Chapter 1

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~ Months earlier ~

Author's POV


"Eloise! Don't shout too loud! It's midnight."

"What do you mean by saying that Colin Bridgerton will going to play as the male lead for your series? It's just a joke right?"

"But it's true! He going to be the male lead though. Madam Danbury choose him, then everyone immediately agree with her to choose him as Hendrick. Both of them are known to be the charmer so that's the main reason he was chosen. That's what Madam Danbury told me."

"B-but, h-he...he can't be the male lead. Not him," Eloise stuttered as if she thinking what to say to her best friend to deny the possibility of the casting.

Even if Eloise didn't say anything else, Penelope knows the reason for her rejection of Mr. Colin Bridgerton as the male lead for Pen's new series. Because he is Eloise's older brother.

To be honest, Eloise never told anyone about her family, nothing, no information at all. Penelope don't know the exact reason why she's lying about her family by saying that she's from a simple family back at the countryside. She decided to move into the big city to find herself a life she desired. A life she can be seen as Eloise, just Eloise. That's all what she had told Penelope.

Penelope found out about Eloise's true identity as one of the Bridgertons' daughters was simply from a drunk mistake made by Eloise. As she stressed from working and she just broke up with her boyfriend few weeks ago, she might have drank a bit too much than usual. As soon as they arrived at their humble apartment, Eloise immediately whipped out her phone to call someone, turns out she calling her older brother, Benedict. Penelope should have went to her room so that she won't heard any private conversation between Eloise and her brother, but she's simply curious about Eliose's family that she sneakily listened to the conversation. But after a few seconds, she became aware of her bad habit of listening to people's conversations, she tried to go to her room or somewhere else, but Eloise dragged her back to the living room (mumbled softly about how lonely she felt when Penelope left her alone). Since she can't go anywhere, she make sure to distract herself from listening to the conversation between Eloise and her older brother, but obviously she heard everything due to Eloise's loud voice (she even put the call on speaker).

She told him every single things that had happened to her the previous week, how stress she was with her boss, how happy she was when she hanging out with Penelope and the others, how heartbroken she was when Theo dumped her and how she badly miss her family. Her older brother, Benedict simply gave his responses to each thing Eloise had listed earlier with his soft and affectionate voice. By that, Penelope know that Eloise's family love each other deeply and sincerely.

The Bridgerton is a well known family, they can even be considered a noble family in these modern time. Everyone know about them due to their nobility and the famous siblings of the family. The eldest son, Mr. Anthony Bridgerton is a very charismatic businessman (the family have their own business) as well as having born with the title of Viscount from their ancestors (yes, the titled still exist).

The second son, Mr. Benedict Bridgerton known to be a reincarnation of Leonardo Da Vinci with his talent in arts. Most of his painting make their place in the prestigious museum. Next in line, is Mr. Colin Bridgerton. The most charming and handsome man, Penelope has ever seen in her entire life, no one else can ever topped him as the most attractive man. Plus, with his friendly and charm that can make anyone, anyone fall for him easily. He's one of the most famous actor in the entertainment industry. To be honest, she write her male lead character, Hendrick Smith based on Colin Bridgerton (no one know about that).

She fell for him the very moment she saw his acting in his first drama series ages ago, his crystal green eyes reminded her of the time she spent in the meadow during her visit to her late grandmother. The green grass would shine brightly after a few drops from the rain, then illuminated by the sunlight afterwards. She felt at ease when she gazed at the breathtaking scene.

Eveything about Mr. Colin Bridgerton managed to imprint onto Penelope's heart. Every smiles, laughter, tears, anger (etc) he has shown through his characters makes her fall even more deeply in love with him (sometimes she wondered whether she fell for the characters or the actor). But, regardless she acknowledged that he has a special spot inside her heart.

Back to the Bridgerton, after Colin, we got Daphne Bridgerton, or should we say Daphne Basset. She's the epitome of graceful, elegant, gorgeous, and most ladylike woman Penelope ever known of. She just like Colin is an A-list celebrity in the entertainment industry. But, currently she not taking parts in the industry since she just gave birth to her first child a month ago, so she probably going to resting for a while before going back to the industry.

After Daphne, there Eloise. Actually no one know regarding the second daughter of the Bridgerton that well since she's such a private person. And, thanks to her brother-in-law, Simon Basset and Anthony Bridgerton, everything about her were all hidden away from the Internet except for her name but people still mistake her name as Elizabeth (they really don't know anything about her, or maybe they just love the name for the main female lead of Pride and Prejudice).

Francesca Bridgerton is quite similar to the eldest daughter, Daphne. She's such a graceful and elegant young lady. People can see that both of them are sisters due to their similar features, soft looking face, kind eyes, pale skin and sweet lips. Their similarities not only end there, she also pursues in arts. Daphne in the acting industry, while Francesca in music industry, more specifically classic music. She's been nominated as one of the most talented musician. She can play many instruments, but she mostly focuses on piano. The way her slender fingers glides smoothly along the piano keys during her play mesmerised everyone who watching her.

For the last two Bridgerton siblings, there's not much to say since both of them are very young. The Bridgerton are very protective of each another, so no one know much about Gregory and Hyacinth Bridgerton except that they are still in highschool.

At first, Penelope never would have thought that Eloise is part of the Bridgerton family, sure she is a very good looking woman, plus with her natural charisma aura, and her bold personality, okay, perhaps she have never thought that someone so ordinary like her can meet someone from the Bridgerton family. That's the main reason why she never found out about Eloise, until Eloise herself accidentally admitted the truth. Penelope decided to keep Eloise's secret as she is aware of Eloise's determination of keeping her family a secret from others. But, honestly, Penelope got quite solemn knowing that Eloise did not trust her enough, even though they have been friends for years already.

Anyways, she will keep the secret to grave of Eloise demands. Since Eloise is her first and precious friend. Nothing else matters, besides for Eloise's happiness.

"Are you alright, El?," Penelope asked her best friend that seems to be deep in thoughts since earlier.

"U-um, I... I don't know what to say, it's not like I hate that actor, or I think that he's not good enough to be Hendrick but... It's difficult," Eloise said solemnly.

"It's fine, you don't have to say anything else. Perhaps I should try to convince them to try to look for other options. Maybe that new actor, Michael Stirling? Well, he looks amazingly handsome. I bet he will be a great Hendrick we might ever seen," Penelope said to comfort Eloise.

"Are you sure about that? Can you really change that wicked wi-, I meant the producer, what you call her again? Madam Danbury."

"I will try! Anything for you!," Penelope said excitedly.

Next meeting....


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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