Part 11

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Over the next few weeks, while they were waiting for their ceremony to happen, the girl told Sil about some wedding traditions that humans had back home. Sil was willing to compromise for her as he did feel a little empty feeling inside his mind that something was missing. Despite her not being a Skeksis, but she had gotten a deeper bond with him than anyone else around the castle. He wanted to know of some new stuff that would be entertaining. Things that could keep their bond going.

The other Skeksis thought that this thing was both exciting and stupid as since most of them couldn't stand Sil and wondered what this human saw in him that she couldn't see in them. And their kind didn't take mates like Gelflings did, but she had managed to talk Sil and the Emperor into it. In a way, even the emperor seemed to have a small soft spot for the human, but he would never take her as a mate. He liked ruling solo. The Skeksis all liked being solo but didn't have a problem with sleeping together when they chose to.


The weeks passed by too fast even though it felt slow for the girl. She was nervous about tomorrow. She had told the Chamberlain that she couldn't see him the night before the wedding. It would make it all the more fun to see him at the wedding to see how she looked.

Chamberlain wasn't about to change anything about himself. He already knew that she liked his robes the way they were. But he would make sure to look nice for the ceremony. He bathed the morning of the ceremony. The wedding wasn't until the afternoon. Everyone was not to eat until after the ceremony to make sure they were hungry enough for the foods that would be presented, though they did eat breakfast. But lunch would be later than usual.

The Ornamentalist had made the wedding gown for the girl. It was more of a pink robe rather than white. He thought it complimented Sil's robes as he knew Sil would stay in his regular robes. Podling women on the other hand did her hair to make it look nice. It was braided, then she put her own hair into a bun.

"Thank you, Podlings," she said as she looked in the mirror. She smiled at herself. She wished her family could see her on her wedding day, but she knew her family wouldn't approve of this wedding. Marrying another creature wouldn't be right to them, but they weren't here and she had made her choice. The Podlings were pleased with their work and went off after that.

The ballroom was going to be the place where the ceremony was held as it had more room to it. It had been cleaned up by both Podlings and Gelflings.

Gelflings from the Vapra, Spriton, and Sifa were all arriving to help celebrate the wedding. They were bringing some extravagant gifts to celebrate. They hoped the lords of the Crystal appreciated the gifts. Foods, carpets, some clothing pieces to be used to make clothes, blankets, and so on. Even special drinks like wine.

Out across the landscapes, the few Skeksis that had been ordered to be off elsewhere doing business or banished temporarily were hearing of the news that was going to be happening at the castle. The Lord Chamberlain was taking a mate? This was odd. No one ever had before. This was something they had to see for themselves. Ung, Na, and Shod began making their way to the castle. The only one who didn't make it would be Mal. He didn't care one way or another. Another was Gra, not allowed to return at all. Sa was also out at sea and didn't know at the moment.

As the other Skeksis were seeing what was being brought into the castle, kind of like tithes but nicer, they were seeing some of the positive side of this thing. To think it was the Chamberlain's engagement that had brought this about. But the Gelfling clans were all obedient to their lords. They were wanting to see such a joyous event happen. Something new and exciting.

But among the Skeksis who didn't want to see this happening, SkekVar knew he had to put a stop to this. He had been wanting to put a stop to Sil's and the girl's schemes. He never even knew that the emperor would allow something like this to happen. He was foolish to even allow it. Their kind never took spouses. But even the emperor had been fooled by this human's ways.

Nearly around the midday hour, the girl was finishing getting her dress on when she heard a knock at her door. She went to answer it. She was shocked at who it was.

The General pushed his way into the room and into her, nearly knocking her over.

"What do you want, General?" she demanded.

"Why would you want to marry the Chamberlain? If you're going to wed one of us, it should be me! He's such a weak one! I'm so much better and stronger than he is." Var proclaimed.

"I want to marry him because of our bond and the emperor decreed it. We don't have a bond. You've always despised me from the moment I arrived here. I know you were oh so eager to give me that whipping so long ago." She argued back at him.

"And I would do it again if you don't listen to me. You will call off this wedding and do it with me instead."

"I don't care what you want. If you want a bride of your own, find one that feels the same way, not forcing yourself on them! I can see now that what the Chamberlain says about you is true. You are a brainless brute!"

"Why you!" The General was so enraged that lashed out at her, but she was ready for him. She caught his wrist and twisted it. She was too angry to let this go.

"I can fight back too. I took some strong fighting skills back home. I could break your wrist if I had to. No one is going to ruin my wedding day!" The girl snarled back angrily.

The General was surprised at the girl's strength in her hand at the way she held it, ready to snap his wrist. He writhed in pain. "Let go of me!" Var ordered.

"I may be smaller than you by just a few inches. But I'm no Gelfling. You have no right to ruin this for me or Chamberlain. You can either be there or go elsewhere. It's your choice. Now get out of my room!" The girl ordered. She then released his wrist.

Var was still angry but was shocked that the human had had that much power in her hand to be able to hurt his wrist. "This isn't over!" He snarled at her and left the room.

The girl knew she would have to remain wary of him.

The three other Skeksis soon came back to the castle. Ung, Na, and Shod met up with the other Skeksis, including the emperor. He was shocked to see them.

"Why are you three back here?" So demanded of them.

"We came to see what this wedding was all about." Na replied.

"Heard it's the Chamberlain's." Ung declared.

"Yes, it is and I'm decreeing it." The Emperor stated. "I didn't say you could come back yet."

"Even if it is the whimpering worm's wedding, this was something we never would have expected. Who is the mate to be?" Ung asked.

"A human from a different world. She looks like a Gelfling but bigger." So explained.

The three were flabbergasted that even SkekSil was marrying one that was not his kind. But then, it didn't really matter because none of them could have offspring anyway.


SkekVar went to the Scientist for a look at his wrist. Tek was curious about who had hurt the General's wrist. It wasn't broken, just sprained.

"Who did this to you?" Tek asked curiously. Secretly, he would applaud them. No one usually stood up to the General save the emperor.

"It was that human!" Var snarled. Tek had just finished wrapping it in a compression bandage.

"It's not broken. Just sore for a few days. Heh, I never thought the human could do that." Tek said.

"She's going to regret it if I have anything to say about it." Var growled and left the lab. He knew he had to get to the emperor before the girl did.

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