Part 10

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The next day when they saw each other, she smiled at him. But of course, when no one was looking. They were keeping their relationship quiet. But there might come a time when they were found out. Perhaps it would be wise to tell the emperor about it. But they needed to talk to one another first about it. The girl had to ask Sil first.

That night, they had another lesson. "Do you think we should tell the emperor about us? If our friendship is discovered by one of the others, it might mean trouble." She brought it up.

"Perhaps Human is right. And, asking, why you kiss me last night?" Sil inquired.

"It's something we do when saying good night when we feel comfortable around someone. Or someone we really like." She explained. "And I've grown to like you, a lot. I hope I didn't offend you, my lord."

"Was certainly surprised. Have come to rely on human as good friend to Chamberlain." Then he thought of something to return the favor. "Come closer."

The girl did as instructed. "What?" Her face got closer to his and then, he moved his face past hers and then she felt a warm, wet feeling on her face as his mouth was next to her face. He had given her his version of a kiss on the cheek.

The girl backed away from him slightly surprised. She knew that was how animals usually gave humans kisses. His tongue wasn't rough at least.

Sil got a taste of her skin, and it was salty for sure. He licked his lips, getting used to the taste but getting the taste out of his mouth too.

"Uh, thanks," she complimented him. "Certainly different."

"My kiss version. Hmmm."

"I understand. Since you don't have lips like mine."

"Taste something weird from your skin." Sil complained. "Nothing tasted before."

"It might be salt. My skin has that. Animals back home know they need salt as a mineral for their health. But they also give kisses that way too, by licking. Of course, I'm not calling you an animal by any means, my lord. Just the same of giving a kiss." She explained.


"Shall we continue our lesson?" she asked. Sil nodded and they both tried to concentrate on the writing lesson some more.

But it soon became apparent that the kisses were on their minds both and soon had to stop.

"Has Human ever mated before?" Sil asked.

"By another human once. Have you?" she asked nervously.

"Yes, many a time by other Skeksis." Sil replied.

"Can we try?" she asked.

Sil couldn't turn her down. He always lived for special attention. "If that's what Human wants." he replied.

"Yes, just on the condition that we undress ourselves."


They both took their own robes off and soon were naked. The girl was probably more nervous than he was. She had never seen a Skeksis without robes on before. Sil was definitely something new to behold in her sight. Most humans would run off at the sight at what she was seeing before her. But she wanted to try it, for both affection for her friend and educational purposes.

She let him touch her first, to explore her body. She would give him some kisses too on the face or hand when he reached her face. But he was more interested in her other body parts. The more he touched her, the more aroused she got.

She was also touching his skin too. It had a leathery feel to it. He had some breasts and nipples too, which was unusual for a reptile-bird being. But they were down on his belly rather than the chest. She asked for his permission to touch him there. He consented with a whimper and nod yes.

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