Chapter Eleven: The Secret Mission

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The day was an average day for all of the mercenaries, miss Pauling ran into the RED base and the mercenaries saw her. " Miss Pauling, what's wrong?" Scout asked, " Everybody, sit down for this." Miss Pauling said, the mercenaries sat down And miss Pauling looked worried. " I NEED you guys to do something important, I got some message from a random and unknown person who says that they will blow up the administrators private party full of wealthy people. I need you guys to work together and defuse the bomb, I will tell you what to do when you get there but for now you guys should get dressed so you guys fit in, and do NOT tell anyone at the party about the bomb." Miss Pauling said.

Miss Pauling gave Spy a piece of paper that had the address of the party and what time they should be there, " Miss Pauling, what about the BLU team?" Spy asked " *sigh* they refused to help." Mis Pauling answered, " don't worry miss Pauling, we'll help ya." Scout said. The mercenaries wore their best clothing, fancy clothes. But Pyro didn't take off his mask, the Chemist did take off her hazmat suit but still wore a mask that hid her mouth.

The mercenaries arrived at the party mansion that the administrator set up, Scout answered his phone and it was miss Pauling. " Hey, you guys there?"miss Pauling asked, " YES WE ARE, WHAT DO YOU NEED US TO DO NOW MISS PAULING, I CANT WAIT TO BEAT EVERY RICH PERSON IN THIS MANSION." Soldier said. " That's not necessary Soldier, but sense you mentioned it I have a job for all of you. I need Heavy, Medic, Pyro and Demoman to distract the audience. Scout, I need you to to shine the lights at Heavy, Medic, Demoman and Pyro so it looks intentional." Miss Pauling said.

" Sniper, Engineer, ... Fisher and veterinarian was it?" Miss Pauling asked, " yes ma'am." Veterinarian and Fisher said. " I need all four of you guys to be on the lookout for someone who seems suspicious." Miss Pauling says.

" Chemist, I need you to look through the cams and make sure that everything looks good." Miss Pauling said, Chemist then nodded.

"AND WHAT ABOUT ME MISS PAULING!" Soldier asked impatiently, " Soldier, you could uhhh, watch the rich folks and make sure no one gets hurt." Miss Pauling answered. " Finally, Spy you need defuse the bomb and sneak around but to make sure you don't look too suspicious, Driller can pretend to be your kid. You could make a lot of good excuses and possibly be worthy of pity if you pretended to be a father." Miss Pauling said,

" Very well Miss Pauling." Spy said. "please, don't disappoint me guys." Miss Pauling said, " Don't worry miss Pauling, we will NOT disappoint ya." Scout said. Miss Pauling hung up and all of the mercenaries walked towards the party mansion, when the mercenaries were in the mansion they immediately went where they needed to be. Most of them didn't even admire how nice it looked in the administrators mansion, there were a lot of rich people who held glasses filled with wine that probably costs three thousand dollars.

Driller held on tight to Spy's hand so she could seem like his kid, " One question, do 'ou know how to do a french accent?" Spy asked Driller. " Of course, a french accent isn't that hard." Driller responded, Spy and Driller walked to a room upstairs to try and find the bomb. Some of the other mercenaries could be seen watching everything, Driller knew how smart Spy was so she assumed that spy would know where the bomb is, he could have had past experience defusing a bomb.

" HEY, WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING HERE." A loud voice said behind spy and Driller, it was a guard of some sort. " Maybe he was hired by the administrator." Driller though, " good sir, do 'ou happen to know where the bathroom is, my daughter needs to go and we could not find it." Spy asked the guard. Driller though that was a good excuse to be upstairs where most shouldn't be, " uhh yea, it's right over there near the elevator." The guard said with a quieter tone, " Thank you good sir." Spy said. When Spy and Driller where at a safe enough distance Spy whispered something to Driller, " Good thing the room we need to in is close to the elevator ." Driller then nodded in a way of agreement

Driller and spy made sure no one was around and walked into a room filled with screens, spy turned on a flashlight so he could see in the dark. " Aha, here they are." Spy said, Spy started to move around wires and eventually cut one. When Spy cut the wire he got up and said, " well, our job here is done." But before spy and Driller could walk out, something appeared on one screen. A giant red smiley face and words that read, "HAHAHA, YOU FOOLS WALKED STRAIGHT IN MY TRAP. NOW THAT YOU DEFUSED THE BOMB HERE, ANOTHER BOMB WILL BLOW UP THE RED BASE IN 60 MINUTES." A voice could also be heard on the screen reading the text, Spy and Driller were shocked. " WE NEED TO GO, NOW." Spy yelled

Spy and Driller ran out of the room and saw a light shining down on Heavy, Medic, Pyro and Demoman while they were dancing and distracting the audience. "GENTLEMEN, WE NEED TO GO BACK TO THE RED BASE NOW, GET THE OTHERS, THERE IS NO TIME TO EXPLAIN." Spy told Heavy, Medic, Demoman and Pyro.

Medic and heavy ran to get the others while Spy and Driller were still trying to get outside, Spy and Driller got in the Red Bread truck and waited for the other mercenaries. Eventually all the RED mercs were outside and questioned Spy, " SPY, VHAT IS ZE PROBLEM." Medic asked, " THERE IS NO TIME TO EXPLAIN, GET IN THE TRUCK AND DRIVE TO THE BASE." spy responded.

While heavy was driving Spy explained to the mercenaries that the person who set up the bomb was going to blow up the red base and that there was no time to find the bomb so they instead needed to get their things and leave, the truck finally stopped and everyone ran out to get their belongings from the RED base.

Driller just took a bag and filled it with her Drill, melee weapon, guns, food, blankets, and balloonicorn so she could take everything she needed for later. Driller walked near scout's room and saw that he was struggling so she decided to help him, Driller put Scouts console and games  neatly in a bag. " Thankes kid." Scout said, " mhm." Driller responded as a way of saying your welcome.

Driller ran to Pyro's room and he seemed to be playing with toys, " Pyro, we need to pack up and get outta here, this place is going to blow up!" Driller said, Pyro stopped playing and started to put his things in a sack. Everyone ran out and made sure everyone was safe and had their things, but everyone still ran as far as they could. The trucks were far a way and the mercenaries use the trucks to leave the area. Driller looked back at the base and saw everything blow up, it was a sad thing to see, Driller though about how much money was spent on that base and felt bad for the people who built it.

" Ey ankle biter." Scout said to get Drillers attention, Driller looked back at scout. " I just wanna say thankes, for helping me pack." Scout said. " No problem, but uh, do you know where we're gonna go next?" Driller asked scout. Scout shrugged and then said, " Hopefully Mann co. Helps us out." Driller looked around at the individuals around her, medic yelled at Archimedes and the other doves to stop flying around, Pyro talked to Balloonicorn, Demoman started to cry and drink his sorrows away, The veterinarian and Fisher talked to each other, Engineer talked to Chemist. But for the most part, everyone was sitting quietly.

" Ladies and gentlemen, I called miss Pauling and she might help us out." Spy said from the passenger side, " hah, a new base, wonder what its gonna look like." Scout said. Driller though about the future a lot, but she mostly thought about how the battles with the BLU team were going to go. Driller knew that she was physically weak compared to these adults who probably had years of training, but Driller was proud of her mental strength which she had more of.

Driller though about ways to beat the BLU team, but she kept telling herself to think of the new base instead. Besides, they wouldn't have any new battles if they didn't even have a base. Driller leaned against the window of the truck and looked outside, Driller thought about what life would be like if her parents didn't make her work with mercenaries. She wouldn't like it, she was happy with where she was. she was happy that she was with people who probably wouldn't force her to do an adult job, she was happy with her first friends, Pyro and Scout. They cared about Driller, if they didn't than she wouldn't be where she is.

And if the other mercenaries didn't care about her, they would have sent her to a different place Sense she wasn't supposed to be a mercenary in the first place.
" Everything felt odd to Driller, it wasn't everyday you were a mercenary, for most average people at least. But even though she lived an odd life, she wouldn't trade it for anything in the entire world.

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