Chapter 2x08: Facing the truth

Start from the beginning

YURI: (Shrugging and trying to hide a smile) Maybe nobody has told you this before, but you do. (Puts a hand on Kitty's shoulder) I'm sorry that I was the one who had to tell you this.

(Kitty punches Yuri's arm, causing Yuri to pull her arm away.)

KITTY: (Ashamed) Stop it!

(Yuri can't take it anymore and starts laughing. That makes Kitty understand what is happening and she starts laughing as well. For a few seconds, the nervousness that Yuri felt completely vanishes and there is only happiness between them. Kitty doesn't feel so much the headache and Yuri feels calmed and relaxed, as if she doesn't have a chaos of feelings inside her. Yuri ends up looking at Kitty's lips and that's when she comes back to reality. She can't take her eyes away from them. And that's the only way she realizes Kitty has stopped laughing and is talking to her.)

KITTY: Seriously, did I do something yesterday that I should be ashamed of?

(Yuri thinks about it for a few seconds. She internally debates between telling her the truth or trying to make her remember it herself. Finally, so that things are not so embarrassing that early in the morning, she decides to go with the second option.)

YURI: What is the last thing you remember?

(Kitty opens her eyes a bit.)

KITTY (Off): Oh my god. What did I do?

KITTY: Does that mean that I did something wrong?

YURI: (Shakes her head, thinking quickly for a way out) I'm just asking because I'm not going to summarize everything that happened last night if you remember a part of it.

KITTY: (Nods) Makes sense. (Thinks about it for a second) We started drinking alcohol. We talked about you mom and I think we started talking about Juliana as well. (Tries to think harder) But I'm not sure if we ended the conversation or what. (Focuses on Yuri) So, did something happen after that?

(Kitty looks at her with intensity and doubtfully, and Yuri's heart begins to pound against her chest. Yuri knows that she should tell her and have the conversation as soon as possible. However, she is not ready for it. The chaos of feelings she has inside of her still doesn't make total sense and she knows she must clear herself up before she can talk properly to Kitty. So, even though Yuri knows she shouldn't keep it from Kitty, she ends up smiling at her and quickly changing the subject.)

YURI: Nothing else. You fell asleep when we were talking and the conversation was cut short. But I was drinking as well, so I am not the best and most reliable source of information. (Stands up from bed) Alright, I leave you having breakfast while I take a shower. (Comes closer to Kitty and pretends to smell her) You should also take a bath as well. You stink a bit and I don't want your horrible smell to stay in my bed. I let you sleep here last night by yourself, but I need to use it tonight.

(Kitty opens her mouth and eyes wide with perplexity. Yuri starts laughing and Kitty decides to tease her.)

KITTY: Well, now you'll see if my smell stays on you for a long time.

(Kitty gets up from bed and Yuri, knowing what she's going to do, starts to walk backwards.)

YURI: Stop!

(Kitty ignores her and starts to run after her, with her arms open.)

KITTY: (Yelling) I just want to give you a hug!

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