chapter Eight: Out In Town

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Things have been going well, the Chemist and Engineer have been talking a lot to each other about their interests. The  veterinarian, fisher and scout have been hanging out with one another lately, And they all have a lot in common.

Driller went with Scout to a town near the base, the first place Scout and Driller went was a retail store, Scout grabbed a cart and looked at a piece of paper. " Alright, first we gotta get milk, and then eggs and then chicken." Scout read the list in his hands, meanwhile Driller walked to the book section to look for books to read. Driller grabbed one book and went to the toy section to look at them, Driller found a little crab that looked like spy.

" Hey... You like Spy crab too?" A voice asked beside Driller, Driller looked to her right to see a little girl with short,black hair and a green and white dress with a big green bow on her head. " Uhh yea, I think they're pretty cute crabs." Driller responded. The girl took her hand out toward Driller for a handshake, Driller shook her hand.

" Greetings, my name is Olivia Mann." The girl said, " my names Khloe but I'm usually called the Driller." Driller said. Olivia smiled at Driller and asked, " you wanna be friends.", " Uhh, sure." Driller responded " After I'm done shopping, would you like go to the park with me?" Olivia asked. " Yea sure." Driller said.

Olivia then took a pencil and wrote one a small piece of paper and handed it to Driller, " talk to you later." Olivia said while walking away. Driller decided to go back to scout and he looked like he was done with the list, " oh hey Driller, were pretty much done with shopping." Scout said. Scout and Driller were done shopping, " Hey scout, wanna go to the park." Driller asked with hopeful eyes. " Yea sure why not, I could use my skateboard and flex my baseball skills to the people there." Scout said.

Both Driller and Scout dropped the groceries off at the red bread truck and went to the park, Scout used his skateboard and Driller swung on the swings. Olivia approached Driller, it seems like she came from the sidewalk. " Hey, would you like to play with the spy crabs?" Olivia asked, " sure." Driller responded, Driller took out her spy crab and pretended it was actually spy, Olivia took out hers and played with it.

Driller and Olivia played for a few minutes and Driller was getting very bored, " what time is it?" Driller asked. Olivia looked at her watch, " it's 3:08." Olivia responded. " Well, I will have to play with you tomorrow or something because me and my friend have to go back home and put away the groceries." Driller said. " Okay, bye." Olivia said, " bye bye." Driller said back.

Driller walked over to Scout, " hey Scout, don't we have to home?" Driller asked, Scout stopped skateboarding and said, " Oh yea, we gotta go." Scout responded. Scout grabbed his skateboard and ran to the truck, Driller also ran to the truck. When Driller and Scout were home they decided that they put the groceries away, after that, Driller sat at the table and started drawing.

" Driller, do 'ou have time?" A voice behind Driller asked, it was Spy. " Yea sure." Driller responded, " it's just, now that we know 'ou weren't sent from Mann co. Some of us have been thinking if you were ever going to go home back to your parents." Spy said, Driller looked both confused and worried and she thought she knew what he meant. " It's just... A battlefield is no place for a child like 'Ou and it could be very dangerous, so most of us were wondering if you were going back to your parents." Spy said. Driller knew that spy was against the idea of Driller staying, but she wanted to anyways. She couldn't leave her first and only friends, she didn't want to go back.

" Are you suggesting that I leave?" Driller asked. " Well, it isn't very safe, 'ou could possibly die and now that 'ou invited a bunch of strangers here, we will all have more problems to deal with." Spy said Driller thought about it for a moment, " I don't think I will be able to leave, my parents want me here and if I don't listen to them... My mom will go back to threatening me and my dad won't do anything about it."Driller said. " I understand, but I think it would be better if 'ou were safer if 'ou were with 'our parents, it is much more safer then being with strangers who's jobs are killing people." Spy said.

It sounded like Spy was trying to convince Driller to leave, but she didn't need to because her parents already convinced the higher ups to let her fight along side the mercenaries. " I can't leave, it's worse with my parents then here because I get treated well here, and I was already allowed to stay here." Driller said. Spy stopped trying to convince Driller to leave and just walked away, Driller couldn't help but feel bad, was she getting in the way? Was she a burden to the other mercenaries? Did they actually like Driller as a friend or were they faking it? The more Driller thought about it, the more she got sad.

Driller stood up and started to walk to Scouts room, on her way their she could already see Spy trying to convince the new recruits to leave without being mean or harsh. Driller opened Scouts door, and saw Scout playing video games and drinking energy drinks.

" Hey scout, can I ask you a question?" Driller asked. Scout paused the game and put the controller down, " yea what's up." Scout said. Driller sat beside Scout and asked, " do you think I'm a good friend?", Scout had a big goofy yet friendly smile. " Of course, you made a picture for me and pyro, you play games with us, you don't try to start drama and you are good to be around." Scout said trying to make Driller feel better, Scout knew Driller felt bad because when Scout was young and insecure he would ask his mom the same questions.

" Why did you ask?" Scout asked, Scout kind of knew why but asked anyway. Driller looked down, " well, Spy kinda tried convincing me to leave and said things like it's dangerous here and how it's safer with my parents." Driller said. Scout looked at the door and then looked annoyed, " yea he does that, he ain't better than anyone else here and he's kinda a real jerk." Scout said.

Scout looked back at Driller with a smile and said, " don't let anyone get to ya, your honestly one of the nicest people I know and your a great friend."Driller felt better but thought she would feel better if she went to sleep, " alright Scout I'ma go to sleep, talk to you tomorrow." Driller said, " alright, later." Scout said. Driller walked away and knew that sleep would help her, naps were the best and she would need it because tomorrow they would all fight blu team.

Driller changed into pajamas and put her things away, she lied on the bed and it was very comfortable. The room was a little dusty and it was cold due to the air conditioning, but it was comfy. Driller put the blanket over her and looked at the window, she saw the luminescent moon. It was bright and beautiful, Driller eventually drifted off to sleep.

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