
Start from the beginning

"He cares about you, tho." You glanced back at Leo's retreating form, then at your turtle. "I mean, he doesn't really seem like the type to back down from a challenge, and we both know he was interested in me. He's letting you keep me without a fight." It was a very subtle brotherly way of showing love, but it was what a good leader would do. His team came first.

"Or he realized that you will never like him and he was trying to salvage his dignity." Donnie kept his arms crossed as he headed to his room. You chose not to comment that you were initially interested in Leo as you followed him.

"Hey Donnie, where are you headed?" Raph was heading in the direction the other brothers left, and he stopped beside Donnie's door. "Oh, hey (Y/n)!"

"Hey Raph!"

"I was gonna have a quiet night with (Y/n)," Donnie said, but it almost sounded nervous. "She's had a long day, and tonight was her last game before the match that determines if she goes to state." It didn't sound very important when he phrased it like that, but with the mounting tension leading up to the championship, each game was more draining than the last. Not to mention your emotional turmoil made everything worse.

Raph looked between the two of you, then nodded. "Raph understands. Feel better, alright?" He set a hand on your shoulder, and you smiled up at him. He had that fatherly kindness in his eyes.

Then he walked past you two, heading out of the lair after his brothers. "Well that's convenient. We're alone," you said, vaguely wondering if Donnie planned this.

"Very," Donnie said, echoing the word you liked to use.

"Well I need to shower cuz I stink. You have some clothes I can borrow again?"

"I'll bring them to you if you want to go start showering up," he offered, and you pushed the pizza into his hands as you placed a kiss on his cheek. His tail started wagging under his hoodie.

"Thanks darling!" You headed off to the shower. After stripping, you made sure the water was warm before stepping into the stream. You figured you should bring some shampoo, conditioner, and shower gel down so you could use your own stuff instead of theirs, but you doubted they cared. Their stuff smelled good, and while it definitely made you smell more manly, you couldn't find it in you to care. It was still soap, it still cleaned you just as well—with the added bonus of making you smell like your turtle.

You heard the door open, and Donnie stepped inside to set your clothes on the bathroom counter. Your head peeked around the shower curtain, and you immediately noticed his face was a little more red than green. You could only imagine what he was thinking about.

"You wanna join me?" you asked. His eyes widened, and he seemed stunned into silence for a moment. "The water's fine, and so is the company," you added, sending him a flirty wink. He scoffed, rolling his eyes to distract you from his flushed appearance. "I think it's about time for another lesson, don't you?"

"Fine," he finally grumbled, stripping out of his gear with forced reluctance. "But only because I might need to know for future writing endeavors."

"Do you really need a reason to see me naked?" you asked, an amused grin curving your lips. You stepped back so he could join you, his arms glued into a crossed position while your back moved into the stream of water.

"So what are you going to teach me today?" he asked, pointedly not answering your question. "How to have sexual intercourse in the shower?"

"Nope." Your grin only widened at his shock. "Your shower is tiny! I'm surprised Raph can fit in here."

"Then why am I here?" He stumbled over his words, the shock only making his flustered state more apparent.

"So I can teach you that most showers make sex awkward, and depending on what you want to do, someone might have to deal with the water getting in their eyes." You were scrubbing yourself with soap as you spoke, and you noticed the way his eyes followed your hands. "It doesn't make it impossible, just harder." He nodded along, his arms slowly dropping out of their crossed state until his hands were perfectly positioned in front of his dick. This ironically drew your attention to it, and his blush only got worse. "What's wrong, darling?"

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