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Third person's pov

The next day came by quickly. After having some breakfast the kids went outside to play since it was the last day of the Feder family at the lake house.

Andre and Greg were in the water while Alex, Donna, Keithie and Charlotte were at the shore. Keithie skipped a rock in the lake and cheered loudly along with the others. He high fived Alex who was smiling.

"Donna, you want to try?" Keithie asked Donna handing her a rock. "Sure. But, I stink at sports." She said and grabbed the rock from his hand. "That's all right, here." Keithie reassured her. "Hold it like this. Down low and throw it and let the rock do the magic." He instructed her. Donna did exactly what she has been told and totally succeed! "I did it!" She said happily. Her sister was cheering for her and hugged her. "Good job Donna!" Roxanne appeared from behind them congratulating her. "Do you know how to skip rocks Mrs. Feder?" Donna asked Roxanne. "Are you kidding me? I am the best at this! Give me that." She said and grabbed a rock. "Now watch me." She got into position and threw the rock. Problem is. It didn't hit the water.

"Oh my God baby are you okay?!" Roxanne asked her son as he was holding his stomach. "Yeah Mom, I'm just glad to see you having some fun!" Greg said. You could hear the pain in his voice.

After a while outside Becky came running outside with a big smile on her face. "We're not leaving! We're not leaving! Mommy said we are going to the waterpark!" She said happily and grabbed Alex's hand and dragged her towards the house.

It was a sunny day. A perfect day to spend it at the waterpark. After everyone got ready they left for the waterpark.

Alex was with Charlotte and Donna walking through the waterpark trying to decide where to go first. Both Charlotte and her sister were wearing a one piece swimsuit while Alex was wearing a simple baby pink two pieces swimsuit.

They pasted Charlotte's brother and Greg who crashed his cone of ice cream. Alex came to a stop causing the two girls to stop as well. She chuckled and looked at the boys. "you crushed your cone." She chuckled and pointed at the ruined now come in Greg's hand. She started walking away nearing the water slide along with ber best friends.

After the girls had their fun their dads and the others except from the moms, decided to join them. "Daddy, this line's not even moving!" Donna complained as all of them were waiting patiently at the line. "I know." Eric said. "I want Mommy's milk!" Bean demanded. Eric turn around to look at his son. "I know you do son."
"He wants Mommy's milk." Kurt started teasing Eric. "Give him some Mommy's milk."

"Mommy's milk, mommy's milk, mommy's-" Bean started shouting. "Dammit, no more Mommy's milk okay?!" Eric snapped. "You want milk you're drinking regular milk." He said and looked around. He spotted a boy walking by who was holding a box of milk. "Hey, hey, here kid-" Eric said and grabbed the boy's milk. "Hey!" The boy shouted. Eric couldn't deal with the boy. "Don't give me the guff right now kid! Here's a buck, run along...run along." He said as he handed to the boy a dollar. He turned around and looked at Bean.

"Here, drink milk straight out of the carton." He said and handed his son the milk. "I don't know if Mommy will want me to." He said. "All right just drink it okay! Just like Daddy does, let me show you okay." Eric said desperately and started drinking from the box. "Okay." Bean said and grabbed the box from his dad's hand. He started drinking and everyone waited for his reaction. "I'm just like Daddy!" He said with a smile. Eric smiled proudly. "See that? no more bobbie milk!" Lenny joled. "Yay! more for us!" Kurt joined too.

After a few minutes of waiting the adults decided to cut the line. "All right doing the back door shuffle." Lenny said as he guided the kids.

"Dad? Are we allowed to go through here?" Donna asked her dad as they got through the gate. "Absolutely not but we're doing it anyways." Eric answered as he guided them. "Your cool Dad found this back in the day."

"Go up the ladder."

"All righty... who's next?" The worker at the slide said. Lenny who was watching through a gap of the wooden door said. "Now's a great time... Charlotte, you're up first." He said and Charlotte exited where they were hiding.

"Who's next?"

And just like that, one by one, they were down the slide.

"Hey, weren't you guys just here?" The worker asked the four girls. Amber, Jasmine , Bridget and Alex. "No, I think you have us confused with some other people." Amber said. "I don't think so because you're three of the hottest chicks I've ever seen in my life." He said. Alex gave him a disgusted look.

"I'm twelve you perve!" alex shouted in a disgusted tone.

"Hey!" Robbie shouted and emerged from behind them. "What?" The worker asked. "These are my daughters! Well except from that one." He said and pointed at Alex. "but it doesn't matter!"

"right...uh uh Her definitely...because she's Fugly
just like you." He said and pointed at Bridget. Alex couldn't stand here and hear him talk so she pushed the down the slide. She laughed along with the girls.

"Dad, come on, hurry up! I want to go to Power Splunge!" Donna shouted at her dad who was in the swimming pool. "hey donna wanna get to the power splunge?" Alex said as she stood next to her sister looking at her dad. " I was actually waiting for dad but he seems busy."

"One second sweetie, we're going on all the rides today, we're doing them all. We're going to have fun!" Eric said. "Dad are you peeing in the pool?" Alex asked her dad. "No I'm not!" He quickly declined. "You know they put a chemical in the pool that turns urine blue!" His younger daughter explained. "No, no they're old wives tales sweetie It's an old wives tale-" Eric tried to said. "Oh my God!" Donna yelled as she saw the pool starting to get a dark blue colour. Alex gagged and turned away. "You're humiliating me!" Donna shouted and grabbed her older sister's hand and left.

After going on all the rides, Lenny asked Alex to join him so here she is. With her dad, Lenny and Greg. "I don't know about this one Dad. It's kind of steep." Greg said and looked at his dad. "Yeah, yeah, it's a little steeper than I remember. Okay let's go to another ride." Lenny said and began walking with the others. "Good thing the kid chickened out so you don't have to go, right Feder?" They came into a stop when three men stood in fron of them along with a kid of the age of both Greg and Alex.

"Why don't you hire somebody to do it for you Mr. ritchie rich?" Wiley said laughing along with the two men next to him. "Hey Wiley what's up man?" Lenny greeted. "Hey there little mama." The kid said and looked at Alex. She pointed at herself and he nod. He turned at her dad and said. "why is this potato shaped kid talking to me?" Eric started laughing while the kid rolled his eyes and grabbed onto the handles. "Step aside chumps let me get this on. Hasta la vista Chicken shiznit!" He shouted

"Go kid!"

"That was good, that was very nice." Lenny clapped his hands. "if this chicken nugget thing did that then i want to do it too." I said and grabbed the handles. I ran off and then i let go of the handles and did i back flip and landed into the water. Everyone around me started cheering loudly. "That's my daughter!" I heard dad shouting from above. "All right, now I want some of this." Greg said and got ready. He turned backwards and the worker there pushed him. He fell into the water and everyone started cheering and clapping again. Alex high fived him. "that was so cool!" She said and smiled at him. He returned the smile.

"You're up Hollywood." Bailey said and pointed at Lenny. "I'm up?...All right." Lenny answered and went to grab the handles. He went off and did a flip and landed into the water. Everyone along with Greg and Alex cheered him up.

"Oh ho! Looks like second place again Bailey huh...?" Eric said with a smirk on his face. Bailey turned to Wiley and said. "Go down the hanging by your feet! Show these idiots!"

"By my feet?" Wiley questioned. "Is that safe?"
"What do you care? you're an animal... You're an animal!!" Bailey encouraged him.

Wiley put his on the handles and went off and he couldn't let go and that lead to him crashing into the wooden cabin?

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