5: Escape

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The air vent cover suddenly flew off of its position, coming to a rest at Minho's feet, on the opposite side of the room. Everyone jumped up from their tense relaxation when Thomas fired into the room. Newt whirled around from his pacing when he heard Anna's labored breathing, his hands leaving imprints on his hips.

"Thomas!" Minho cried. "What happened?"

Thomas's wild eyes went around the room, checking to see if everyone was still there. "Come on, we have to go," he muttered forcefully to the group. "Come on!"

"Get up," Anna said, her voice rising quickly. "Now!"

"Whoa, what?" Minho asked, already joining Thomas at the bunks, picking up a mattress. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"What do you mean, "we've got to go?" " Newt's words were accompanied with a small laugh, as if he couldn't believe what Thomas and Anna were telling him. No one blamed him.

"Get up," Anna repeated. "They're coming for us!"

"Aris, what happened?" Frypan cried. He just wanted some damn clarification! Aris wasn't giving it though; he was long past coherent thought. He stared at the floor, trying to comprehend what he had just heard.

"Anna, please," Newt said loudly. She just turned in circles, looking for something, anything, to block the door. She tossed a blanket to Thomas to tie around the door handle.

"Anna!" Newt finally yelled. He grabbed both sides of her face and made her look at him. "Will you just calm down! Talk to us!"

Anna calmed down. He held her gaze for a millisecond, and she drew a shuddering breath. "She's still alive," she said, still raw.

"Who' s "she"?" Frypan wasn't getting any information out of anyone! "Teresa?"

"No, Ava," Anna clarified.

Newt kept his eyes on her, his hands on her shoulders. "Ava?"

Thomas lost it even more. He grunted, helping Minho shoving a mattress against the door. "It's WICKED!" he screamed.

The shoe dropped.

Silence. Newt pulled Anna a little closer as he stood up to his full height.

"It still WICKED, it's always been WICKED," Thomas continued.

Minho took a breath. This was not how he thought his evening was going to go.

Newt finally placed Anna to the side, getting her out of the way. He reached and held the mattress against the door. "Thomas!" Newt said, getting his attention. "What did you see?" He licked his lips anxiously, and Thomas seemed to short-circuit.

Aris finally snapped out of his stupor. "Bodies," he answered Newt. "We can't explain right now. We have to leave. One at a time, through the vents, now!"

No one argued. Thomas went first to direct, and Frypan pushed Winston to the vent under the bunk and followed.

"Careful," Aris warned loudly, pulling at Minho's arm to go next.

Anna heard the keycard chime. They had to move.

Aris gestured for the next person. Newt shoved her forward. "Go," he hissed.

Janson pressed on the door and the mattress thudded to the ground.

Newt followed Anna, who had stopped in the vent. "You okay?" she asked, already on the move again.

"Good," he answered. He waited for Aris to make it in before he crawled forward. Aris made it just before a sound like thunder swept through the space.

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