Chapter twelve: New base

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It was a lot of work but it was worth it, the RED mercenaries talked to Miss Pauling about a new base. The mercenaries had to set up a camp and sleep in tents for a while, finally the mercenaries had a new base after a month. It was a bigger base that the was bought by Mann co. It was a nice base that had plenty of room for many people, the new base was far away from the old base so there was a new town near the base. The mercenaries unpacked and when Driller was done unpacking she decided to call her parents, they probably didn't know that there was a new base.

The phone was answered by Khloe's ( AKA Driller) mom, " is there anything you need Khloe?" Khloe's mom said sounding annoyed. " No not really but, I just wanted to tell you that we got a new base because our previous one was destroyed." Khloe responded, " yes yes that's nice, anyways I have more important matters to attend to so I must go, Good bye." Khloe's mother said, Khloe's mom hung up the phone. Driller was upset that her mom didn't want to talk to her, she told herself that she didn't need to talk to people who didn't really care about her because she could talk to her friends.

Driller decided to explore the new base, Driller found Scout in his room playing video games. Driller saw Pyro playing with a bunch of toys, Driller saw the kitchen and it was really clean. Engineer was cooking chicken, Driller tried to find all of the mercenaries and see what their doing. Driller saw Medic reading with a bunch of doves, " Hi Medic, what are you reading?" Driller asked. " Ah fraulein, it is good to see jou, to ansver jour question I am reading about anatomy." Medic responded, Driller then listened to Medic talk a lot about random subjects. It was interesting when Medic talked so she didn't mind, " Sadly I must go, there are some things I need to do, bye Medic." Driller said after the conversation, " good bye fraulein, hope to talk to jou soon." Medic said.

Driller saw most of the mercenaries watch tv while eating, Driller went to her room and started to draw. Scout opened Drillers door, " hey, ankle biter, I'm going to the store to get some stuff, wanna come with?" Scout asked, " sure." Driller responded

Driller and Scout went to the supermarket in the new town, Driller didn't really like the new town because a lot of people were rude. Finally Driller and Scout made it back to the base, " Ey kid, miss Pauling said we would have a battle with BLU team tomorrow." Scout said, "  that's great." Driller said.

Driller was in her room and watching tv, Driller though about ways to defeat the BLU team. Driller had to think hard about methods she could use, she could just make pit traps and shoot the BLU team from a distance. Driller though about it until she fell asleep, Driller was calm and at peace. It was dark and cold, but Driller was happy when she thought about the people who care about her before she fell asleep.

BEEP BEEP BEEP, The alarm clock made an earsplitting sound. Driller shot up from her bed and shut off the alarm clock, Driller rubbed her eyes and stood up from her bed to get ready for the day. After Driller was done preparing she walked to the kitchen to get fruit, once Driller was in the kitchen she saw Scout eating cereal. " Morning Scout, how are you doing?" Driller asked. Scout put a thumbs up as a way of say 'good' because he couldn't speak while eating his favorite cereal. Driller grabbed a banana and sat next to Scout, " are you ready to beat the BLU team?" Driller asked, " yea, sure." Scout responded, Driller could tell by the tone of Scouts voice that he was upset, Driller was good at telling wether a person was upset or not just by their look and tone. " What's wrong, you sound upset?" Driller asked.

" Me, upset pffffttt, never, I'm never upset." Scout said, " I can tell you are, is there anything I could do to help?" Driller asked. Scout sighed and finally spoke, " Well, I ... Don't know how to talk to Miss Pauling or ask her to go out with me." Driller tried to think of a way to console Scout, she really wanted to help her second best friend. " I'ma be honest with you Scout, I'm not a professional when it comes to asking someone out but I can give you some advice." Driller said, Scout didn't look any happier because he didn't think it was possible for a kid to help him with his problem problem.

" The first thing you wanna do is to be nice but not desperate, you also want to be confident but not cocky." Driller said, scout looked confused, he didn't expect someone so young to know about this. " Maybe next time when miss Pauling comes to the base you can pull her to the side and say that you have been wanting to say that you think she is a Great if not the greatest person you have ever met and that you would love to go on a date with her, but maybe first you could give her compliments."

Scout smiled at Driller, " Thankes toots, that really helped." Scout said. " The mission starts in 30 seconds." The Alarm-O-Tron announced,  " Alright, ya ready kid?" Scout asked. " Yep." Driller responded while  getting her drill.
The mercenaries walked to the big gates that led them to the battle field, 3...2...1.

The gates opened and everyone ran in different directions, Driller went behind a giant crate and started to shoot the BLU team members from a distance. " MAGGOT CHILD, THERE YOU ARE." Soldier yelled. Soldier then picked Driller up and used her as a meat shield, " SOLDIER, WHAT ARE YOU DOING, YOUR GONNA GET US KILLED." Driller yelled at soldier , "QUIET MAGGOT, I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING." Soldier said, a blue bomb then landed on the floor next to Soldier and Driller. " SOLDIER PUT ME DOWN, WERE GONNA DI-" *BOOOM*, Driller and Soldier were blown up and Driller didn't finish her sentence.

Driller and Soldier woke up in the respawn machine, " Hello zere fraulein and... Soldier, I see you both died quickly."Medic said, Driller looked at Soldier angrily. " Why did you use me as a meat shield?" Driller asked Soldier, " WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHY, WHEN CHILDREN PARTICIPATE IN WAR THEY ARE ALLOWED TO BE USED AS MEAT SHIELDS BY THE SOLDIERS." Soldier said, the other mercenaries looked annoyed and disappointed especially Medic and Scout.

" Hey Scout, did we win?" Driller asked, " yeah, we did." Scout responded. After the battle, all of the RED mercenaries where in the main room that could be like the living room. Driller, Scout and Pyro were drawing pictures together.

Miss Pauling came to the RED base so she could check up on them, Scout then walked toward Miss Pauling. Driller couldn't hear what Miss Pauling and Scout said but she assumed that Scout asked Miss Pauling out, when Scout was done talking to Miss Pauling he sat back down on the couch with a big smile on his face.

" So, what did she say?" Driller asked, " she said yes, miss Pauling and I are gonna go on a date on Sunday." Scout replied. Driller then said," that's great, I hope you have a good date." After that, Driller walked to the kitchen to get something to eat, Driller saw Heavy and Demoman at the kitchen table doing nothing. She got an idea, Driller made sandwiches for Demoman and Heavy.  After Driller made the sandwiches she brought them to Heavy and Demoman,

" hey Heavy, hi Demoman, I made these sandwiches for you." Driller said, " Thank you lettle gurl." Heavy said, " Thank ya lass." Demoman said. Driller walked back to the main room with a feeling of content, Driller sat at the couch, shared and ate oranges with Pyro while watching TV. Driller liked the new base and she liked being around her best friend, she also liked helping others.

Driller began to get upset, she started thinking about her family and how it was sad that adults that weren't even related to her cared more about her than her own parents. Driller started to get really upset because deep down inside she loved her parents even though they made her work a job that she doesn't get paid for and has a high risk of getting killed, being a mercenary was a dangerous job and her parents knew that so why did they even send her there. Driller wanted to stop caring and worrying but it made her more upset, someone then tapped her shoulder.  Driller snapped out of it and looked at who tapped her shoulder, it was Pyro. Pyro seemed happy and gave Driller an big hug, Driller calmed down and gave Pyro a hug back. She thought about it and and she didn't need the people who don't care about her, she had her friends who do care about her and that's all she needed.

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