Sunny Tenynson x Male Reader

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Gwen:Besides making you carry her things up the stairs?

Y/N:She was tired.

Gwen:(Sigh)We can go like this for hours.Just drop them there an come in.

He followed he instructions,glad that he could drop the weight off his arms and closed the doors behind him.When he turend to Gwen however,she was laying on her bed,her arms and legs spread out as if she were falling.

Y/N:What are you doing?

Gwen:Just cherishing the last moments of normal and peace for a long,long time.

Y/N:Why dont you try to make the best of the situatuion.You can use this time to bond with her and rekindle your ralationship with her.

What they both failed to notice,was a ball of dark pink light just outside the room and watching from corner.The light ball had an image of a blinking eye in it as Sunny was revealed to be watching them trough the other light ball on the couch.

Sunny:Isnt he adorable?I might actually keep this one.Cant imagine growing bored of...what was his name again?Y/N?That sounds about right.

Gwen:I just dont want her to take my best friend away from me and when shes bored of you,shell forget about you and you wont want to have anyhting to do with me since we look alike.

Sunny:She knows me so well.

Y/N:Oh Gwen.

He sat next to her on the bed and pulled her into a sitting position before pulling her into a hug.

Y/N:Youll always be my friend no matter what.And if Im good enough to be your best friend,I must have some intellect in here.

Gwen:I hope youre right.But thanks.I realls needed that.

Sunny:OK,now I really want him.If my dear cousin thinks she can have all that lovey doveyness for herself,she has another thing coming.

When Gwen had collected herself,she and Y/N went down stairs.When she got on the last stair,she took a deep breath and exhailed.

Gwen:Lets do this.

They walked over to the couch and stopped in front of Sunny.

Gwen:So Sunny,can I get you anything?

Sunny:Yeah,I could use a cold juice.Kind of rude you didnt offer it earlier.

Gwen gritted her teeth and her fists were shaking by her side as she forced a unconvincing smile on her face.


She stomped away into the kitchen to get the refreshments as Y/N was once again left alone with her cousin.

Sunny:Y/N,right?Come sit down.I wanna hear all about how you met Gwendy.

She pulls her feet of the couch and takes a sitting position after which she petted a spot Y/N then sat on.

Y/N:Well,she started going to my class this year but we didnt have much interaction.Then one day the teacher asked the whole class one question and we were the only ones that raised their hands to answer.

Sunny:How cute.And all this years I joked about Gwen being the queen of the nerds not knowing how right Id be.

Before she had a chance to laugh at her own sentence,Gwen loudly,but carefully,slammed the tray with three glasses of (favourite juice) on the living room table.

Gwen:Help yourselves.

Sunny:Thanks cus.

She grabbed two glasses and handed one to Y/N before letting her free arm rest behind Y/N on the couch.

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