A Shockingly Cheeky Friendship

Start from the beginning

Ash and Clemot: Bonnie!

Bonnie: Huh?

Dedenne: Dene!

Bonnie: There you are! Uh hey!

Clemot: Bunnelby get dedenne out of that hole

Ash: You too Pikachu

Y/n: Ok Shadow you help too

Shadow: Froak...kie.. *jumps off Y/n shoulder and into a hole*

Ash: Over here?

Pikachu: Pika!

Clemot: No over there

Clemot: Aha..

Clemot got shocked by Pikachu

Y/n: *facepalms*

Ash: Woah that dedenne sure is quick

Bonnie: oh! I want it now!

Pikachu jumped into a hole and ran through it and eventually finding dedenne

Pikachu: Pika Pika

Dedenne: De ne ne

Pikachu: Pika!

Adventure and a half for Dedenne and Pikachu and now Their tumbling down a hole

(Pikachu POV)
Pikachu: Pika? Pikachu..Pika Pika

Dedenne: Dedenne

Pikachu: Pika! Pikachu!

(Team Rocket POV)
Jessie: There's Pikachu!

James: True with a bonus pokemon too

Meowth: What is it?

James: Oh it's a dedenne an electric type

Meowth: Never seen one before

Jessie: they're having a back and forth buzz fest

James: Since their both electric types I guess their in the process of communicating

Jessie: Ugh Meowth Translation

Meowth: No can do I don't speak electricity

Jessie: What luck the twerps nowhere to be seen

James: perfect his lose is our gain

(Ash POV)
Y/n: Dedenne is gone...

Ash: Maybe....Pikachu hasn't come back either

Clemot: Bunnelby would you mind going back down there and looking for Pikachu

Y/n: *returns Furfrou* Let's hope Pikachu and dedenne are alright

Ash: ...Pikachu...

(Pikachu POV)
Pikachu: Piika..Pi Pika Pika!

Dedenne: Denne..

Pikachu: Pika...Pika!

Pikachu used thunderbolt to knock down a Berry then gave it to Dedenne then there was a net

Pikachu: Pika? *Pikachu helped dedenne get away*

Pikachu: Pika..

Dedenne: Dene

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Jessie: Prepare for trouble my prized Pikachu

James: and Make it double with dedenne too

Jessie: To protect the world from devastation

James: To unite all people within our nation

Jessie: to denounce the evils of truth and love

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