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When you got back to the turtle's lair, your blizzard was completely gone and you were in a much better mood—due in no small part to listening to Donnie ramble about his newest invention. "...It will revolutionize the vacuum industry!" he stated as you two nearly walked into Leo and Mikey. The brothers snickered. Donnie rolled his eyes, his excited smile slipping into a distasteful frown.

"Sometimes I wonder if you'll ever get a girlfriend, Don Tron, but then you reassure me it'll never happen," Leo said, in typical brotherly love fashion. Donnie scoffed, unable to cross his arms due to the pizza in his hands.

"Actually, (Y/n) and Donnie-" Donnie swiped Mikey's legs out from under him with his tech bo, and you gasped in surprise.

"Oops," the genius said boredly. Mikey whined as he sat up.

"But I caught you two-"

"Shushushush!" Donnie pushed the end of the staff into Mikey's lips, silencing him. But Leo wasn't quite that oblivious.

"Oh, now I gotta know." He leaned into his brother's personal space, a smug and curious grin on his lips. "Nothing goes on in my team without my knowing about it...or something leader-like like that."

"It doesn't concern the leader, so you can take your nose back out of the matter," Donnie shot back. Leo looked down at the blizzard in your hands, then he grinned like the pieces were falling into place.

"Did you two just come back from a date?" He wiggled his eyebrows obnoxiously, but it only made you smile. He was charming in everything he did, even when he was annoying your purple turtle.

"No, it was not a date, Nardo." Donnie handed the pizza off to you so he could fold his arms.

"(Y/n), chica, was it a date?" Leo asked, leaning into your personal space. You grinned.

"It totally was." The genius gaped at you.

"That's my girl." Leo threw an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his side playfully. You smiled at the leader as Donnie huffed. "See Don? You can't hide anything from me." Leo put his other hand on his hip, looking as cocky as he felt.

"And I caught them sleeping together," Mikey added, now on his feet beside his leader. Donnie hid his embarrassment with anger, but you would be lying if you said your face wasn't a little more pinkish than it was before. Leo blinked, torn between being impressed his brother got laid and shocked you chose Donnie.

"Michael means sleeping in the same bed." Donnie was unsure who to pin with his glare, so he switched it between his brothers. Leo's grin was mischievous as he nodded slowly, but Mikey nodded along enthusiastically.

"Yeah. Donnie isn't cool enough for, uh, the other thing." Said turtle's jaw dropped as you hid your snicker with a cough.

"Uh, dudes?" Shelldon whizzed by, slowing just enough to add his input. "They've been sleeping together, too. Like, for real." Then he zipped off as Donnie's shout of "SHELLDON!" followed him. Your cheeks were burning now.

Leo leaned close enough for you to feel the teasing energy radiating off him, and he wiggled his eyebrows. "Really?" But he asked like he already knew the answer. So you looked down, shrugging nervously. "Well if that nerd doesn't treat you right, I'll be here." He patted your shoulder, an almost affectionate glint in his eyes as he looked between you and Donnie. "Practice safe sex!" He called over his shoulder as he walked off, Mikey following after him.

"I swear he lets that leader role go to his head, and he uses it to make my life hell," Donnie grumbled through clenched teeth. His arms were tightly flexed in their crossed state, tapping his bo against the ground irritably with his face more colored than usual. You shrugged, trying to let the awkward tension leave your body as the other turtles left the room.

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