorrow." The knight reminded, the prince was silent, still staring at his knight. His eyes were soft, and kind. His father was a cruel man, but the princes eyes shined with kindness.

"No...I want...I don't want to find a women...I just want..." Ithil stared at his knight, helpless and weak, at a loss with words. The knights eyes widened, his chest moved as he took a breath. "I just want.. I want've been my friend for years Ailwi, we've chatted and talked deeply, you're distant today, but I just want you." The knights cheeks flushed, they both looked at each other like if they ever looked away, they'd never see each other again. Their body's grew closer, like a string had been pulling them together without even realizing it.

"My prince..." The knights hand drifted to his jaw, pulling him closer, closing the gap that had been between the two elves. Their lips met, and it was gentle. The prince melted into the kiss, but it did not last as long as he'd hoped. The knight pulled away, tumbling onto his back. "क्षम्यताम्‌ मा!" The prince blinked at his knight, but he couldn't help but chuckle as his fingers hovered over his lips. The prince took his knights hands, pulling him upwards to his original position.

"You worry too much, my knight." Their lips met each other again. Ailwi could feel the grin against his lips, and he couldn't help but grin back. The kiss was gentle like before, but now it lasted longer. They pulled apart from each other, catching their breath. Ithil let his hand rest on the others cheek, a smile on his face. The knight grinned back, lifting his hand to the other than rested on his cheek. Tangling their fingers together. The prince glanced at the sunset, letting his legs dangle again. The knight follows his actions. There was some silence, but it wasn't awkward. "That thing you said, don't you say that in battle as well?" The prince kept his gaze at the sight beyond them, but he waited for a response.

"Yes, I do. I believe that I should forgive everyone. I could never truly hate a single soul, I must always forgive. Karma will always come for us from our past lives, so I've made a goal to try and fix that. I don't have time to forgive the enemies souls if I'm in a rush, but I can recite a simple apology, and pray for their souls after. Everyone in my family does it, but that's one reason why Woodland Elves are seen as 'queer'". Ithil chuckled, leaning himself against the knight, a grin still laid on his face.

"That's very kind of you." The knight smiled, wrapping his arm around the prince, resting his head on top of the prince's. They didn't know what would happen next, but at least the both of them knew how they felt about each other, and that was enough. No matter what would happen next, they would stick together. And they did. Even as they both had children, they didn't avoid their feelings. Their wives either left or had died, being in a forced marriage only lasted until their children were born. But no matter what they stuck together, growing closer.

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