Chapter 14 - A House Divided

Start from the beginning

"Perhaps it is too broken to mend." Klaus tell Elijah which makes my amused smile fall and a deep frown take its place.

Klaus takes back his paintbrush from Elijah and returns to his painting.

"I will not be raising my daughter in a place unsafe. If you won't do anything than can we leave this damn city?" I questions, getting tired of Klaus sulking.

Both Klaus and Elijah give me a look which meant a definite no and I roll my eyes at them.

"If you won't do anything, I will." Elijah tells Klaus as he marches past Klaus.

"Phoebe, you are with me today." He informs me and I give an unsure look.

"Because....?" I questions, not making any effort to move from my spot.

"Because if I am to bring this city back together, thanI need you by my side. Your ability to connect with people, to understand their pain and their struggles, will be invaluable to our cause." Elijah explains, his voice firm as he takes a step closer to me.

I sigh, knowing that I wouldn't be able to resist his persistence. Elijah always had a way of convincing me to do what he wanted.

"Fine." I roll my eyes and get off the couch, allowing the blanket to the floor which leaves me, naked. Klaus appears at me from the corner of his eye with an amused smile while Elijah sighs in frustration.

"You emptied the compound of the others, there is no need to be so modest anymore." I say as I walk past Elijah.

Elijah grabs me by my arm and pulls me back , his grip firm but not painful. He dips his head down, his lips lingering just in front of mine with less than an inch between them.

"For your own sake, Phoebe, I implore you to behave yourself. This is not the time for such frivolous behaviour." Elijah warns me, his breath hot against my skin.

"I think it's the perfect time." i tell him before wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him into a deep, passionate kiss.

Elijah's grip on me tightens as he returns my kiss with equal fervour. Klaus clears his throat loudly, bringing our attention to him.

"Must you always be so dramatic, brother?" Klaus asks, irritation lacing his voice.

Elijah pulls away from me and straightens up. "There is nothing wrong with showing affection to the ones you care about," he says, his eyes locked onto Klaus. "Perhaps you should try it sometime."

Klaus smirks, "Oh I already have showed her plenty of affection today, brother. Perhaps you should pay closer attention."

I feel my cheeks redden at Klaus's words, knowing all too well what he means by them. Elijah's grip on my arm tightens for a moment before he lets go and turns to face Klaus fully.

"I meant genuine affection, Niklaus. Not just carnal desires," Elijah says, his tone firm.

Klaus's smirk fades slightly, but he doesn't look defeated.

I roll my eyes at the both of them.

"I am going to get dressed then we go be peacemakers." I say to Elijah before i wonder out the room, feeling both of their eyes on me as I do.

I stop at the door and turn back to them, my expression becoming serious, " Oh, boys. Put me in the middle of your sibling rivalry again and I will make sure you both regret it," I say before walking out of the room, leaving them to sort out their issues.

I leave the room and head to my own to change into something more suitable for the task at hand. 

As I do, I can't help but think about the dynamic between the Mikaelson brothers. It's always been a complicated one, with their love and loyalty to one another constantly at odds with their own personal agendas. 

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