↣ chapter nineteen

Start from the beginning

"Sehun?" She asked, and Sehun lifted his gaze from his phone, almost not wanting to.

"Yeah, what Hangyul said."

Heejung raised her brows in surprise. Nonetheless, she could not blame them. They aren't really the friendliest sorts to be combined, however, it is very unusual of them to act this way even in professional grounds.

"Then, do you want to go grab something to eat? We haven't had dinner."

"Are you hungry?" Sehun cross-examined, his gaze now back to his phone.

Heejung burned holes in his skull, displeased of his display of lack of interest. She has always believed that when you are speaking to someone, you must hold eye contact. Unless you physically can't.

The memory of her just hours ago in the cafeteria with Sehun ran through her mind, and she cussed at herself internally. Hypocrite.

"Yes," she replied.

"Do you want to order? Chicken?"

"I'd rather not." She didn't bring her meds for it, and just the image of chicken made her puke. Anything but poultry, really. It was the only thing she ate for the past month.

This caused the man to look up to her. "No?"

"How about that mushroom burger we ordered last time? You said you loved those," Hangyul pitched, and Sehun turned to him with the same amused look.

Heejung's face beamed. "Oh yeah! You're right, I'll have that." The tender taste of the beef melted in her tongue just imagining it.

Hangyul snorted, shaking his head at the memory that crossed his mind. "Let's have Sangjun Hyung come over, he'll love those."

"Oh, no—" Her laughter raptured the room. "Why'd you have to mention it? Now I can't take the image off my head!" The previous snickering escalated and they both almost dropped on the floor just cackling.

Sehun smiled, torn in misery and curiosity unable to follow the exchanges of the two just now.

"I'll order now then..." He mumbled to himself, ignoring the two who were yet to recover from their session, their stomachs aching from the excessive laughing.

Eyes trained on the screen, he noticed the dying noise that circulated next to him just seconds ago. Hangyul cleared his throat as Heejung slapped his shoulder to sober from the then befuddled state. 

"Did you order already?" Hangyul asked, shaking his head to focus his gaze on Sehun, who sent him a small nod.

Heejung sat back down on her seat and shifted to find a comfortable position. The monitor had already slept that she had to hover the mouse for it to light again. As they waited for the food to come, she resumed her work and the music commenced.

As the melody of the chorus went on, Hangyul walked to her space and leant forward from behind her to have a clear view of the software.

"Hee, I think it's missing something—"

Heejung jolted. She didn't even hear him sneaking toward her. He noticed the shock and laughed, lowering his head as he shook his head disbelievingly, his forelocks slipping from inside the hood of his sky blue hoodie.

Having to watch the whole interaction, Sehun cocked his brow in incredulity. Running out of ideas to get their attention in a subtle way, he cleared his throat—which miserably failed as the two went on seriously discussing the project they are working on.

He couldn't clearly hear the exchange they were having, thanks to the loud speakers, but Hangyul managed to say something hilarious that had Heejung leaning back against her chair as she guffawed.

She laughed. She never laughed like that with Sehun—free and uncaring of her surrounding.

Sehun smiled, tattered between happiness and resentment. If you can't stop them, join them, they say. So, he laughed along them like an insane person in the middle of the streets unbeknownst of reality. He doesn't even know what they're laughing about.

The sudden joint caused the two to slower their titter, and turn to Sehun who lifted his phone to his face, pointing to the screen.

"This is so funny, I can't!" He exclaimed.

And another series of cackling went on, but Heejung couldn't bring herself to do the same and could only grin at his happiness.

Hangyul soon joined him, not because of anything else but because of Sehun's unique way of cracking up.

I've never felt humiliated of myself, Sehun mused as he stared at Heejung and Hangyul conversing back among themselves as if they have their own world, and they do. He should have taken music more seriously. He should have gone with Chanyeol whenever he goes to Song Camp so at least in that minimal way he could pick up some of the producers' jargon.

Now he felt like the dumbest person in the room. He's a singer for heaven's sake but how come he couldn't comprehend any of the words that leaves their mouths?

The night felt longer as it is.

They ate dinner, a rather quiet one. Sehun couldn't bring himself to engage in any conversation with the two despite their best efforts to pop one.

Before the song came to its completion, Sehun stood up from the sofa, and alerted them that he'll be off.

Heejung looked over the clock and found it's already 1 a.m.. She should call it a day. And so, she packed her things having Hangyul empty of any choice but to follow.

Sehun went ahead of them, and Heejung came after, almost tripping on her toes to follow him. Through the hallway, she watched his tall built stride. He must be tired sitting for hours, yet she couldn't pin any reason why he had done that in the first place.

The elevator rolled open and the three entered. Hangyul pressed the ground floor and then, silence bellowed them. He tapped restlessly on the floor, disturbing Heejung and Sehun who were enjoying the quiet.

"You okay there?" Heejung rested her hand on Hangyul's shoulder.

"Yeah," he replied. "On second thought, could you drive me home? Hanni borrowed my car this morning and hasn't returned it since."

"Sure, no problem."

Sehun didn't say anything. He wished he did. But he didn't, and only glanced at Heejung's agreeable face.

The door rolled open. And an overly familiar face, too much of it to Sehun, stood before them. The woman smiled brightly upon seeing him who was just as surprised as Heejung.

"Hayeon, what are you doing here?"



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