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(A/n: I just wanna say in advance for any chapters to come. I'm sorry for any new characters that may pop in from TV shows, bands, etc. I have a lot of hyper fixations and feel the need to put them in all my books 😭)

"Um ok?" Liz was at a loss of words. This had never happened before and she had no clue as to what to do. "THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED WHEN BILLY AND I FOUND OUT WE WERE SOULMATES!" Stu yelled to which Flo whinced, being right next to him.  "Let's just get inside," Liz wanted to move away from the topic and watch the damn movie. The friend group started going in and slowly people started coming up to them. Sometimes they forgot that they were well known. Liz never really liked the word famous, or to categorize people in general.

"OH MY GOD! You're Markiplier, i-m a huge fan." Some girl went up to the group. Mark smiled and nodded. "Well I'm happy to have you as fan," He said to her. They talked for a little and took a picture. By now each person in the friend group had atleast 2 fans talking to them. Liz loved her fans, she wouldn't be where she is today without them bit it could get a little over whelming at times. "I'm really sorry but we have to go to our movie, bye guys!" Ethan waved to fans and ushered his friends towards him. They said bye to the remaining fans and waked towards Ethan.

The movie was gonna start in 20 minutes but they wanted to huge snacks. "Nick, where are you going?" "I think I dropped my keys, I can't find them." Liz heard thick British accents, it reminded her of her brother Zayn and his boyfriends. (A/n: I don't feel like coming up with a reasonable explanation as to why some characters have accents and some don't even if they all live in NY. Use ur imagination and just roll with it)

She soon felt a tap on her shoulder. "I'm sorry to bother but have you seen any keys on the ground? I think I lost mine,"  A boy with strawberry blonde hair said to her. Liz tried to think back but none came to mind. "Nah, I don't think so but I'll help look. Eef, order popcorn for me, I'll be back," Liz said to which Ethan nodded.

"You don't have to," The british boy said. "No but I want to," Liz said and started walking in different directions with the boy, looking at the floor for keys. "What's your name?" He asked, examining behind arcade machines as if it somehow got there. "Liz and you?" "Nick, my boyfriend Charlie is ordering snacks." He gestured towards a skinny looking boy with curly black hair. I then turned back to Nick. "Yeah, his soulmark for me was a bunch of cartoony and colorful leaves," he said with a smile.

"Aww that's cute, I haven't found my soulmates yet." "You have multiple marks?" He asked to which Liz nodded. They continued to talk and look in different spots. "My moon mark has been glowing all day so I guess that means they're near by, atkeast that's what my friend said." Liz told Nick. "Probably," he responded. Liz swore she saw something twinkle in the corner of her eye. She dropped onto her knees and looked behind a heater to see keys on the floor.

"Yours I'm guessing?" Liz said, holding the keys up to him. "Nick, the movie's starting soon-" "THANK YOU SO MUCH! Oh, Charlie this is Liz, Liz this is Charlie," Nick introduced. "Oh you're Nick's boyfriend, it's nice to meet you," Liz smiled at the black hair boy. "You too, thanks for helping him find his keys, he's a real pain," Charlie said which made her chuckle. "Hey!" Nick pretended to be offended.

The three exchanged number and Liz went back to her friends. She made it just in time after ordering food and started making their way to their seats. It was quiet and calm. Some people gave them looks, granted they were a bunch of adults/teens trying to watch a child's movie with no... child but they weren't THAT old. They were just here for a nice day with friends and a nostalgic movie. Liz looked down at her moon mark to see that it was no longer glowing. She let out a sigh of relief and watched the movie with her friends. Yes, she wanted to meet her soulmates but not now, she was too much of a nervous reck for that.

*Time skip brought to you by heartstopper making the gays feel lonely😭*

Not again. Right after Liza was feeling relief about her mark calming down, it starts glowing again. The same exact one. How could this be! They were at a museum now, a whole new place! It was an Egyptian museum and Mark decided it would be fun to vlog there since he rarely does vlogs.

Trix and Stu went straight to the gift shop, trying to see what useless things they can spend their money on. "And this is my bestfriend Liza," she heard from behind her. She turned around to see mark with a camera in his hand. Liz  wasn't entirely sure if they could film in here but let Mark be anyways. "Hello," Liza waved to the camera or soon to be audience.

Liz was looking at the pyramid of giza when she heard a voice that made her heart skip a beat. "They go up the old nozzle and-" He made a slurping sound. "And all the organs would come out except for the heart." Liza had heard british accents before, hell she has two brothers who are british but his... his accent was intoxicating. She couldn't get enough.

She turned around to see a man with curly hair and a jacket, talking to a young girl. "How come?" She asked showing much interest. "Because, they believed you needed your heart to be judged in the underworld and only the woooorthiest would be allowed to pass through the field of reeds," He said, exaggerating his movements a bit. "And did it suck for you, getting rejected from the field of reeds?" The little girl asked, not only confusing the man but Liza as well.

She probably shouldn't have been listening in anyways. "Well that doesn't make sense cause im not dead, am I? Am I..." He said as a lady with boxes stopped him. "Stevie that better not be you again," "Sorry Donna!" As the man grabbed the boxes and started heading towards the gift shop where Beatrix and Stu were. The two friends were looking around, unbotherered by the new presence. "Don't know how many times I have to tell you this, you're not a bloody tour guide Stevie," Donna scolded him. "Steven actually I am-" he tapped his name tag - "Steven," So that was his name.

"No, you're bloody useless unless you're actually doing what you're paid to do which is sell these to children," Donna put a box of toys on the counter next to the cash register. "Got it," Steven sighed as Donna walked away. "LIZA!" Stu yelled across the room, motioning her over. Stu's voice naturally carried, he didn't have to fucking yell. She walked over there none the less, not even bothering to question why. She saw Mark, Billy, Ethan and Flo admiring everything in the corner of her eye.

Trix handed Liz a mini puzzle of a pyramid since she liked that kind of stuff. She walked over to the cash register and made eye contact with Steven. Her breathing hitched for a moment, frozen in place. Stu looked and saw the moon on her wrist brighter than before, Steven having a puzzle piece on his wrist glow brightly as well. Oh my God, TRUE LOVE! He thought, watching the two. Steven gave Liza a warm smile.


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