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A/n: ah yes, the long-awaited chapter 37. Guys, I'm so sorry this took so fucking long to update. I had personal shit to take care of and I needed a break. But here you guys go, enjoy. Also, don't be shy to comment I love looking through your guy's comments. 

What exactly was she meant to do? Say hi, and ask how their day was. She idolized these people behind a screen. It was just a screen but now it was so much more. They were in front of her, questioning her, staring at her, judging her, admiring her. All of her words seemed to get caught in her throat, not that she was good with words anyways. She stood there feeling like she was already making a fool out of herself though nothing had been said. 

"Ex- excuse me," her voice betrayed her before she walked out to the balcony area of the restaurant to get some fresh air.  The air was cold and cooling in her lungs, the feeling leaving as she exhaled. Holy fuck did she need a smoke right now. "Hi," Liza jumped at the voice behind her. She turned around to see a stunningly handsome man behind her. He wore a suit, the tie falling right over the button-up shirt. His red glasses matched the small red handkerchief sticking out of the pocket. He chuckled at her. "Sorry I didn't mean to startle you, just wanted to make sure you're alright," his voice was soothing, careful, like he was scared she'd run off again.

She felt a burning sensation behind her ear, wincing as the feeling got stronger. "May I?" He asked to which she nodded, still in shock. He moved closer, moving the curly strands that covered her soul mark. He couldn't see it but he knew where it was. His fingers grazed over the mark, the burning feeling dissipating. He backed up again and gave her a small smile. "I'm Matt, Matt Murdock," she couldn't hide the blush on her face as she saw the glowing puzzle piece on the side of his neck. "I know who you are," she said as she touched the soul mark on his neck, the glowing stopping as she did so. "You do?" Head tilted to the side as he asked. "Yeah I um, I've heard you're a really good lawyer," Liza said making him laugh. God was that sound was beautiful. She could listen to it all day. She fascinated Matt.

 "I like you,"  
"You don't know me," 
"I want to, though."

Her mind soon became consumed with thoughts of him and what they could be, what they could become. The silence over them wasn't uncomfortable, but there wasn't much she could say. She wanted to speak, say how she felt, and yet she was speechless. She couldn't have said it any better. "Liza?" A voice came from behind Matt. It was Marc. She saw their soul marks glowing on both of them. They looked at each other, words unsaid, but they didn't need to speak. In a way, they both knew, reaching out to touch the other's mark, making the glowing stop. "I'm Marc,"Matt, nice to finally meet you, both of you." He reached out, grabbing both of them by the hand, leading them somewhere and not telling them why.

They stopped right back at the booth that Liza ran away from. So many eyes were on the both of them. Marc took charge, being the leader that he is, and introduced himself as well as Liza while she stood beside him looking at the floor. She always wondered what it felt like for her fans who got to meet her, and now she finally knows. "Liza?" She heard snapping her out of her trance. The world had gone mute for a moment, and she didn't even realize.

She looked to meet the voice calling out to her and was met with a woman. A woman who had red hair to match her perfectly fierce attitude. "You ok?" Natasha said before letting her respond. Liza could feel all the burning marks on her skin, and she wanted nothing more than for it to stop, but she was also nervous. Nervous that they wouldn't accept her, that they would leave her with burning marks and a hole in her chest. Deep down, she knows they won't, Matt and Marc have already shown that enough, yet she can't help the lingering worry.

Liza nods, a soft smile on her lips in an attempt to convince them and herself that she really was ok. "Baby," Marc grabbed Liza's attention, showing her that all his marks were done glowing, all but one. While she was busy staring at the ground, everyone was accepting Marc as their soulmate, well almost everyone. "Have dinner with us, please." Bruce was speaking to Marc. Liza and him were the only ones still standing as everyone else was sitting in the large booth. Marc smiled and looked over at his girlfriend. "Sit, I'll go tell the waiter we're joining them." He said before leaving a soft peck on her lips and walking off.

She looked at the table and noticed Peter, who was sitting at one end of the booth, telling everyone to scoot down so she would have space to sit. He pat the seat and looked at her as if he had the same amount of nerves that she did. She fixed the tight-fitting black skirt she was wearing before sitting beside him.

"I um, I love your videos," Peter said while fidgeting with his fingers. He didn't give Liza the chance to respond before speaking again. "You're like super funny and entertaining, and I watch you all the time. I mean like allllll the time. You're super cool, and I can't believe you're my soulmate, I mean you don't have to be if you reject me which I really hope you don't but it is a possi-" "You're rambling sweetheart," Wanda said from the other side of him as she put her hand on his shoulder, rubbing soothingly with her thumb. He muttered a "sorry" as he looked at the table, blushing.

Liza reached out to where she saw the glowing coming from. His button-up shirt wasn't buttoned up all the way, making his collarbone visible. Her hand hovered over his collarbone, the mark glowing past her fingertips. She finally pressed her fingers onto what she thought was freakishly soft skin before the glowing stopped, and he was left with a puzzle piece tattoo and a smile. That single movement opened the gates to everyone else as they all moved to accept Liza as their soulmate. Yet again, all but one.

Marc came back and sat across from Liza and next to Natasha who was on the other end of the booth. "What'd I miss?" He said as he smiled at everyone at the table. "Just Pete being a fangirl," Wade made fun of him making everyone else giggle. The tension eased as the waiter came around and asked for everyone's orders and then left. Small talk began, and the booth was quickly filled with chatter, laughs, and smiles.

However, Tony Stark sat, observing quietly, which was unusual with his cocky ego. As excited as he was to finally meet his last two Soulmates, he was overprotective of the ones he already has. Marc and Liza seemed like genuinely nice people, sweet, but he didn't know if they had some alternative motive. He couldn't just accept them as his soulmates, at least not yet.

"Tony, stop being a hard ass," Steve said from beside him, a volume only Tony could hear. "I'm not," he said as he looked to see Marc and Sam laughing about something. He hated that they were able to click almost instantaneously, but then again, what did he expect? The only thing he hated more was that he couldn't stop the affection he felt while looking at them. "So why are their marks still glowing?" That comment left Tony silent as he continued to observe them, each having an arc reactor mark glowing on their wrist. Tony had a moon and puzzle piece still glowing on his wrist as well.

"Tony," Steve said in a stern voice, making him turn. Tony met his eyes and immediately rolled his own. "No offense, but I don't even know them," He said a little louder. "Yes, you do. At least they know us, sn't that right, Liza?" Nat said with a mischievous grin on her face, making the rest of the table quiet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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