Everyone is Finally Here!

Start from the beginning

"Deal! I'm homeless atm hehe" said Aquarius

"That's sad af" said Cancer

"Sad? Nah, it's okay I guess, I could manage"

"You could've asked me to take you in! I run a motel you know!"

"Oh, my bad I didn't know about that..."

"It's okay...we have a house now"

"Did it do well...?"

"My only customer was Leo..."

"Oh right"

"HEY! So was I!" said Aries

"You his girlfriend?" asked Aquarius


"My bad lol"

"I'm single lol, but if you insist..." said Leo


Everyone laughed at the that except for ducks because they don't laugh they're literally ducks what the fuck.

"Okay, wanna head back?" asked Aries

"No" said Sagittarius



Meanwhile the other 4 signs were in the car waiting.

"You not following them Scorpio?" asked Libra

"Nah, I'm tired..." said Scorpio

Scorpio instantly fell asleep on Capricorn's lap.


"Lol I think she likes you" said Libra

"Oh shut up" said Capricorn

"Is it just me or does Scorpio sleep a lot?" said Virgo

"Hey don't judge people for that?" 

"Nah I'm not judging lol, I'm just saying she likes to sleep a lot"

"Yeah, sleeping is pretty nice"

"Tru...but I like gaming a bit more"

"That's fair...what's your name again?"

"Virgo, this other guy's Libra"

"Hello!" said Libra

Capricorn waved at him when Virgo stretched his arms and got out the car.

"I'm thirsty, I'm gonna go to 7/11 and get something" said Virgo

Virgo walked towards 7/11 when he saw a small girl sitting down on the stairs, the girl had dark purple eyes and wavy brown hair and was wearing a big purple sweater and black stockings, Virgo noticed that she looked annoyed and walked towards her.

"Hey, you all good?" asked Virgo

"No I'm not..." whined the girl

"Why what's wrong?"

"The cashier's mean, he won't sell me beer"

" H u h ? "

"Yeah what a dick right?"

"Wait, how old are you?"

"I'm 18"


"WHAT? How old are you?"


"Dang you're young"

"Heh heh, I always get told I look older"

"I get told I look younger even though I'm 18..."

"But 18 is legal"

"Yeah but everyone says I look like a little kid, hmmph!"

"I felt that but don't worry, I can help out... wait a sec..." 

Virgo noticed Libra walking and brought him over.

"This is Libra, he's 18 so he can buy beer for you" said Virgo

"Thank you, Libra!" said the girl

The girl hugged him and Libra found it hard to breathe because she was squeezing him hard.

"What's your name?" asked Virgo

"I'm Pisces" said Pisces

"Oh cool, I'm Virgo" said Virgo

"So do I buy it now?" asked Libra

"Yes!" said Virgo and Pisces

Libra went into the store and bought 3 beers for the 3 of them.

"Didn't know you drink, Virgo" said Libra

"I drink sometimes...I don't really care too much about it" said Virgo

Pisces rested her head on Virgo's lap and giggled.

"Shit you drunk?" asked Virgo

"Nope, hehe..." said Pisces

Pisces looked at Virgo with a red face.

"Yup she's either drunk or in love" joked Libra


"Awww, she's shy too!" said Libra

"Jesus Libra" said Virgo

Pisces yawned and Virgo carried her on his back back to the car and when they were going back they saw the rest of the signs walking towards the car.

"Hey, I think we got everyone!" said Libra

"Are you both...okay?" asked Capricorn

"Yes!" grinned Libra

Virgo put Pisces into the car next to Scorpio.

"Awww, they're so cute sleeping together!" giggled Aquarius

Cancer took out a blanket from her bag and covered Pisces and Scorpio with it.

"What? I gotta make sure they sleep well" said Cancer

"That's very motherly of you lol" said Taurus


"Be our mommy!"


"Ugh, ignore him he's a dumbass" said Capricorn

"Hey! Rude!" said Taurus

"Okay can we get inside now?!" asked Aries

Aries got inside the drivers seat and everyone else got into the car which somehow fitted everyone with no one squashed and they drove off, meanwhile Aries got another text.

"You have everyone, proceed to the mansion, it's 10 km away"

"Ooooh, we're done?" said Leo

"Hell yeah bro!!" said Sagittarius

"We should totally be friends!"


Leo and Sagittarius brofisted and Capricorn was slightly scared.

"LET'S GO EVERYONE IS FINALLY HERE!" said Aries thinking out loud

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