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(A/n: Guys I've changed some things... Pietro is still dead in this story. It just works better for a scenario I planned out for later chapters. Sorry not sorry😘)

*2 weeks later*

"I would like to welcome to the stage, wingus, dingus, and bingus," Mark said as he introduced Ethan, Tyler, and Liza to the audience. "Who's ready to cream?" Ethan said as he came into view. "Melt it right in," Tyler said, soon shaking his head, regretting the choice of words. "Alright so we're going to be making-" Mark switched over to a french accent. "So we are going to be making creme bru- why are you standing there?" He turned to Liza who was standing behind him yet directly next to him at the same time. 

"Where else would I stand?" She said. "This is your station," He said pointing a foot away from him but still next to him. "OH. Oh, we have stations," "Yes," Mark replied, laughing at her. "Oh, I get it now." She said as he looked at the paper and baking tools in front of her. They introduced the topic of the video properly and read off the steps to making creme brulee. "And cool completely. Refrigerate for... several hours. How long did you want us to be here?!" Liza said making everyone laugh.

"Hey Pete," Wade said, walking into the room and jumping onto Peter's bed. The younger boy grabbed the remote and paused the video. "Whatcha watching?" Wade asked as he made himself comfy. "Markiplier, Liza's in this video," Peter said after unpausing the video on the TV. Wade watched Peter's face as he stared at the girl in the video. "Oh, so your little crush. Yeah, she's gorgeous," Wade said making Peter's head turn to him. "So you think she's gorgeous?" Peter said. "You got some balls to say that in front of your soulmates," Natasha said crossing her arms as she walked in. "Well she is um, she's pretty. Obviously, you're very gorgeous, Nat and Petey, you are very handsome and um. I love youuuuu." Wade said. He got up and hugged Natasha from the back and pecked her neck.

He looked down at Peter who was sitting on the bed waiting for his kiss. "Sorry, Petey but you at least need to be 18 to ride this ride," Wade said still rocking back and forth with Natasha in his arms. Peter threw his arm up in the air. "I'm almost 20 you fucker. Why am I even dating you?" He said shaking his head. Natasha rolled her eyes and left Wade's arms. "Go," She chuckled and pushed him towards Peter. "I was kidding, ok?" He said as he sat on the bed with peter. He grabbed onto Peter's neck, turning his head to make him look his way.

 "Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back," He said making Peter laugh. "Cheesy," Wade gave him a peck, to begin with, and before you knew it they were eating each other's faces. "OK enough, I'm not in the mood to see you two make out right now," Nat said pulling them apart. "But you will be later tonight," Wade said and winked at her. Peter lifted his arm and patted Wade's shoulder. "Never say that again," He said and went back to watching Liza.

"Ok well, I originally came in here to say that Tony made a reservation for all of us tonight so start getting ready." Nat looked at the screen, analyzing Liza's action for a moment before starting to walk out. "Wait is it like casual dinner or like a fancy type of thing?" Peter asked. "Fancy!" She yelled out as she walked into the elevator outside his room, most likely going to her floor.

They soon started getting ready, grabbing clothes and throwing them onto his bed. Well mainly Peter, Wade was just watching it all happen. "Babe, just grab a button-down, some pants, and call it a day. At least that's what I'm doing," Wade said. After a while, the younger settles on what Wade had said and started fixing his hair. Wade had gotten dressed long before Peter did and was waiting for him outside. "Mr. Stark is requesting you all at the lobby in five minutes" Friday said as Peter walked out the bathroom.

*time skip*

"Reservation for two, under the name Spector." Marc said to the nice hostess. "Marc Spector, right this way!" She led him and Liza to a booth near the back. The two of them sat down and waited for someone to come take their orders. They looked at the menu, making small conversation in the mean time. Someone eventually showed up at the table. "Hi, my names Malcom, I'll be your waitor for tonight. Anything I can get you guys started with?" He asked the two proceeded to give him their orders.

"I'll be back with your drinks, good luck meeting your other soulmates!" Malcom said once he was done and walked off. The two of they looked at each other's arms and saw multiple marks lighting up in all different colors. One was even seen on Liza's chest due to her low cut top.

Marc reached across the table for Liza's hand. They were shaky and sweaty, she was not ready yet. This is the first time her and Marc are going out on a proper date and now she might meet everyone else too. "Hey it's ok. I'm sure our soulmates are decent people." Marc said with a chuckle at the end, an attempt to calm her nerves. That didn't make her feel any better, more concerned she'll be the fuck up and not them.

"Our largest tables at the moment are booths unless you would rather wait for a larger table. It would be about an hour until then." The hostess said with a big group behind her. "That's ok, a booth will be fine." A soft voice said, it was a bit raspy but soft. The voice sounded familiar, too familiar. Liza didn't bother to look up at them but could feel her marks start glowing brighter when they sat down out the booth next to Marc and her. Marc rubbed her arms trying to soothe the small pinching feeling on her skin.

"I have to uh- I got to go use the bathroom. Give me one second." Liza said as she gently removed Marc's hand from her arm. All she wanted was a moment to herself to take a simple breath. She got up and started walking to the bathroom. "Woah calm down passenger princess I-" "Wade do you want to keep your life?" Liza heard a women snap back at the man as she came closer to the booth. "Guys our last 2 marks are glowing." A different man said, his voice was deep but soft at the same time. "It's her." A young man said to th group right as Liza walked by, grabbing her attention. She turned to the group of people and froze.

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