Yutaro: good morning bosses.

Watoshi: morning sirs.

Ran: great timing, why you here?

Yutaro: we've collected the girl.

Ran: really, great job Yutaro.

Watoshi: I helped to.

Sanzu: shut up, where is she?

Yutaro: in the meeting office tied to a chair.

Ran: we mustn't keep her waiting let's go.

Rindou: you're way to excited.

Ran: am I?

Kokonoi: yes, yes you are.

Kakucho: go ahead I'll go get Mikey, he probably hasn't stood up from his bed yet.

Takeomi: alright we'll see you there.

    Everyone except for Kakucho then headed up to the office to see their "payment"

Ran: (stands in front of the door) beyond this door is either a great achievement or disappointment, let's handle the situation delicatly.

Mochi: not you giving a whole ass speach before entering.

Rindou: what is wrong with you.

Sanzu: move your ass before I move it for you.

Kokonoi: this is so stupid.

Ran: okay okay chill, let's all take deep breaths.

Takeomi: this is ridiculous (pushes Ran through the door).

Ran: why?

   The rest of them then walked passed him and saw a girl on a chair, she was wearing a hoodie, her hair covered her face and she was sound asleep.

Kokonoi: I presume that's the girl.

Ran: (pushes Kokonoi) move,
(removes the hair covering her face and pulls her hood down) wait, (dramatically gasps) she's gorgeous.

Sanzu: (pushes Ran) let me see, (eyes widen) wait isn't this.... Koko get over here.

Kokonoi: (gets closer and then his eyes widen) she's.....

Rindou: she's what spit it out.

Sanzu: she's my angel.

Takeomi: what?

Kokonoi: it's Konomi.

Rindou/Mochi/Takeomi: eh!

Ran: you heard right, she the beauty from the club the other day, I could never forget her, (cups her face) she's even prettier up close.

Konomi: (wakes up and opens her eyes) wha? (screams) who the hell are you!!?

Ran: not so loud cutie.

Konomi: get your filthy hands of my face now!!

Ran: wha?

Konomi: (bites his finger).

Ran: ow!! Why did you do that?

Konomi: dunno seemed right.

Kokonoi: Konomi please stay calm.

Konomi: (eyes widen when she looked at him) you? Silver coconut!?

Kokonoi: the heck!

Sanzu: ha I told you your hair is stupid.

Konomi: I can't believe the cotton candy prince is here too how pleasant (roles eyes).

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