Part 8

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A few hours later, as the first sun had risen and daylight was getting brighter, SkekSil opened his eyes and smelled the room. He yawned and knew it wasn't his room. Then he remembered he had slept in the girl's room after an evening of private dancing. He was about to rise when he felt weight on his right side.

He looked to his right and there he saw the human girl lying on his chest with his arm wrapped around her. He didn't remember doing anything with her last night out of the ordinary. Somehow, she had moved next to him and went to sleep like this. This must of have meant something special. But he knew that he needed to get up and go greet the day. It would be time for the morning Crystal Ceremony soon. He had to wake her up.

"Hmmm, Human, wake up. Morning. Must wake up now." Sil started talking and nudging her to wake. She moaned on him, not wanting to wake up yet. When the gentle talking didn't do anything, he had to make himself louder. "Wake up!"

"Hm!" The girl raised her head and jumped from him shouting. It made her also accidentally strike him in the side of his stomach.

"AGGGH! OW!" Sil cried out in pain and he wanted to hold the spot.

"Oh, sorry. You just scared me so suddenly like that." she declared. Sil had unwrapped his arm from around her and his hand went to hold and rub his belly where she had hit him.

"I not remember getting so close in bed last night." Sil stated.

"Well, sometimes we can't control what we do in our sleep either." She proclaimed. "I didn't mean to do anything rash."

"Must get up and go do Skeksis things before human has to get up. Ritual." Sil said. "Must get dressed and leave now."

Chamberlain reluctantly got up from the bed and got dressed. Her scent was on him.

"Sorry I hit you. You alright?" she asked.

"Yes. Small bruise. Little pain." Sil replied.

"I hope you don't regret what happened last night with me." The girl begged.

"What? Dance or sleep in same bed?"

"Sleeping together."

"No. Comfy bed. Just little shock waking up to Human on me." Sil stated.

"Yeah, I can understand."

Sil finished getting his clothes on and knew he had to be out of here before the other Skeksis were. He didn't want them to know that he was involved in the development of more of his kind's ways with the girl. They would most likely disapprove right now.

The girl felt pleased with herself, however. When Sil was away from the others, he didn't seem too bad now that they were trying a friendship together. She laid down and went back to sleep for a while. It was still early for her. Of course, she had no idea what the Skeksis did every morning with the Crystal.

The girl wasn't allowed to eat with the Skeksis. She would eat when she was ready. The Gelflings weren't even allowed to be in their dining hall. Though it had been different at one time.

Sometime later in the morning, the girl got out of bed and got dressed so she could go do her daily chores. She paid little attention to the Podlings and guards in the hallways, just stayed out of their way. She went to the kitchen to grab some breakfast first before proceeding to the throne room to inform the emperor on Gelfling roles outside the castle, that one of the Gelfling had done with her yesterday.

There would soon come another time for the Scroll Keeper and Collector to go to Ha'rar, the Gelfling capital city in the north. There were crop concerns in the Spriton Plains.

Beauty and the SkeksisOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant