Part 15

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So, it turned out they didn't need to go anywhere else. Sil and his girl stayed with the Spritons to finish off their honeymoon and her punishment.

The girl learned much from the Spriton Clan to tend to animals, make crafts and weapons. Their craftsmanship was magnificent to her eyes. She also talked with many Gelfling to become friends with them. They were also curious about her world, and she told them some things about Earth but limiting the technology part as they likely wouldn't understand it. They also made her special shoes for traveling, sandals for warm weather and boots for snowy weather. She was thankful to them for that.

Sil watched over the clan to see how they handled crops and supplies, their military training, and much more. He helped with some bigger things too when needed but still left it to the Gelfling to do their jobs.

At night though, Sil and his wife still spent their quality time together. That was the only time they had for it. There had been more mating sessions too.

When the fortnight was over, Sil knew he was more than ready to get back to the castle. He wasn't sure the girl was ready to go back, however.

The guards made sure that things were ready to go in the carriage. Podlings also helped with the Armalings. Sil went to find his mate. He found her telling the Maudra goodbye.

"Time to go, Human." Sil said as he approached.

"I know. I was just thanking her for the hospitality for the two weeks we've been here." She stated.

"Yes, great staying here, Maudra. We make visit sometime in future." Sil decreed.

"It was great getting to know you, my dear." The Maudra said in a friendly manner.

"The same. Now I must be on my way." The girl replied. "Take care."

"Come." Sil advised. He led her toward the carriage that was ready to go.

The Gelflings had liked getting to know the Chamberlain's mate. She definitely had something that he didn't have at times, integrity and honor.

Sil didn't mind being around Gelflings at times, but he still preferred his own kind's ways more. But Gelflings allowed him to order them around as his right as a lord. But he also didn't want his wife to become too 'soft and weak' on the Gelflings either. He had let her socialize though and do some work alongside them to get some woodwork on her hands. It was something she had been unaccustomed to. She hadn't lived in the primitive ages of the early twentieth century or further back when humans had once lived kind of like Gelfling cultures. That's why she had found this so fascinating.

When they settled in the carriage, Sil stated, "You learn much while being here."

"Yes, I did. There was so much that I didn't know from this clan and I'm sure there are a lot more ways I can learn from the other clans too." She explained. "I'm still newer here, so forgive my enthusiasm about wanting to get closer to the Gelflings."

"Just not let them overrule you, Human. Like younglings that get carried away in bossing around." Sil warned her.

"I understand."

"Must always be ready to give commands to be followed as honorary Skeksis being my mate." Sil declared. "Emperor should have forgiven Human's mistake by now."

"I hope so." She said. "And I understand. Yes. Children need lots of direction because they can cause chaos if their elders don't know how to handle them. That was a big problem on my planet. They can become little terrorists. Some are just in playful manners, others in not so playful."

"What would you do if you should actually have child with me?" Sil asked curiously.

"Somehow, I don't think it's possible, but if I did, I would welcome it. Being that we are totally different species, we could never know what kind of health the baby would have." She explained. "Or what it would look like, but I would hope it looked more like you." She reached over and put a hand under his chin, stroking it.

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